Order of the the Quill

The Order of the Quill is a paramilitary order sworn to Protect and serve the God Ibris and Protect the Library of Ibris and Ibrus's Sanctums and Retreats. They are trained both Martially and in Magic and dedicate their life and Blood to the Protection and Gathering of Historical Documents, Tomes, Manuscripts, and artifacts in the name of the God Ibris. The Order of the Quill started with more Humble means employing mainly reclusive Scribes and Scriveners transcribing and storing documents for Prosperity in a remote monastery in the Stoneshard foothills Until The year 1896 when there became a growing need to gather and protect these documents from marauding warlords and feuding nobles.   First with Building Defenses and training a small force to protect what is now the Library of Ibris. It all started with building the white limestone fortification walls and turrets around the Library with its Final Completion in 1913 With the aid of Dwarven Stone Masons the Order of the Quill managed to Expand the Library chambers deep into the Granite Butte that the library was initially built upon. They needed this to safely store their Ammased collection of books and tomes completing the library in 1917.   The Reputation of the Order of the Quill still was not proven Militarily and they mostly served as Scribes and Scrivners for hire for the next 50 years Until the appointment of their First Magus Exius Flamestone in 1967. Exius was a practitioner of the Arcane Arts and often Visited the Library of Ibris bringing many fantastic and valuable documents to the library so much so that the Order took him in and made them their leader. Exius oversaw the Formation of the Avowed Rank structure within the order and began training Initiates within the Order in the arcane arts.   Within 20 Years with the assistance of some Knightly companions and Adventuring types, Exius formed small units of initiate adepts and adventuring warriors into discovery and retrieval groups to obtain more Texts and documents. sometimes these small groups would hire mercenaries within a warlord's army and slip into enemy strongholds and retrieve these valuable texts and documents and even some magical artifacts from under their commanding warlords' noses or intercede to recover them before destruction by a looting army.    Some of these Fighting Units became so good they would even be hired by warlords because of this talent but not every warlord thought the Order of the Quill was a well-intentioned organization. One such Warlord attempted to lay siege to the library of Ibris after Striking a pact with an Orc Chieftan to march on the Library Stronghold in 1987 By this Time Magus Exius Flamestone had a well trained Garrison at the library and Following several groups of men-at-arms and knights in several settlements  Around Arimar. For two months a Warlord named Braxis Grynwere and his army of 250 men, and nearly 400 Orcs laid Siege on the Library. By the end of the second month, The besieging army had dwindled to 60% of its strength.  Exius managed to get word to some of the followers and muster an army of his own to make a counter-attack against the Warlord Braxis's Army the two armies fought to a near stalemate until Exius rallied some of his forces from inside the Library strongholBraxis's Army. This cemented the legend of the fighting capabilities of the Order of the Quill into the minds of many in Evermyst.   Over the next several hundred years the influence of the Order of the Quill has grown both as a force for Document Recovery and preservation and during times of war as a potential combative force to be reckoned with and hopefully on your side. The order of the Quill has seen Lords and Kingdoms Rise and fall around them always playing their part in preserving the written word and procuring documents and artifacts to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands or being lost forever. Their Knights and Templars undertake recovery missions while the Avowed maintain their Library, Sanctums, and retreats and spread the Teachings of the God Ibris.   The Rank Structure has changed since the First Magus and now has multiple Magus leaders and a Grand Wizard leading the Order.



Every member of the Order of the Quill is a Skilled Scribe, and capable of Speaking and Reading at least 3 Languages. They will carry on their person a Scribes tools consisting of Parchment, Ink, Quills, Sealing Wax, Wax stamp, and a pouch of fine Drying powder in a Green Satchel with the Order of the Quill Symbol emblazoned on it.   When Adventureing or performing Military Duties members of the Order of the Quill prefer to wear a distinctive form of Green Leather Armor or Studded Leather Armor as these do not inhibit movement or mobility and more importantly you can  cast magic spells. Only a few high-ranking Templars or Magus can afford to wear magical forms of armor that are heavier but don't restrict Spellcasting.


  • Avowed Ward or Scribe is Trained in Spear and Shortbow 
  • Avowed Adept Initiate is trained in Staff and uses Cantrip Magic.
  • Avowed Medics are trained in Mace, Shield, and Use Clerical Magic.
  • Avowed Squires Are Trained in Longsword, Spear, Shield, Horsback Training, and Shortbow.
  • Avowed Men-at Arms are Trained with Longswords, Spear, Shield, and Crossbow.
  • Avowed Chirogen are trained with Mace and Shield, Horseback Training and Use Clerical Magic.
  • Avowed Sergeant-at-Arms is Trained with Longswords, Spear, Shield, and Crossbow.
  • Avowed Knights are Trained with a Longsword, Shield, and Warhorse Combat, Lance, and the Use of a Crossbow
  • Avowed Knight Adepts are trained with Longswords, Shields, and Warhorse Combat, and Use Magic
  • Templars are Typically Trained in Longsword, Shield, Warhorse Combat, Lance, and the Use of a Crossbow.
  • Templar Adepts are trained in Shortsword, Shield, Warhorse Combat, and Use Magic.
  • Magus are trained in Longsword, Staff, and Warhorse Combat, and Use Magic.
  • Magus Templars are trained in Shortsword, Staff, and Warhorse Combat and Use Powerful Magics.
  • Grand Wizard is Trained in Shortsword, Longsword, Staff, and Warhorse Combat, and Uses the Most Powerful Magics.


  • 1 Squad = (6 Soldiers) Led by a Man-at-Arms or Sergeant-at-Arms.
  • 1 Platoon (3-4 Squads) = (18-24 Soldiers) Led by a Sergeant-at-Arms or an Avowed Knight.
  • 1 Company (3-4 Platoons) = (54-100 Soldiers) Led by an Avowed Knight Adept, Templar, or Templar Adept.
  • Battalion (2-5 Companies) = (108-500 Soldiers) Led by a Templar Adept or Magus.
  • Brigade (3 Battalions) = (350-1500 Soldiers) Led By a Magus.
  • Division (2-3 Brigades) = (1100-4500 Soldiers)


Cavalry Wedge is a Popular Formation for Knights and Templars often with Adepts or Magus using Supporting Magics in the Middle of the Wedge Formations.   Men-at-Arms and Sergeant-at-Arms Are Skills in Shield Walls, Defensive Circles, and even Testudo formations. With Support from Adepts and Knight Adepts magic.   Wards are familiar with Shield wall formations or performing as Skirmishers or missile support.   Scribes often act as auxiliary troops or skirmishers more often acting in small  squads in support of an avowed medic or Chirogen or in larger groups working in conjunction with a single Avowed Knight Adept.


All types of Units undertake at a minimum Bi-Annual Training in weaponry and tactics for Wards and Scribes, this increases to Quarterly for Men at Arms and Sergeant at Arms, All other Ranks Train Monthly if not Weekly.



Wards, Scribes, and Initiate Adepts make up the Bulk of Support for the Order of the Quill these are they serve in all the Menail capacities during times of war and much of their Training is on the Civilian or scholarly side  Order of the Quill.


Recruitment is done mainly through teachings of the God Ibris those with the mental acuity to learn and be willing to serve the order with the preservation of historical documents. Recruits often start at a remote retreat or sanctum if they prove promising they may get accepted to serve at the Library of Ibris.


Historical loyalties

The Order of the Quill has loyalties to their utmost and first.   The Order will ally with Lords and Kings who accept or embrace the teachings of Ibris.   The Order Embraces the Protection of Knowledge its Procurement of Books, Tomes, Documents, and Magical Artifacts above any loyalty to one King or lord.
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Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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Library of Ibris
Building / Landmark | Jul 15, 2024

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Aug 4, 2024 03:51 by Marjorie Ariel

Several years ago, I learned that my great-great-grandfather was a booksmuggler in Lithuania, so I love an order that's sworn to collecting and protecting books. The picture looks great too.

Aug 4, 2024 13:02 by Chris Burson

That's Cool to learn about family and things we today might not think needed to be Smuggled back in the day. Yeah, this prompt spoke to me along with The Library of Ibris that help spark the order of the Quill. This is my take on D&D's Candle Keep for my world of Evermyst.