Game Hen

When one sees Game Hens the first thing that comes to mind is food. The Term Game hens Refer to all manner of Chickens that can be found in almost any region in Evermyst. This means wild Game Hens and domesticated ones often referred to as chickens are easy to breed and reproduce making them a natural food staple for most of the civilized societies of Evermyst. In the wilds, Game hens are often hunted for meat or those trained in survival may stumble across their nests and find a few Eggs. Game hens Lay their eggs seasonally and may only produce about 12-14 eggs in a year but domesticated game hens often produce up to two eggs in a given day with a typical yearly number of about 300 eggs. Color of Plumage, Size, and Level of Egg production are all parts of regional variations in the breed of game hens depending on the interest and desires of the breeder some are bred for laying others for their meat while some are bred for hobby or prestige and some for gambling and the fighting sport. All in all no matter when a game hen's life ends more than likely it ends up being food for someone or some other animal in the end.

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