Musk Ox

Often an unexpected site is the Domesticated Musk Ox that serves as a beast of burden for many of the Halfling Nomadic tribes of the Western and North Central plains of the continent of Arimar. Not only do they use them to pull wagons and carts or plow fields but some tribes have organized units of Scout and cavalry military units. One does not want to be on the receiving end of a Brave unit of Armored Halflings charging you down mounted on Musk Oxen. Once Domesticated the Musk Oxen become very familiar with the halfling Nomad tribe's migratory trails that they often don't need guidance or steering to pull the wagons to the next encampment site as they follow their own scent left behind that often lingers long enough for the sensitive snout of a Musk Ox. Musk Oxen do have their own strong and often displeasing scent, Most Halfling nomads are used to this smell though, and often can't smell it on themselves. The Male Musk Oxens odor sometimes can spook off Predators or the occasional Enemy or Friendly horse cavalry unit if it is their mating season or a large number of them are gathered together in one place.

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