
"Welcome to Grayhelm!

Consider this Your last warm bed or hot meal

before trudging into the Nordlander Holdings."

by Bing Ai Image Creator
Perched at the Edge of the Kingdom of Rivnar Grayhelm is a Fortified Outpost village that Guards the Southern End of Carigdrun Pass in the Southern Frostrill Mountain Range. This Fortified outpost has been here for Just over 180 years and is intended to keep out Jotenkin Raiders and the Dwarrow an Evil Kin of the Dwarven Race Living on Gonduar. Besides Being a Military Outpost Grayhelm also serves as a Trading Post and Neutral Refuge for those seeking to come out of the Nordlander, Jotenkin Lands.   Trappers, Hunters, Miners, and Nordlander Merchants stop and take refuge here as Grayhelm sees less Harsher weather than making camp on the up in Carigdrun Pass. Grayhelm is the Stopping point where those who decide to head up into the Nordlander holdings can pick up extra Caravan Guards or a Scout for the Journey ahead.   Grayhelm is Considered one of the last refuge stops before venturing into uncertain territory. The Residents are a little rough around the edges but for good reason, this is a rough country besides harsh weather there are inhospitable types outside the Walls to the north that would love to see this place Fall. This is a decent town to gear up as adventuring gear and supplies are a much-needed necessity here and running short means not being prepared. The Residents of Grayhelm take offense to being told they are not prepared that is the Job of Greenhorn Adventurers and Travelers coming up this way.   Grayhelm is often a refuge to many different Folk. Those looking to get away and not be found, those looking for a more rugged independent lifestyle, those seeking adventure in the Nordland Holdings and Frostrill Mountains. Those looking for a new beginning under a new name often find their way here. There is always work to be found most of it hard or dangerous and in Inhospitable conditions but Grayhelm is a safe spot in the ever-imposing Frostrill Mountains. Despite her Icy Muddy rugged appearance it has grown in the last 180 years to be a respectable Outpost Village you wont find the finest of luxuries but more than likely what you will need.


The Population of Grayhelm is 90% Human 5% Giant-Kin 2% Halfling 2% Dwarf 1% Other Races.


Grayhelm has a Feudalistic Government and is Ruled By a Militaristic Lord.


25-foot tall 10-foot-thick Rampart Walls, Bastions on the North and South Walls. Several Defensive Siege Engines. A Barracks with Additional Underground Housing and Cistern Access, Spire Watch Tower. Several Towers,

Industry & Trade

Hunting, Trapping, Prospecting, Mining, Leather Fur & Hides, Lumber and Stone


Barracks, Training Grounds, Blacksmith, Weaponsmith, Armorer, Leatherworkers, Stable & Wheelwright, Outriders Post, Aviary, 2 Inns, Tavern, Underground Cistern, General Store, Apothecary, Furrier, Candieler, Butcher, Smokehouse, Bank & Moneylender, Assayer, Two Quarries, 2 Mills, Mason


Grayhelm Castle ~ The Lord Generals Castle Proper Grayhelm Hold ~ Buildings within the Fortified Walls. Rookery Rise ~ Ramshackle homes Lining the Mountain Pass road south of Grayhel Proper.


Underground Warehouses and Storage rooms With enought food to withstand one and a half years of Siege.

Guilds and Factions

Mercenaries Guild, Outriders Guild


Built out of Necessity to defend the Lower lands of the Kingdom of Rivnar from Marauding Enemy Forces.


Most of the houses are of Stone and Timber Construction with High Pitched Roofs so they wont collect snow and Ice.


Built on a Mountain Pass at a strategic Choke point before claiming into the Inhospitable Southern Frostrill Mounain Range.


Grayhelm Experiences 6-8 Months of Cold Weather Most days often at or around Freezing. 2 Months are slightly warmer typically in the high 30's to low 40's with Rain and Fog. 2 Months of Fair Brisk weather with temperatures and 40-60 degrees.

Natural Resources

Wood and Lumber from nearby Forests.  Granite and Quartz stone from the Mountains, along with Iron, and Silver. Fur, and Hides from the abundance of wildlife for Trapping and Hunting.
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
360 People along with a Garrison of 200 Soldiers (Total 560)

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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