The Great Book of Grudges Document in Evermyst | World Anvil

The Great Book of Grudges

Dwarven lore definitively documents three versions of this Great tome one in possession of each of the Three Dwarven Kings in the world of Evermyst. These massive tomes are said to contain a historical record list and account of Grudges held by not only the Dwarven Kings but also Dwarven Clans or Families who have petitioned for the formal recording of a grudge towards another entity, family, or clan.   The Book of Grudges is said to be a massive tome Recording such Grudges for a few Thousand Years. Dwarven Lords and the King reference this book and peruse its pages for recorded grudges for Transgressions by mainly outsiders against a specific Dwarf, his Family, Clan, or the Dwarven Lords and most importantly the King.   These Great tomes are kept in the halls of the King behind guarded and Locked doors protected by Magical Runes They contain Grudges Great like the Defeat of Dwarven armies, breaking of treaties, Murder down to lesser grudges Theft, Deception, Cheating, Dishonor of a dwarf or his family, kin or clan just to name a few but within this great tome, there are thousands.  

"Legend has it that a Dwarven King Consulting the Great Book of Grudges has changed or shaped many Historical paths of Evermyst"

  If you should find yourself before the King and the Dwarven Lords and there is a Call to consult the Great Book of Grudges best pray you, or your kin for generations back not be recorded within if you want your visitation or negotiation to go well.   Some who have managed to appeal to get their Grudge against them Expunged through appeal or suitable deed for the Dwarven people say that the Grudge is only drawn through with a single line of Translucent Red Ink there it always be remembered. Dwarves have Long Memory and hold even longer Grudges for the occasional lapse they consult the Great Book of Grudges.  


The Book of Grudges' purpose is to make a Historical account of transgressions against the Dwarven people, to serve as a written memory of these transgressions.   By making them an officially recorded Grudge they may never be forgotten and later used to serve Justice for unfair transgressions despite the passage of time and to be used as bargaining tools by the King and the Dwarven lords with the intent of brokering better deals with other races for all dwarfdom or to remember why not to enter into such deals with other Races, Kingdoms, Clans, Persons, or Creatures.  

Document Structure


The Book of Grudges is separated into four Chapters:


Chapter 1 Grudges of the King

  These are typically crimes of war, Murder, Assult, being a traitor, theft, betrayal, failure to follow a treaty, desertion, or Grudges so declared by the king himself (Very Serious Transgressions).  

Chapter 2 Grudges of the Dwarven Lords

  These are crimes or transgressions as so petitioned and declared by a Dwarven Noble house. Almost as serious as transgressions against the King things like Failure to Adhere to an Agreement, Theft, Assault, Breach of Contract, Cheating, Deception of a Dwarven Lord, and Misrepresentation of a Contract to name a few.  

Chapter 3 Grudges Petitioned by Dwarfkind

  These are Grudges brought Forward by Dwarf citizenry and petitioned before the Dwarf Lord and the King they are typically brought forward by individuals, Families, or clans. Should the King and over half the lords agree this is a reasonable Grudge the Kings Scribe Records it in the book of Grudges to be Referenced and Adjudicated should the Target of the said Grudge ever find himself in front of the King or the Dwarven Lords.  

Chapter 4 Grudges Petitioned by Other Peoples

  This is perhaps the Smallest chapter in the Great Book of Grudges. On rare occasions that someone other than a Dwarf has garnered enough favor from a Dwarven king and a Majority of the Dwarven lords to petition entry of a personal Grudge successfully it is recorded within the Great Book of Grudges. All be it if this person themselves may be a King, Lord, or person of stature from another nation or kingdom these sorts of Grudges are still recorded as personal grudges. It is a common belief among foreign scholars that this chapter must only be a few pages with most of the Grudges described in the most vague manner. Dwarfs Rarely care about the affairs of the other races.  

Chapter 5 Accounts of Grudge Resolution

  This Chapter takes into account court dates for Resolution and Appeals to Strike Grudges and a Brief description of what the resolution result may have been on the date. EXAMPLES: "Date ~ Appeal Denied" Date ~ Grudge Sticken.


  • Grudges recorded within this Tome stand forever unless ordered to be stricken by a Dwarven King and Recorded by the King's Scribe.
  • Grudges Ordered to Be stricken from this Tome by the king will make the date of being stricken and a single thin line will be drawn through the aforementioned Grudge by the hand of the scribe using translucent red Ink.
  • Having one's Name, family name, or Clan name listed in the Book of Grudges can greatly affect matters of Visitation, Access, Business, Diplomacy, or Personal nature with the specific Dwarven Kingdom. The consequences can result in simple denial of a request up to Imprisonment or being sentenced to death.
  • The Book of Grudges is Consulted when new outsiders seeks an audience with the king or his hall of Lords, or if a criminal has been caught and brought before the king or his lords.

Publication Status

The Book of Grudges is kept in the Hall of the King's Vault under constant guard and protective magical runes. It can only be removed by order of the King By the King's Scribes. The Book may be viewed by request of a Dwarven lord but must be viewed within its Vault in the hall of Kings with the presence of at least two of the Kings Scribes.

Legal status

The Book of Grudges is Legal under Dwarven Law and can Pertain to a Specific Dwarven kingdoms Law or in some cases have legal Status under the laws of all three Dwarven kingdoms.

Historical Details


This Book Dates back to the First dwarven Kings mainly to record grudges of a personal matter to the Kings and Dwarven Lords over thousands of years its recorded annals have been consulted for many reasons related to the Dwarven Kingdoms. The Book has been used and referenced by many Dwarven Kings to Negotiate treaties, declare war, prosecute crimes and transgressions against the Dwarven people, and make decisions about granting other races passage or visitation access within the Dwarven kingdoms.    It is believed that this book has even swayed and even changed the major decisions, or declarations made by the king and dwarven lords for a Grudge found recorded centuries earlier In the Book of Grudges for some transgression of a distant relative whose ancestor was later appearing to negotiate with one of the Dwarven kings or Dwarven lords.


More than a Century back History Tells of the Kingdom of Briarland was at war in the lands now known as the Kingdom of Estermarc and the King of Briarland Sent Envoys to Negotiate with the Dwarven King Norelheim, the King of BRialand intended on asking for Dwarven Forces of Reinforcements for his campaign with the promise that he would gift the region of Stormbluff Rise to the Dwarven King.    When the Dwarf king found a Grudge recorded against one of the men's Family names in the Negotiation party the Dwarven King ousted the entire Envoy declaring "This Man's Great, Great, Great Grandfather Cheated at a game of cards with two of my Dwarven Lords I will not trust this man or his kin who likely deal from the bottom of the deck! Land and Riches be damned!"   This Subsequently led to the Defeat of the king of Brairland's Army and the Formation of what is now the Kingdom of Estermarc.   The Annals of Evermyst History has many more accounts and references to Dwarven Kings and Lords Consulting the Book of Grudges in deals with other races. Each account be it public record or done in secrecy is certain to be a storied part of the History of Evermyst as the book's mention to historical scholars sparks much historical pontification and debate.

Public Reaction

The Dwarven Public gets excited and chatter begins when Horns are blown in the Great Dwarven halls and calls are made to the scribes to bring the Great Book of Grudges. Many will flock to view from the wings of the king's hall as they know something monumentally important is about to happen or at least an exciting spectacle when the king calls for this book.   Most other people in Evermyst other than Historians, Scholars, Diplomats, Lords and Kings know little of this Historical Document.


An Eternity in Dwarven Eyes and Still to be Remembered even if the Grudge is marked as stricken it will remain in the Book of Grudges.
Manuscript, Historical
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Expiration Date

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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