Jotenkin "Giant-Kin"

Hailing from the Nordland Holdings Jotenkin as they are more often called in their Homeland are a Tall Race of Humanoids. The Other Races Also Refer to them as Giant-Kin. Legend has it they are Kin or share the same blood as Giants which is partly true but they are in fact much more related to Humans than Giants.   Jotenkin Men range in Height from 7 and 1/2 Feet tall to upwards of 9 Feet Tall with Female Counterparts ranging from 7 Feet tall to upwards of 8 and 1/2 Feet tall. Jotenkin typically stands just under the average Height of an Ogre. By many other Societies in Evermyst, Jotenkin are commonly lumped in with Normal Humans and referred to as Nordlanders This is only for the language they speak which is a derivative or dialect of Frost Giants Tongue. Jotenkins' on average are much stronger, taller, and more muscular than other Human Cultures.   The Jotenkin are known to be Fierce and Intimidating Warriors Every Man, Woman, and Child is Proficient with the Axe and Shield. They are expert sailors renowned for their Dragon Head Long Ships sailing great distances and Pillaging far-off coastal towns. This Warrior-Oriented society is run surprisingly by Democratic Rule. The Warriors of the Tribes Elect their Yarl or Clan Chieftans and Communities of Jotenkin sometimes strike up alliances and elect a King of the Jotenkin tribes. But more often though Jotenkin tribes tend to live more isolated lives and even feud amongst neighboring tribes.   Jotenkin are Survivalists when it comes to the bitterly cold weather and are unaffected by the cold they are immune to the cold and even resilient to Magical cold effects and only suffer Half Damage from such effects.  
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aesa, Aestrid, Arnkitalla, Asdis, Aud, Austmathr, Bard, Bergljot, Bothild, Bjorg, Bjorgulf, Dotta, Droplaug, Freya, Freydis, Frideburg, Estrid, Gaya, Gaierny, Gaeirlaug, Gerrid, Ginnlaug, Gnupi, Grelod, Grimma, Gunnhilde, Guya, Gyda, Hallberra, Hallveig, Helga, Heith, Hild, Hrefna, Ingirid,  Ingulfrid, Ingunn, Jofrid, Kadlin,  Katla, Ljufa, Luna, Lurid, Maya, Melkorka, Modolf, Njal, Ogn,  Ormhild, Ragnfrid, Rannvieg, Ria, Runolf, Tola, Tonna, Thordis, Thorballa, Thorgird, Tofud, Thyre, Thurid, Turid, Ragnied, Runa, Signy, Sigrunn, Skard, Sibbe, Sith, Styrlaug, Svala, Valborg, Valgerd, Valkir, Yiri

Masculine names

Agnar, Aevar, Alex, Arn, Arinbjorn, Asgrim, Asmund, Atli, Authgrim, Baug, Berg, Bjarki, Bjorgolf, Bram, Dyri,Elgfrothi, Folkbiorn, Gaetir, Gaeda, Geirolf, Giermund, Gizor, Gizur, Grettir, Grimkel, Gunnvid, Gunnleif, Gudaef, Hallkel, Ham, Hjor, Hroald, Holmstaein, Hrok, Hromund, Herjolf, Iarl, Ingulbjorn, Iuli, Karl, Jarlabanki, Kotkel, Leiknir, Loki, Ljot, Moldof, Nanfi, Northri, Olvir, Opir, Orm, Ornalf, Osswald, Otryggg Oysten, Ragnar, Ragnvald, Raudbjorn, Runolf, Slodi, Skeggi, Sigheah, Stein, Steinmod, Styrkollr, Sturla, Svaein, Tore, Thiodolf, Throst, Thorgeir, Thorliek, Thorvard, Ulfbjorn, Ulfgrim, Vandrad, Varin, Vathlass, Vermund

Family names

Arnbjorn, Adil, Addarbrok, Alik, Bardi, Beinir, Borstig, Bjalki, Bjorn, Bjorsson, Cadvir, Carld, Carpentir, Crowvald, Damvir, Dannarhoff, Dan, Drako, Erik, Erlic, Fraubrok, Finn, Fulmir, Fhardshorn, Gavtvid, Gretter, Grith, Hobrok, Hobrik, Hroar, Hagvir, Hromund, Hvitserk, Kraki, Kjerfang, Loftbrok, Luk, Nikol, Oleif, Ossvald, Ossvir, Otkel, Pridvir, Regin, Rorvik, Rhadmir, Sigehelm, Slothi, Sogvir, Sarbrok, Svengrath, Taagrid, Thormothr, Ugrain, Unnulf, Uglubathr, Urik, Valdbrok, Veleif, Vog, Yoffbrok, Zigmar.   NOTE: Jotenkin Family Names will have "SSON" added at the end of the name for Males and "DOTTIR" added to the end of the name for females . Here are some Examples: Hobroksson, or Svengrathsson for a Male and Hobrokdottir, and Svengrathdottir for Females.


Major language groups and dialects

Jotenkin speak their own language often referred to as "Nordlander" or "Nordlandic" it has some ancient ties to the Language of Frost Giants and therefore Jotenkin have a 33% chance of understanding some Frost Giant Tongue.

Culture and cultural heritage

Jotenkin Embraces a Warrior-Like Culture, They Teach and Emphasize Rugged Individualism.

Shared customary codes and values

Jotenkin Respect Strength, Confidence, and Capability signs of strength. They have relative respect for their own kind and most have little interest in the customs and traditions of other cultures other than an Idle Curiosity.   Jotenkin Warriors and Shield Maidens seek honor from their gods by claiming many Enemies and dying gloriously and memorably. Not by Old Age or running and hiding from the glory of battle.   Jotenkin are a very Openly passionate people among their own kind. In mixed company they tend to be loud and of little deep thought They tend to be more emotional around other races through brawling, battle, sports, games of chance, or drinking. Jotenkin will withhold their thoughts and passions about other things unless the outsider or person of another race they have grown to know, Trust, and befriend.

Common Etiquette rules

Such are the Spoils of Raids and War...

  It is common among Jotenkin who win battles and are victorious in raids to take trophies such as heads, and hands of the defeated. Spoils of war mean just that you can claim people as slaves as part of your share of the loot. It is also common etiquette that if a Jotenkin is defeated they may negotiate with fellow Jotenkin offers of surrender. This courtesy is only offered to Fellow Defeated Jotenkin where they may propose to the victor certain things like a set number of slaves, land, food, weapons, and wealth as an offering for sparing the rest of the defeated.  

"Storr Samr."

  This is an Exception to the above about spoils of war. Should an enemy Army of another Race encounter Jotenkin on the Field of Battle and they in some way are respected by the Jotenkin their Leader or Champion may Claim Storr Samr or the right of an Honorable Enemy and engage in a one-on-one battle to the Death with the Jotenkin Leader or Champion at wich time before the battle the condition of what can be touched, taken or not taken is declared by each side the Victor may take the life of his enemy but adheres to the conditions set down before the battle.   A Jotenkin gives little respect for the other races that they typically view as weak they Extend common courtesy to other races only when they know and trust them or if they have demonstrated considerable strength, power, and capability. Much Broader courtesy is extended by Jotenkin Adventurers and Mercenaries who often find themselves outside the Nordland Holds.

Common Dress code

Jotenkin Prefer to wear clothes made of Leather or knit wool. Despite the Cold Eviorns of the Nordland Holds and Frostrill Mountains the clothes they wear would not be protective enough for other races but, the Jotenkin are quite used to the cold so it will not be uncommon to see men without shirts or wearing knee-high length trousers or Jotenkin women in Crop tops Leather Vests our Doublets or short Wool skirts or open top-dresses showing some cleavage. Cloths will adorn more bits of fur, and trinkets or be of better quality based on the success or Influence of an individual within the Clan or Tribe.    Tattoos are Most Jotenkin have Spiritualistic and Animism Beliefs certain animals and signs can mark certain Taboos in their culture. Some of the popular trend can mark things like coming of age, victories, or honoring a dead family member, or favor of a specific god.

Art & Architecture

Architecture: Nordlanders Build Large but Simple Log Cabins, Longhouses, and Stone Outdoor Temples.   Art: is often in the form of Stories, Music, Hide paintings, Metal Jewelry, Tattoos, Fine Weaponry, Beautiful Dragon Longboats and Cloth or Canvas Banners.

Foods & Cuisine

a Jotenkin loves smoked meats like Lamb, Pork, and Venesin, Simple Stews, Salted Fish, Fresh Fish, and Hearty Breads Just to name a few. Their Drinks of Choice are often Mead, and Beer by far the most common, Fermented Sheeps milk for special occasions and cerimonies.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Most Jotenkin have Spiritualistic and Animism Customs and Beliefs certain animals and signs can mark certain Taboos in their culture. Some of these are below:   The Raven is a Bird of Oemen Seein one on a Longship before a voyage could mean bad lick or Ill Omens, Seeing one on a family burial Site could mean the possible death or loss of a a family member soon. Seeing Ravens picking the Dead on a battlefield is a sign that the Ravens have come to take the souls of the dead and bring them to the god Hiemdallr to chase them away is not acceptable.   The Serpent having a snake in one's home is a sign of possible deception or potential harm coming onto a Family Member. Snakes are the Eyes of Loki the god of trickery and Deception they are servants to Warlocks, Sorcerers, and Thieves you should kill any snake found in your home.   The Crescent Moon is viewed as a sign from Goddes Hretha that it is the best time to have intercourse with your partner to ensure having children and also the best time to complete the planting of seeds for a Prosperous harvest.   Large Old and Twisted Trees are considered homes and portals to the goddess Rindr they are considered safe to sleep under and a way to ask for her blessings and healing powers. Many temples and Shrines in Jotenkin lands are built around such trees.   The Flaming Axe is the symbol of the God Freyr. The Evening Before any major Battle or Raid Expedition Warriors will dip their axe in Oil or Pitch and ignite the oil Declaring their Oath to Freyr ask for his guidance, strength, and blessing for victory.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a Child is born to a Jotenkin Family Priests perform a Divination to see what god favors the Child Parents will often partake in rituals to garner more favor for from the god that favors them or their Children.   Baptism by their Tattoo Jotenkin Children often receive their First Tattoo by the age of five years old it typically marks the favor of the God they were born under and the names or symbols of their parents.   First Blood Children who have successfully made their first Kill through hunting are given a baptism by drinking of the blood of the Animal they first killed and eating the Heart of the Animal at the first meal that served this Kill.

Coming of Age Rites

from the age of 8 to 10 years old Jotenkin Boys and Girls are all Trained in using an Axe and Shield. When Children reach 10 years of age they are given a small Axe of their own.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Jotenkin honor their dead in one of two ways Funeral Pyres for warriors slain in foreign lands or too poor to be buried in an honorable grave with their weapons as they must be passed on to their kin.   Burial Mounds or Cairns for the more respected and revered among the Jotnekin they can range from simple to lavish some Yarls will even be buried with their Favorite Dragon longboats,  with prominent chambers for their Wife and Children, favorite Slaves even collections of enemy trophy heads.

Common Myths and Legends

The Biggest Legend Regarding the Jotenkin is that they are of Giants Blood This is true although kin from thousands of years ago. Jotenkin have no other ties to Giants themselves other than one of Reverance and their own legends.   Jotenkin are Fierce and Brutal Warriors and Raiders.  
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Beauty Ideals

Rugged Independence, Strength, Ferocity, and Passion are the beautiful Ideals of the Jotenkin. They are embraced by both Jotenkin Men and Women Alike. Jotenkin lives a harsh but vigorous lifestyle they see the Shorter humanoid races as weak due to their size, too hesitant and often pontificating or over materialistic and desirous of the finer things in life and see this as unattractive.  
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Gender Ideals

There is a thin line between the Genders in Jotenkin Society although men are the larger and most prevalent as Warriors, The women are expected to hold their own and many become Shield Maidens, and should the demonstrate their Prowess Female Jotenkin can even be elected as Chieftens or Yarls.   Queerness and Homosexuality among Jotenkin are Very Alien Ideals mostly unheard of in their culture. To them, they are only to be seen and explored by the Weaker Races.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship follows more traditional Ideals where Men pursue the Women in Jotenkin Culture. Men typically approach the Father or Parents of love attraction and request permission to see their Daughter. The Women are only eligible once the Father has declared they are of Courtship age this is typically between 13-18 years of age depending on the confidence and security of the parents believing that their Daughter is Old enough this averages out to the age of 15 years for most Jotenkin Parents.    Courtships can go on for as little as 2 Months to upwards of 2 years before Marriage and once again the perspective male, must seek the approval of his courted love and the Parents. Eloping without approval, is considered a black mark on the family and could easily lead to the Male convincing his love to elope having his head chopped off.   Some Women have much more say over their chosen lovers or spouses this privilege goes to Shield Maidens who have proven themselves on the Battlefield and or on raids. They can speak for themselves and do not need to seek their parent's approval although many still do out of respect for family traditions. To Court or Marry a Shieldmaiden is one of the Highest honors a Male Jotenkin can earn among his fellow Jotenkin Males and in the eyes of their gods.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage Relationships are considered sacred when between Two Jotenkin and Monogamous. The Exceptions for this are for the Spoils of War Jotenkin Males as Well as Jotenkin Shield Maidens can keep Slave Wives or Slave Husbands meaning they can have more than one Partner they are typical to be of another Ethnicity or Race but, sometimes Captured Jotenkin from another clan or tribe and now considered indentured or owned by the victor.   Jotenkin views relationships to be the strongest between their own kind. Jotenkin when they marry down to another Race it is often seen as a weakness or inability to find a suitable partner of their own kind.   Friendships for Jotenkin among other Jotenkin is very common and acceptable not much so with other races. This is not to say it does not happen Jotenkin sometimes find Friendship with another race valuable. They may have developed one with a former slave and grant the slave freedom within the community. Outsiders sometimes earn the good graces of a Jotenkin adventurer, clan, or tribe and on a rare occasion the Jarl or Chieftan. for these friendships, they usually are marked with an Iron, Copper, or Silver Armband that is gifted to the outsider from the Individual (Iron), Clan, or Tribe (Copper), or Yarl (Silver) Respectively. The Band is Engraved with the Outsiders Name and their New Jotenkin given Name along with a Symbol of one of the Jotenkin Gods whom they deem most favorable to the Outsider.
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