Iron Rations

Iron Rations have been a staple in Evermeyst since people began to travel long distances. They first developed out of the Necessity to have food that could be kept over long winters or easy to carry long distances without spoiling or decaying. These rations can keep for months without spoiling and provide enough food to sustain the average person for one day under considerable physical activity.   The Nations and Races of Evermyst each have different takes on what comprises Iron rations but one thing is consistently understood among them all, is that the Price and relative weight of a day's Iron Rations will remain the same no matter where you go in Evermyst. The Quality and Taste leave more to be desired and depend on the taste buds of the consumer.   Iron Rations get their name derived as these rations are supposed to have a certain level of protein and Iron in them to satisfy the traveler and provide enough energy to continue to travel. In Jest some say it is because you need an Iron Stomach to tolerate eating them for any sustained period of time.  

Humans Iron Rations:

  By Far the most common and easily available Days Human Iron Ratiions usually consist of 3 Pieces of hard Tack bread, a few ounces of Nuts and Dried Fruits such as Raisins or Dates or dried Apples, and several strips of Dried Jerky meat usually Beef, Pork, Venison, or Fish. The Rations are portioned neatly and wrapped up in waxed parchment paper  

Iron Rations of the Halfling Tribes:

  Perhaps some of the most comforting and well-thought-out rations are Halfling Rations, unique in that they come wrapped in very thin pliable wood containers like that used in making baskets. The Wood is thin and brittle enough it can be broken up easily and used as tinder to start a fire. Within the ration box, you will find Dried Wildberries, Pine Nuts, or Sunflower Seeds, a small cured cube of Musk Ox butter Curd, some strips of smoked dried chicken or wildfowl, a small square Trail Bread, and usually some herbs to make tea like Mint, Dandelion, Camomile, and Milkweed and then no Halfling ration is not complete without a sweet like a piece of colorful rock candy, or Dried Candied Fig or Pear.  
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Dwarven Iron Rations:

  Dwarven Iron Rations are on the Heavy and Hearty side they come wrapped in a bit of cloth that is lightly oiled outside you will find some Walnuts still in the shell, Several Pieces of hard Fruit Cake filled with Currants or Mountain Berries, a dried plug of Ironweed that can be made into Tea, Chewed, or Smoked, One chunk of Hard Cheese, and Lastly several strips of Dried Salted Fish, or Dried smoke sausage made from Mountian Goats or Wild boar.  

Elven Iron Rations:

  To the Elves Iron Rations are meant to be eaten or prepared quickly and with purpose the only reason Elves would be using Iron Rations is that they are on the Move Hunting prey or moving a military force and don't plan on stopping long. Their Rations come wrapped in leaves of Various shades of green to convey their contents Ailmar Bread is A crumbly bread that is sweetened with Honey, Hironea Bread is a moist fruit cake with bitter dried berries, Hagduin Porridge a cake of greens and grains that can be cumbled in water and made into a cold or warm porridge. Dried Muldanna Grass chewed and tucked in between the Teeth and Gums it prevents thirst and provides a little bit of energy Boiled in water it makes a bitter tea that can reduce fevers and dizziness symptoms. Lastly the Elven Iron Rations usually have several slices of dried Squash or Mushrooms.  

Jotenkin Iron Rations:

  Jotenkin Rations Typically come wrapped in a small patch of Buck or Deerskin they consist of several small dried smoked herring fish, Dried Venison Sausage, Pine Nuts, Dried Spruce Berries, and wax-coated chunks of aged Goat Cheese, in addition, there is a small container of ground oats and barley to mix with water and make flat bread usually slapped on the rocks on the inside of a campfire ring and baked. Rations For Jotenkin usually weigh half again the weight of other races' rations and the portions are more if proportioned can last races other than Jotenkin an additional half day or two days rations will last 3 days.  

Ilongo Iron Rations:

  The Ilongo People thrive off of the Sea and Coastal Junglesis where food is often very abundant they typically don't prepare Iron Rations for community sale but on occasion prepare food for long hunts or sailing journeys as needed and will prepare such foods for Travelers and visitors as a sign of respect and care before they leave or if asked to do so. These Rations Will come wrapped in Banna Leaves. Commonly found foods are Dry Grains of Rice Wrapped in a "Puso" Heart-shaped woven banana leaf when steamed or boiled cooks the rice. Cooked Rice topped with small Dried Fish, or fried Minced Chicken, or Jungle Fowl, Dried Salted Fish, "Suman" Sticky Casava cake rolled with brown sugar and wrapped in banana leaf. "Bagoong" Salted Shrimp paste stored in small clay jars or coconut shells. Often included in such rations is Betel Nut and Lime leaves when chewed like chewing tobacco it promotes digestion, improves mood, and kills intestinal worms but it badly discolors your teeth with prolonged use.  


Everyone needs food Iron Rations are of considerable significance to Travellers, Merchants, and the People of Evermyst as a whole to have sustenance for long journeys that can carry them through long winters without fresh food.
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Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
2 lbs or less
Base Price
2 gp per day

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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