
Everwood is a scarce material that comes from the Everwood tree. Found in the Densest forests on Evermyst the Everwood Tree Grows Rather in dark forested regions often along the walls of Ravines and Gullies. In its sapling stages, it's indistinguishable from the more common cypress pine but as the tree ages, its trunk begins to develop a warm Ivory color with strakes of rust in it.   Everwood Trees become more evident and show the following signs after aging approximately 200 years when weather and the elements begin to strip portions of their Grey Bark to reveal their Ivory Innards. There are Everwood trees that are thousands of years old and they have been known to grow in strange manners with their roots Clinging and Climbing Gully and Ravine walls and traveling deep into the earth as time and elements shape these wonderous trees they begin to take on their character and no two are the same.   Everwood Trees are often harvested in small portions rather than Felling the whole tree, This is done more out of respect and knowledge of their rarity it is not common knowledge about this tree's properties to resist decay it was only leaned of as the Elves had given gifts of Everwood boxes to the other races of Man and Halfling. It was learned that things such as food, cloth, and iron would not show any signs of decay when placed within containers made of Everwood.    The Elves would often give small boxes made of Everwood as gifts containing a freshly picked flower at weddings or christenings and these flowers would not dry up or wilt but be just as fragrant as the day they were picked.   Legend has it that a Dwarven Adventurer Tharil Brownbeard lost his hand in battle against some Orcs and his companion Thanious the Wise had an Everwood box placed the severed hand in the Box and kept it from rotting until they could return to the Elven city of Elyneas where a Healer was able to reattach the hand almost 3 weeks later.  
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Material Characteristics

Everwood Trees look like Thick and Tall Gnarled Cypress trees they can only be distinguished by the Flesh beneath the bark that is Ivory and Rust in color.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Everwood is always warm to the touch not so much so that it can provide heat or warmth but it always feels that way no matter the atmosphere around it. Everwood is highly resistant to fire and known to only suffer minor surface damage when exposed to Flames of a magical nature.

Geology & Geography

Everwood only Grows in Deep Ravines and Gullys in the Primordial Forests of Evermyst.

Life & Expiration

Branches and sections of Everwood trees do fall off from time to time these still hold the Anti-Decay and Flame Resistant preservation properties the the level tree does.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Making Boxes , Containers, and Vials from the wood.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Elves often Give gifts of Everwood to Newly Married Couples, or Newly Born and Christened Children. Boxes of Everwood are given to Dignitaries and People of some admiration by the Elves.

Industrial Use

Everwood is not used in Great quantities such as manufacturing.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Everwood Shavings and Chips are often used in the storage of treasured metal objects of the Elves such as Weapons, Tools, Artifacts as they greatly help in the prevention of excess moisture or rust and can greatly slow any decay.

Reusability & Recycling

Everwood can always be repurposed or made into other wooden objects as long as they enclose the object held inside it will be preserved from decay. this cannot be said about the hinges latches or workings made of other materials holding it together.


Trade & Market

Artisan Carpenters and Wood Carvers


Most Everwood is kept in locked secret places to avoid theft. Everwood needs no special preservation methods.

Law & Regulation

Anyone Felling a Whole Everwood Tree in Elven Territories caught doing so will be sentenced to death.
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200 gp
Ivory with strakes or bands of Rust
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Items Contained in Everwood do not freeze nor does the material.
Very Dense

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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Aug 11, 2024 12:09

I would love to have a chest that doesn't let things age. Has anyone thought about making coffins out of this wood to keep the dead in, or beds so that you wake up the next day as young as you were the day before? I liked the culture and legend built in, which rounds it all off nicely. However, I would end the article after the picture and not use the list of questions again, as I often had the feeling that you were repeating yourself from the first part.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.