Great Leoporid

The Great Leoporid believed to be a mythical beast has been Bred by the Elves of Elvorai for over 1000 Years they Resemble Huge (Horse-Sized) rabbits with Deer or Elk-like Antlers much like a Jackalope. The Great Leoporid is bred exclusively as an Elite Riding and Combat mount capable of speeds far faster than a Horse and far more capable of maneuvering in thick woodlands or difficult terrain. They Are very rare to find in the wild.   The Great Leoporid can make attacks with its Antlers and has been known to have a powerful kick from its hind legs capable of Knocking down giant creatures such as Ogres, Trolls, and Giants. Domestication is a Difficult and Long Process that takes several years. One needs to craft special saddles and saddle bags tailored to each Great Leoporid. Domestication results in a Rough ride but the speed and distance covered riding a Great Leoporid is amazing.   The Great Leoporids are the Signature Riding mount of the Glade Wardens of Elvorai these Elves form an almost Symiotic bond with their Leoporid mounts and although they are not many they are an Elite Fast Moving Fighting Force.   A Great Leoporid can easily carry a Man-sized Rider and gear weighing up to 250 Pounds on its back and still sprint and bound unbelievably Fast. They have been known to handle as much as 500 Pounds, but not be able to Jump as far or Sprint as fast or as long.  
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Basic Information


The Great Leoproid has four legs much like your Typical Rabbit but far larger and more powerful. Skeletal Structure is much the same but the skull is considerably thicker and is has a pair of Antlers atop its head. These Antlers are more elaborate for males than the Females usually sporting more points on those antlers of the Males of the Spceices.

Genetics and Reproduction

Great Leoporid Males and Females have a Fairly long Gestation period of 6 Months before giving birth to a Single Baby Unlike their Smaller Kin Rabbits who the resemble.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborns 0-11 months
  • Yearling 12 Months to 2 years
  • Young Leoporid 2-12 years
  • Young Adult Leoporid 12-50 Years
  • Mature Leoporid 51-120 Years
  • Elder Leoporid 121-200 Years
  • Venerable Leoporid 201+ Years

Ecology and Habitats

Leopards thrive in forested regions, Tall Grass Highlands, and Plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Great Leoporids Eat all manner of Grasses, Wild Berries, Pumpkins, Squash, and other Gord-like Plants, They will eat hay but prefer greens Like Alfalfa, or Ryegrass better. They can be fed Turnips, Radishes, Carrots, and Cabbage but be prepared to provide several pounds of such food to sustain a Great Leoporid as a Reliable Mount.

Biological Cycle

Great Loeprids are adaptive to weather changes they can handle Cold Rains and snows, although they will not breed in the winter only during the spring months they are a bit sensitive to extreme heat and desert climates. The Leoprids that grow up in the wild are known to seasonally change the color of their fur to blend in the region's Climate. This feature is usually lost through Domesticational Breeding within the Next generation.   Leoporids as Yearlings, up to 12 years old, do not make the most suitable mounts. Training is established when they are young adults but they can be more unpredictable when ridden as young adults and usually are not Fully Broken or Saddle-trained until the reach their Early to Mid 20's


Great Leoporids are Defensive of their young and Kin when trained they become fiercely loyal to their Masters some so temperamental that they may not let others ride them.   Genetically they will be very aggressive to Wargs and Giant wolves to a Great Leoporid these are their most hated Enemy. They will tend to be aggressive or at least very defensive to Dogs that they see as weaker wolves unless trained to work with them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In the Wild Leoporid run in small Clans or Herds with the Elder Males and Females keeping guard on the Clan.


Great Leoporid begins Conditioning for training at about 10-12 years of Age.  Typically it takes 8-10 years to Fully Break a Young Adult and Make it a Suitable Mount.

Average Intelligence

Above Average Animal Intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Great Leoportd have very acute hearing
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250 years
Conservation Status
The Elves of Elvorai seek to protect the few Great Leoporids that still can be found in the Wild and the Elves work endlessly to breed and release younger ones into the wild to ensure the survival of these creatures. The Elves work diligently on selective breeding to keep the stronger survivability aspects of the Great Leoporids.
Average Height
15-16 Hands or 5-5 & 1/2 Feet tall
Average Weight
1200-1600 lbs
Average Length
8-10 feet
Average Physique
Muscular, Limber, and Agile.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Chesnut Brown to Light Tans with some dark Brown or Black and Grey Furs when the reach ages above 100. On occasion there are Leoporid that are all Grey or White.
Geographic Distribution

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