
Perhaps one of the most endearing creatures of Evermyst is the Flitten a Feywild remotely distant cousin to your typical Tabby cat the Flitten are usually elusive tricksters only found in the Feywild realms but there are times when one of these mischievous creatures appears as a familiar or pet to an enterprising mage or warlock who has some relative ties to the Feywild. Flittens possess Butterfly wings much like many Fairies and Pixies do they are highly intelligent but maintain many kittenlike mannerisms such as playing and making messes of one's papers and journals or the ever-attractive balls of twine or yarn. Flittens have the ability to turn invisible at will and as a protective ability can call upon an unexpected growl or roar and hiss much like that of a bobcat changing its demeanor in an unexpected way. It usually does this for individuals it does not trust or know as a form of protection and can call upon this presence attack of sorts at least once a day and more as it develops its abilities alongside those of its mage or warlock master.   Flittens are very unpredictable pranksters even when serving as Familiar to a mage or under a gift of service to a Warlock who has a Fey Patron/Benefactor. Fey Patrons who are themselves of a mischievous nature often gift warlocks who serve them with Flittens to test the warlock's patience.   Flittens have been known to make absolute messes of magical manuscripts, play and bat vials of Alchemical vials and potions, steal trinkets that are shiny, or have a comforting magical aura that appeals to the Flitten.   Flittens prefer to make their beds In hollowed logs or up high in hollow portions of ancient trees. In the servitude of Mage or Warlock, they will gladly make a home up in the rafters or some hard-to-access roost within the mages residence or snuggle up in a deep coat or cape pocket often stretching or scratching at awkward moments within a mages garments or perhaps an unexpecting pawing at an elderly mages beard or unsuspecting paw coming out from behind his beard to swat at something or someone.  
by Bing Image Creator Ai
  Flittens Despite their Mischievous and sometimes Trouble making nature are much desired by Mages and Warlock interested in the Feywild and its wonders because of their ability to sense magic and come off as less harmless or dark as other Familiars such as Imps and wild beasts may. For this reason, Flittens have a place within the hearts of many of the people of Evermyst be it in just tall tales or actual dealings.

Basic Information


Flitten's possesses the same number of limbs as an ordinary House cat (Four) with front and back claws in addition they also have Butterfly wings or Dragonfly wings.

Biological Traits

Flitten look like young kittens all through their adult life this is some how inherent due to their whimsical and mischivios nature and the magics of the Feywild

Genetics and Reproduction

Flittens can only reproduce naturally within the Feywild but unlike ordinary cats Flitten mate for life and only produce 1-2 litters of Baby Flitten typically litters are 2-6 young.

Growth Rate & Stages

Flittens never develop beyond that in appearance as a 9-month-old kitten although they can live for up to 50 years. They reach their full-grown stage with the first 3 years of actual life.

Ecology and Habitats

Flittens Thrive in the same environments as Fairies and Pixies Typically being Feywild Forest and groves, but on rare occasions, they have been known to inhabit areas of normal and primordial forests within Evermyst within a mile or less of a Feywild Portal or enchanted Shortcut-like Fallen or hollow Ancient Trees Covered with Irreidescent Mushrooms or Magical stones or near Magical Springs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Flittens prefer to eat plants and small insects but will not turn down the occasional mouse or helpless bird they much prefer Mushrooms and can even eat ones that are typically poisonous to humans they love eating tall green grass, catnip, and crickets.


Flittens Are playful antagonists and mischievous investigators and explorers. They are attracted to much the same things kittens are things that make crinkly noises, easy to tangle or make a mess of they will tease and play with creatures even much larger than they are and would gladly bat at a Tieflings Tail sniff and try to hide and play in a Dwarfs Bushy beard. They are attracted to shiny and magical objects and will often begin to sniff and rub up against or paw things that are magical. They can sense subtle differences between light and dark magic and tend to get nervous around death and Dark Magics.

Additional Information


Flitten are only Domesticated though Magical Bonding spells.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most often Found in the Feywild but can be found in Primordial Forests typically near or within a mile of a Feywild Protal or magical Shortcut.

Average Intelligence

Above Average Animal Inteligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Flittens have excellent eyesight and can even see in almost pitch black dark. in addition, they are attracted to and can sniff out magical energies and auras making them desirable familiars for Mages and Warlocks.
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Fly, Walk
50 years
Average Height
8-10 inches
Average Weight
3-4 pounds
Average Length
10-14 inches
Average Physique
Fluffy with large kitten eyes.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically Orange or Brown Tabby-like Cat fur with strips and Matching patterns of Butterfly or Moth wings. A Rarer Flitten has siamese cat-like markings on their fur of cream coats with subtle stripes, Irridescent Dragonfly like wings, and pale blue eyes.

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