Talisman of Apayao

The Talisman of Apayao appears to be an Ordinary Necklace to those who do not understand the Ilongo People but, it is a symbol of Devotion and worship among the Ilongo's. The Talisman is typically made from Cowrie shell or Narra wood that is carved with an emblem of a Sea Turtle or carved into the shape of a Sea Turtle. The Talisman serves as a prayer emblem to Ilongo Peoeple with ties to the Sea these being Fishermen, Boat Captains, Rangers, Druids and Priests.   The Talisman of Apayao is made and gifted usually from a family member to their children when they come of age at 15. A talisman of Apayao has a Small compartment in it that holds the same 3 items (1 Fishing Hook and a short bit of Line, A tiny Gull Feather, and a Piece of Ginger Root) It is commonly believed that Apayao guides and strengthens the Ilongo People through these three Items and in fact, all three Items are beneficial when traversing open waters far from land. The Hook and line can be used to catch fish from the sea to cook and eat. The Tiny Gull feather will give the bearer the slightest presence of wind and its general direction when at sea and experiencing Doldrums. lastly, the Ginger root when chewed or boiled in freshwater can provide energy and combat thirst often resulting in extended periods at sea without adequate water for hydration.   Wearing the Talisman of Apayao is believed to invite the guidance and wisdom of the Sea God Apayao a Great Sea Turtle that Guided the Ilongos away from the cataclysmic destruction of their Homeland and far across the sea to Ilongo island and the subsequent nearby islands they now call home.   The Talisman is often held in hand or up high during songs and prayers of worship or asking for Apayao's guidance. The same when asking for Apayao's blessing before every voyage of a Bonka Boat or Dungout Outrigger. Taking the Necklace from an Ilongo is to invite the potential wrath of Apayao on the thief if a talisman. If a Talisman is offered to an individual other than Ilongo it is considered a sign of Respect and asking for Apayao to look after the outsider when they sail on Evermsyt's waters.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A talisman has a Hidden inner compartment that holds 3 items of substantial use to survive at sea. This compartment opens by sliding the tortoiseshell back or opening the belly of the Turtle Talisman.  
  1. Fishing Hook and Short Line
  2. A tiny Gulls Feather
  3. A Piece of Ginger Root

Manufacturing process

Depending on how elaborate a Talisman can take 24 to 100 hours to make.


The Talisman bears Religious significance to the Ilong People they wear it in praise of their God APayao for delivering them to their new lands.
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Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Related ethnicities
Rare in most of Evermyst as it was probably taken from a Dead Ilongo or given as a personal gift and blessing of the Ilongo People.   It is Very Commonly worn among the Ilongo People.
1 lb
3-4 inches centerpiece
Base Price
2-15 GP.
Raw materials & Components
Narra Wood, Pukka Shells, sometimes Cowri shell, Leather or Grass Cordage.
Wood Carving and or Jewelers Tools.

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