The Frozen Tides

The Frozen Tides is a Vast expanse of Sea that stretches beyond the Known and Mapped Lands of Evermyst. Because much of the sea is Frozen Ice Flows it has not been explored much even dating back to the Era of the Dwarves who live closest to the Frozen Tides. It is believed that far North beyond the visible horizon there must be some Landmass that has Great Glaciers pushing the Frozen Tides south as there are times when these ice flows make the northern waters of Norelhiem very treacherous to travel and have even prevented entry and exit Anarholt's Bay on Avensgard holm Isle.   The Ice Flows of the Frozen Tides are believed to Stretch the globe from East to West covering the northern end of the Nordland Territories and even reaching Stormholm. Icebergs have been known to drift out into the lunar Depths and Northern edges of the emerald Ocean during longer Winters.   The Frozen Tides are considered very Inhospitable although they can be navigated by Light dog sleds or on foot. Howling winds blow across the ice flows bringing bone-chilling temperatures that keep regions like the Deafall Slopes and Avensgard Holm in snow and Ice all year round.   The Frozen Tides are home to some Strange and Wonderous Creatures such as the Tuskers or Eyvique people similar in stature to dwarves but having two large tusks protruding down from their upper jaw facially they resemble the Walrus. They mainly survive through Hunting and Whaling and build small floating communities among the Ice flows.    Wind Wolves Etherial beasts that stalk the Ice flow in the Freezing winds you have to look hard as the cold and glare distort your vision you might catch a glimpse in the shape of a wolf in the blowing wind and snow. By then it's probably too late Wind wolves have a Chilling Claw attack that is Deadly.   Ice worms sometimes make their way out into the ice flows as they can swim great distances or linger in snowbanks on the ice looking to attack warm-blooded prey.   Nobody Knows, but many have suspicions that some Hidden Cold Dark Supernatural being may be in control of the Frozen Tides and is constantly working on expanding their reach into the other realms of Evermyst.      
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Much of the Frozen Tides are Barren Frozen Sheets of Ice and Ice Flows Occasional small Islands pop up encased within the Ice flows. Beyond where anyone has explored is believed to be several Glaciers.


Reasonable Weather comes in short supply on the Frozen Tides Creatures living on the Frozen tides become more active during these periods of more reasonable weather. Tuskers Hunt, and the wildlife takes advantage of the slight warmth and any sunshine to move about.    During times of Extreme winds and harsh cold most of the creatures on the Frozen Tides Hunker down except such creatures as the Wind Wolf or Frost Worm.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Region of the Frozen Tides has only one season Winter some would argue tow seasons Winter and Extreme Winter but Winter all the same.

Localized Phenomena

  • Howling Winds rush across the Ice flows at times these winds can be so strong they prevent travel or even knock people down. 
  • Glare from the sun off the piece flows and getting pelted with Icey winds can lead some travelers to come down with Ice Blindness.
  • Ice flows break up either plunging travelers into dangerous icy waters or stranding them on large chunks of ice.
  • Freezing temperatures and little to no shelter can lead to Hypothermia and travelers Freezing to death.


Temperatures on the Frozen Tides are almost always at or below freezing. When night falls the temperature Drops Significantly below Freezing even on clear nights.

Fauna & Flora

  • Tuskers
  • Wind Wolves
  • Ice Worms
  • Polar Bears
  • Whales
  • Fish
  • Seals
  • Sea Lions
  • Walrus

Natural Resources

  • Ice
  • Fish
  • Whales
  • Seals
  • Walrus
  • Polar Bear


The Frozen Tides are not a location for Tourism only the most Capable or Foolhardy venture onto the Frozen Tides.

Random Encounters:

  Rolls 1d8 Encounter occurs on a 1-3  Then roll 1d10 on the table below.  
Roll Encounter
1 Tusker Tribe 4d8
2 Tusker Hunters 1d6
3 Polar Bears 1d4
4 Seals 1d12
5 Walrus 1d8
6 Whales 1d6
7 Tusker Foragers 1d4
8 Ice Worms 1d3
9 Wind Wolf 1
10 White Dragon 1

Weather Table:

  Roll 1d6 for Current Weather condition Roll 1d6 Every 2-4 hours the Weather  will Change on a 1-2.  
Roll Weather
1 Sunny & Clear
2 Sunny & Windy
3 Strong Winds
4 Strong Winds & Snow
5 Stong Winds & Ice
6 Blizzard Conditions

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