Mountain Lion

Their Roar can be heard for miles clearly signaling the territory of the Mountain lions of on the continent of Arimar. The Lions can get up 5-6 feet tall standing on all fours and almost 12 feet in length Their fur color can range from a Tawny Golden Brown to harvest gold and even a few almost snow white in color. The Mountain Lions of Evermyst can be found as far west as the Bleakbourne Peaks of Western Arimar, Northeast in the Stoneshard Peaks, East to the Moorburough Highlands, and, southeast in the greenhead mountains. It is said they hunt within an 8 to 12-mile range of their territory at night but their roars can often be heard from several miles through these mountain ranges. The Males often have thick fur manes while the females will often have a tuft of fur under the neck or chin.

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