The Deadfall Slopes

Written by Crafty_Dm

On the Northwest end of the Continent of Norelhiem is a Jagged Mountain Range known as the Deadfall Slopes. Much of the year this Mountain Range is pelted by Icy winds blowing off the Sea of Frozen Tides from the North and the winds that are usually not as cold to downright warmer coming up from the Sea known as the Lunar Depths.   The Collision of the warm and cold winds from these two seas plays havoc over the Deadfall Slopes causing Dramatic and often Weather changes. Much of the mountain range is obscured within the clouds and this collision of warm and cold air creates clouds here. The Mountain Range is Plagued with Blinding Snowstorms mostly prevalent along the Deadfall Slopes Northern sides. If the Warmer winds from the south become stronger The Mountains Get Freezing Rain and hailstorms usually accompanied by Thunder and Lightning. These sorts of storms appear on the southern side of the Deadfall Range.   The collision of these weather patterns can force travelers brave enough to venture into these mountains into very hazardous terrain and weather conditions. Travelers may be traversing through seemingly soft powder snow and be assaulted by freezing rains slowing travel and depositing dangerous crusts on top of the snow banks. Travelers have been known to have to survive Hail the size of grapefruit or large stones in addition to deafening thunderclaps and lightning. The variations in Temperature make the ranges Prone to avalanches and Deadly falling Ice. Travelers walk into seemingly safe deep snowbanks only to fall to their deaths through a frozen-over Crevasse Hence Giving the name of the mountains "The Deadfall Slopes"   There is never a time when this mountain range thaws and becomes even a little more forgiving ravines can become prone to flashfloods and melting Icy waters break free rushing down a ravine, or sudden unexpected weather changes force one to seek cover in a nearby cave only to get trapped inside.  
by AI Bing Image creator
  With the Deadfall Slopes being socked in cloud cover most of the time it is understandably difficult for a traveler to know which way they are going and even where they may have been. It is said if the Deadfall Slopes Don't Kill you more than likely the weather or the inhabitants will. The Deadfall Slopes are home to Snow Orcs, Frost Giants, Mountain Giants, Cloud Giants, and Storm Giants, and Legend speaks of the Deadfall Slopes being home to the Ice dragons Sarmite, and Stribog.


The Deadfall Ranges Mountains are composed of Shale, Slate, Granite, and Gneiss rock Formations. Its Peaks are jagged and in many places shear with deep ravines and crevasses. Paths through these mountains can only be traversed by foot and climbing with many narrow mountain passes block or too dangerous to traverse most the year round. Several Peaks of these mountains soar to hights of 22,000 feet or 6700 meters.   The foothills can rise upwards of 5000-7000 feet at around 5000 feet the forestation disappears and low shrubs dot the foothills and these all but disappear after 7000 feet. Cloud cover and obscure much of the mountains and clouds can from from as low as 4000 feet to above the peaks.   On a rare occasion, you can catch a glimpse of the Granite or Gneiss rock peaks poking above the clouds or in full view when winds are calm but the air Bitterly cold.


Most wildlife sticks to the lower portions of the range below the tree lines but Moutain Goats have been known to travel as high as 12,ooo feet in search of low crawling berries poking from the rock crags.

Localized Phenomena

Here are some of the Weather Phenomena one can expect to encounter in the Deadfall Range.  
  • Blizzards are more common on the Northern sides of the Deadfall Slopes.
  • Freezing Rain accompanied by Hailstorms.
  • Hailfall ranging from Slingstone size to grapefruit-sized Ice.
  • Ice Slides
  • Avalanches
  • Hiden Deadfalls
  • Flash Flooding
  • Falling Ice
  • Deafening Thunder and Deadly Lightning Storms
  • Little to zero visibility cloud Cover
  • Fog
  • Deep snow Drifts
  • Blinding Snow


The Temperatures in the Deadfall slopes typically is around freezing or below but the collision of warm air from the  Lunar Depths can cause fluctuations in various regions of the mountain range leading to drastic and fluctuating weather patterns and unpredictability of the stability of the snow and ice formations.

Natural Resources

Some of the following resources can be found in the Deadfall slopes:  
  • Granite
  • Shale
  • Slate
  • Gneiss
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Mithril
  • Timber
  • Water 
  • Ice
  • Precious Gemstones
by Bing AI Image Creator
Mountain Range

Random Encounter Table

Roll 1d8 an Encounter Occurs on a 1-3 Roll 1d20 on the table below.  
Roll Encounter
1 Mountain Goats (1d8)
2 Wolves (1d8+2)
3 Deer (1d8+2)
4 Cave Bears (1d3)
5 Dwarves (1d6+2)
6 Snow Boar (1d6)
7 Wolverine (1d4)
8 Winter Wolves (1d6+1)
9 Mountain Lions (1d4)
10 Giant Eagles (1d4)
11 Frost Worm (1d2)
12 Ice Dracomander (1)
13 Owlbears (1d4)
14 Frost Giants (1d4)
15 Mountain Giants (1d4)
16 Cloud Giants (1d3)
17 Storm Giants (1d3)
18 Rocs (1d3)
19 White Dragon (1)
20 Ice Dragon (1)

Weather Tables

Roll 1d12 for Current Weather on table Below:   Roll every 3 Hours for possible weather change. the weather will change on the roll of 5-6 on 1d6. Then Roll 1d4 and 1d6 Odd you add 1d4 to the initial weather number Even you Subtract if the weather is at either end of the spectrum it will only change if the roll allows it to do so.  
Roll Weather
1 Cold Clear skies
2 Cold Partly Cloudy
3 Cold heavy Clouds
4 Cold Dense Fog/Clouds
5 Freezing Rain
6 Hailstorm
7 Hailstorm & Lightning
8 Snowstorm
9 Snowstorm & Lightning
10 Ice Storm
11 Blizzard
12 Blizzard & Lightning
Hazard Table   Roll 1d6 on a Roll of 1-2 some sort of hazard presents itself. Roll 1d8 on the Table Below.  
Roll Hazard
1-2 Slippery Ice
3-4 Falling Ice
5-6 Melting Ice Flashflood
7 Avalanche
8 Deadfall 

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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