Lubris the God of Pestilence

God of Pestilence Lubris (a.k.a. The Pestilent God, The Pestilent One, Sirbul)

One of the Banished Gods of the Underworld Lubris the God of Pestilence has been known to use his powers to influence dark-minded people of Evermyst to do his bidding. His promises of power and domination seem all too tempting for those willing to do anything for power without even considering the consequences.   Lubris is drawn and particularly partial to the spread of disease and suffering. Ancient legends have credited Lubris with Great Dieseas Outbreaks in the world of Evermyst and inspiring or empowering Dark Cults to do his bidding in hopes of Unleashing him from the underworld to bring pestilence, disease, and decay to the world of Evermyst.   Lubris is a conniving god although he is powerful in the Underworld many believe he can only influence diseased or mentally twisted souls in the world of Evermyst but he is capable of seeing much of what goes on in the world. Many believe he has eyes anyplace he desires through the eyes of cockroaches and flies. These insects that often carry many different diseases are favored creatures of Lubris.   Warlocks, Necromancers, and Evil Clerics have been known to Worship Lubris or seek his patronage. Through these sorts, he has been able to extend his reach from beyond the underworld in attempts to spread Disease, and Pestilence or garner their aid through pacts to unleash unworldly abominations upon Evermyst.   Legend has it that Lubris along with the Gods Cuxris, and Vecna were banished from the Realm of the Gods above Evermyst to deep within the Underworld Long before recorded History by an alliance of good gods from the Races of Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and Man. Each race has different versions of this legend and which gods helped to banish them. Still, the most common names of the story are Drannis and Aella for the Human gods, Helgard Thunderstone for the Dwarves, Bronweth the Protector of Life for the Elves, and Gundahar Headstrong for the Halflings. This Legend accounts for how these Good Gods of the four races Manifested in Mortal forms to Drive Cuxris, Vecna, and Lubris from Evermyst and used their powers to cast them each into their own Prison Realms within the Underworld.   From his Underworld Prison Domain Lubris Plots and Schemes in hopes of an eventual chance at returning to the world of Evermyst and exacting revenge through Pestilence, none have ever seen before. His Followers and Minions are few but they are among the most twisted and evil to walk the lands of Evermyst.

Divine Domains

Lubris Rules from his Prison Realm called the Stygian Mires of the Underworld.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  1. The Cockroach
  2. The Fly

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lubris's Body is known to look withered, rotting, and covered with boils. His presence conveys sickness and near death feelings but do not let this fool you he is Powerful.

Identifying Characteristics

Dark Sunken Eyes

Physical quirks

He speaks gravly tones and out-of-breath whispers.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Lubris is a conniving and sadistic god who looks for dark individuals to do his bidding for promises of power and revenge.

Personality Characteristics


Lubris desires to return to the world of Evermyst and Destroy the Gods that banished him to the Underworld.
by Bing AI Image Creator
Divine Classification
Evil God
Current Status
Banished to the Underworld
Near Death to Undead like.
Dark & Sunken
Very few long strands, oily and wet nearly bald.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Diseased, Sweaty with Boils & Rot.
Known Languages
Lubris can speak understand all languages but prefers to speak the Ancient tongue of Chaos

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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