The Guild of Elemental Magics

The Towers for the Guild of Elemental Magics are in the western Section of the City of Dunland Prominently towering above the city Walls. This is one of the most prominent Schools for the Arcane Arts in Evermyst. The Guild Education Halls, Towers, and Library sit behind their private walls just off High Magic Lane and Enchanters Way.   Elemental Mages have served The King of Rivenor and the Kingdom for Centuries even before the kingdom was formed. Many Educated within its halls have even served in the King's Armies. Elementalist Mages are slightly different than those of other magical schools of training as they hone and practice magics tied to one specific Element from the Five Elements of Magic Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit. Every Elemental Mage has Specific Talents and Ties towards one of these five Elements, Although they may be capable of Magics outside their Element they are not as capable or powerful as they are with their Inherant Element.  

Becoming a Mage of the Guild:

  Every Year the Guild holds a recruiting event in the Birth month of the guild's High Chancellor. They Announce to the City of Dunland and send Announcements to all the Towns, and Hamlets within the Kingdom that the Guild will be accepting a specific number of applicants to be educated in the Arcane Arts and Accepted into the Guild. Being accepted into the Guild is a prestigious honor but all who come out and apply do not get accepted and even some who are do not rise above the level of Avowed Initiate.   As Potential Initiates Gather in hopes of gaining acceptance into the Guild Higher Ranking Guild Mages and Enducators interview each applicant to access their potential this is a screening process that usually takes two to three weeks. Applicants are judged on their Magical Aura, Temperament, Patience, Demeanor, and Potential to Channel Arcane Energies within their Aura's Element. The Applicants may bring Witnesses personal or written vouchers about their potential and character to become a mage of the Guild of Elemental Magics. Even though they might not be accepted some are encouraged to return and apply after honing their Arcane abilities. The Event Concludes with a Final Interview of all the final round of applicants by the Guild's Grand Chancellor who then holds an announcement ceremony and feast to honor those accepted into the Guild.  

Education and Training:

  Once accepted into the Guild an applicant earns the Rank of Avowed Initiate and access to the Guild's vast library and educators. How a member applies themselves in their chosen element determines how far they advance within the Guild. This also determines the level of knowledge that is shared within the Guild's Libraries with the Member. Training is Intensive till one has proven themselves capable of specific Arcane magics tied to their element. If one's potential proves to be lackluster they may be asked to leave education halls although they will still hold the rank of Avowed Initiate in which case they may return in a later year with slightly better standing and go through the acceptance process in another year. Guild members can often be tasked with missions, or quests, or sent out on adventures as part of their Training.  

Ranks within the Guild:

  Within the Guild of Elemental Magics are several ranks the highest being the Grand Chancellor who is the Leader of the Guild and School The Ranks from Highest to lowest are listed below The Number in Prarenthasis Denotes the Number Holding this Rank or Title and the approximate number of individuals holding this rank at the Guilds Hall or Abroad.  
  1. High Chancellor (1)
  2. Chancellor of Spirit (1)
  3. Chancellor of Fire (1)
  4. Chancellor of Earth (1)
  5. Chancellor of Water (1)
  6. Chancellor of Air (1)
  7. Master Wizard (3-5)
  8. Distinguished Mage (6-10)
  9. Guild Scribe/Scholar ** (15-20)
  10. Avowed Mage (75-100)
  11. Avowed Evoker (100-150)
  12. Chancellors Apprentice (2-6 per Chancellor)
  13. Guild Steward * (30-50)
  14. Avowed Apprentice (30-100)
  15. Avowed Initiate (5-20) Brought in each year over 150 Recorded Initiates abroad.
* Denotes a Rank Only for Servents, Kitchen Staff, Maids, Pursers, Grounds Keepers and the like. (All are Members of the Guild but have no Arcane Abilities)   ** Denotes a Rank for Honored and Loyal staff who help with magical studies but they themselves are not capable of Arcane Magics.  

Achieving Rank in the Guild:

  As one Progresses in the knowledge and capabilities of their specific Arcane Element. Members can advance from Students to honored members and even to educators within the guild. Distinguished Mages and Master Wizards handle the Bulk of the Education and Training with Special instruction being handled by the Chancellors. Master Wizards who become Extremely influential and powerful rise to the Rank of Chancellor a Position they hold for life with one Chancellor for Each element. These Chancellors Vote in secret to appoint a High Chancellor to be leader of the Guild and once appointed they hold this position for life.  

High Chancellors Tower:

  High above the Guild grounds is the Elemental Beacon Tower at its very Pinnacle is the Gem of Elements that is Magically bound to the High Chancellor of the Guild it Glows Brightly with the High Chancellor's Mastered Element Legend has it that this is the Pinnacle of Power and Knowledge among the Guild of Elemental Magics. The Gem of Elements Shines like a beacon and can be seen for miles at night. Currently this Beacon Shines a Brilliant Flaming Red and Orange for the Element of Fire the Masterd Element of High Chancellor Axious Brightglory.   This Gem has been Known to Shine a Mysterious Purple and Misty light for the Element of Spirit, Deep Aqua Blue to Teal for the Element of Water, Whispy and Swirling Grey and White light for Air, and Subtle Green, Brown and Orange hues for the Element of Earth Depending on who is the High Chancellor.  
High Chancellor Axios Brightglory Depicted Below:
by Hero Forge


During Times of War the Guild of Elemental Magics has been known to Field a small unit of Evoker Mages or to aid the king's Military forces by Providing Apprentices, Evokers, Mages, Wizards and even the aid of A Chancellor if called upon.   The Guild also has produced a Unit of Golems that Provides Security within the Grounds.


All Guild Members are Well educated even stewards and simple servants within the Guild have some teaching almost every Member is Capable of speaking more than just the common tongue many will know the language of at least one to three other races as well as Primordial the language of the Elements. All are expected to be versed in reading and writing.


The Guild Grounds have such structures as Chancellors Towers, Primary and Secondary Classroom facilities, Extensive Library, Dormitory housing for Students and Staff as well as Chambers for Educators. Dining and Function Hall, Magical Training Grounds, Vaults and Archives, and even their own Dungeon Proving Grounds used for Tests of Advancement within the Guild.

"Elementum tuum, magister vitam tuam." Master your Element, Master your life.

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Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Guild of Elemental Mages
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Elemental Guilder
Power Structure
Feudal state
Legislative Body
The Chancellors of the Guild, and Master Wizards are responsible for holding Monthly Council with the High Chancellor regarding Rules and Affairs of the Guild.    They are recorded by Guild Scholars.
Judicial Body
The Chancellors of the Guild act in conjunction with the High Chancellor Act as the Judical Body of the Guild.
Executive Body
Chancellor's, Master Wizards, and Distinguished Mages act in Enforcing Guild Laws and Rule along with acting as the Primary Educating body.
Neighboring Nations

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Character flag image: by Flag Generator


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