Steppe Horse

In Evermyst people and creatures can certainly establish bonds but no bond is as great as that between a Trained Steppe Horse and its Outrider Master. This Bond is uncanny beyond measure. Outriders pride themselves in training with and raising loyal and reliable mounts that can take them through all sorts of dangerous and undesirable conditions. Steppe Horses are one of the best breeds for this. Fast and sure-footed these horses have little to no fear of treading where many other sorts of horses would not go. Steppe horses have a high endurance if treated properly will be loyal beyond measure. Some have been known to not accept any other rider than their master and will go to great lengths to aid or return to their masters. In the Wilds Steppe horses are tough to catch and break but once broken rest assured you have a potential animal friend for life. Steppe horses make great courier and scouting mounts but are not the biggest and strongest when it comes to carrying a fully armored knight and barding. For that look to the Morbourough highlands or the Tarringails which are known for their Stockier breed of Warhorses.

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