Holy Order of Movariss

The Holy Order of Movariss has been in existence for 603 years. Born out of Tumultuous Times when warlords fought each other for control over the lands now referred to as the Kingdom of Briarland on the eastern end of the continent of Arimar.   The Religious Order Began as Religious Priests In the City of Stormcrest preaching the Tennants and Commandments of Movariss a God Dedicated to Law and Justice. These Teachings greatly shaped the religious underpinnings of the People of Stormcrest turning to the Priests of Movariss for guidance and direction in civil matters. The Priests of Movariss soon needed to keep a small standing military force to maintain and enforce the laws and maintain order among its people Preaching alone did not keep order during these tumultuous times.   Within the First ten years, the Holy Order of Movariss Grew in Influence and Military Power to encompass and have influential control over the City of Freymere, Greenshell, the Villages of Moonshore, and Millfalls. The Religious Order established Churches, Abbeys, and trained garrisons for these settlements. To Maintain order they established Religious Law in these settlements and appointed Noble titles to Locals Loyal to the Order to act as Rulers. The Holy Order of Movariss found this a successful way to govern and influence the people for the most part.  
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  The Order constructed Several Shrine monuments with Movariss's Tennants and Laws Inscribed in stone. Abbey's housing and places of governance and worship within small hamlets and villages, Justice Halls to act as community gathering places, and the Adjudication of Law and to settle disputes under the Orders Adjudication. Chapels Small and Large serve the greater Communities of the Briarland as places of Gathering, worship, or Focal points of the order's Power and Influence along with the Appointment of Noble titles.   Over the next 100 years, the Order's Influence in outlying communities of the Briarland grew as far north as the Moorburrough Highlands and south to Grimmstall Brook. Several Warlords Ruled over their lands for quite some time and did not take to the idea that a Religious order of Movariss was the divine judge of one's noble blood. So conflict broke out in 2488 between rulers of the Northern and Southern Brialand referred to as the 13-Year War from 2488 to 2501.   During the 13-Year War, The Order of Movariss along with a Loyal appointed king, ruling nobles, and a standing army fought to control the whole Briarland Driving out several warlords in the South Briarland and uniting the Briarlands Establishing the New Order of the Kingdom of Brialand. Some Old Noble families who contest that they had ruled for centuries harbor great resentment over being stripped of noble titles, and lands, and seeing family members slain. Some still harbor animosity towards the Order of Movariss and their appointed Noble rulers. It is rumored that a few of these Former Warlord's kin are the sources of Banditry and lawlessness that occasionally erupt in the southern portion of the Briarland and the Greenhead Mountains.   The Holy Order of Movariss Believes that the Preaching, Practice, Teaching, and Application of his laws will lead to divine living and the blessings of Movariss. They Believe that with Movariss's and his Clergys Guidance community that practices and obeys these laws will be thriving, peaceful, and happier. community.


  • Cardinal (1) ~ highest Ranking Church Member within the Order (Same as Bishop ~ 8 Pointed Star) Leader of the Order
  • Arch Bishops (5) ~ Highest level below the Cardinal (Same as Bishop but ~ 7 Pointed Star) Cardinal's Right hand and Advisors.
  • Bishops (10) ~ Senior Member of the Order (White Silk Frock with Red Trim and a 6 Pointed Star on the chest)
  • Deacon (20) ~ Seasoned Members of the Order (Same as Priest but ~ 5 Pointed Star)
  • Priest (300) ~ Knowledgeable Members of the Order (White Cloth/Wool Frock with red trim and a 4 pointed Star on the Chest)
  • Friars (1100) ~ Bulk of the Order serving small hamlets on up to the Great Chapels of the Order (White Frock with Red Trim)
  • Initiates (1300) ~ New Recruits, Trainees, Students of the Order (Plain White Frock)


Members of the Order of Movariss are treated with great respect and regard among the settlements of the Briarland. To most they are seen as bringers of Peace and guides in governance and the law.   Once a Member of the Order achieves the rank of Friar or Higher they are expected to be active participants and pillars of Morality in the community. They are expected to educate the common folk on the tenants and laws of Movariss and maintain the Shrines, Chapels, Abbeys, Justice halls, and Chapels. Upon reaching the Rank of Priest they are to serve as active advisors to appointed rulers of the settlement they live in or are assigned to. Upon reaching the Rank of Deacon they attend Counsel meetings of the Order and Serve to help the Bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinal to appoint Noble leaders and aid in the direction of the order. Deacons and Bishops Serve the Brialand as Administrators of Law and act as Judges in matters of Law in the Briarland.

Public Agenda

Publicly the Order of Movariss preaches that the Laws of Movariss were handed down to the people as his gift of guidance. Through the preaching of Movariss's law by clergy of the order the common folk can achieve the Blessings of Movariss through the following and practice of his law. To violate Movariss's Law is to condemn ones soul and invoke his divine judgement directed by the hands of the Clergy of the Order.

"Lex divina, est sicut populus Lex divina" ~ Law is divine, as people of Law are divine.

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Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Order Clergyman

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