Thieves of Promise

There are several organizations, knightly, and religious orders, guilds, and noble factions known to perform good deeds, when one mentions they are a member of a thieves' guild good deeds are not what comes to mind. Yet this is the primary objective of the Thieves of Promise a band of Thieves like no other.   The Thieves of Promise have sworn to each other that they will use their skills to aid the Forgotten, and less fortunate In particular the Thieves of Promise look to help Orphaned, Abused, Missing, Kidnapped, and Enslaved Children of Evermyst. They will use their specific talents to aid Orphanages and rescue children who are being Abused, Missing, or Kidnapped, and their primary goal is to get children out of enslaved bondage.   The Guild got its start much like most thieves' guilds do a gang of young aspiring rouges running the streets In the Case of of the Thieves of Promise it started with a young runaway orphan girl calling herself "Ting Ting" befriending street urchin kids in the Shanties of Vicentia. Ting Ting was one of those forgotten children running away from a corrupt and abusive orphanage. She learned and perfected her thief skills from the urchins she befriended and soon became a leader of several Like-minded young rogues, Stealing food and bringing it to underprivileged children, This rapidly expanded to using their skills to rescue children being sold into slavery or trafficked for prostitution.   After several successful rescues, the Gang took up the name Thieves of Promise. Slavers found they would lose their child slaves and the potential profit if they brought them to market in Vicentia as the Thieves of Promise would find ways to rescue and recover these children. Many of these children chose to join the very guild that rescued them. Many others were reunited with Parents, or Housed in an Honest and reputable Orphanage Like the Starlight Orphanage of Vicentia and learned a trade.   The reputation of the Thieves of Promise First Reached the Ears of the Earl of Vicentia who changed some of his laws regarding the Slave trade in the City in 2979 and the sale of slaves under the age of 18 Banned the Earl has not outlawed slavery entirely but has moved from his initial leanings of turning his head toward it.   Word of The Thieves of Promise's reputation has traveled to far-off regions of Evermyst and some have even come seeking to Hire the Thieves of Promise to Find, Recover, and Rescue their Children, The thieves of Promise have recovered several kidnapped and missing children. Some of the Guild Members have set out to other cities in the world of Evermyst to expand the reach of the guild and perhaps set up more chapters.    The Guild now is the primary Financier remote overseer of the Starlight Orphanage in Vicentia. This was the Very Orphanage that the Guild Leader Ting Ting Fled due to abuse and corruption as a young child but she swore to return and expose the corruption and make changes for the better, But that is a story for bards and scholars to revel another day.  

Recognizing a Member of the Thieves of Promise:

  The Guild has a simple medallion that each member earns and wears it is made of carved wood and depicts two hands linking their Pinkies as an Oath or Promise this is also how guild members Greet one another.


Ranks within the Thieves of Promise


The Thieves of Promise don't just take in any Rogues or Thieves. Potential members themselves have suffered from Abusiveness, Abandonment, Kidnapping, or Conditions of Slavery as children. They have to swear that they will primarily use their talents towards rescuing children from the tribulations they faced and to commit a portion of their wealth at least 10% towards the guilds goals.  

Core Beliefs:

  • Guild members will do their utmost to prevent abuse and mistreatment of children.
  • Guild members will report any potential of Child Slavery or Prostitution to the Guild.
  • Guild Members will act as part of the Guild to Free or recover Children from abuse, Kidnapping or slavery.
  • Guild Members will not steal from Children but may use their talents to steal from Abusers, Kidnappers, and Slavers and to support the guild causes.

Public Agenda

The Public Agenda of the Thieves of Promise is well-known they look to prevent Abuse and rescue missing and endangered children.


It is only hearsay but the Thieves of Promise is believed to have a complement of almost 200 Members in all of Evermyst. Their Coffers are sizable enough that they house, and support and Educate over 100 children a year in the Starlight orphanage and still have sufficient funds in the coffers to fund extensive rescues, and maintain a well fortified Hideout.

A Child Saved is a Promise Kept

by Bing AI image Creator
Founding Date
Guild, Thieves
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Thieves of Promise Founder "Ting Ting"  
by Bing AI Image Creator

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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Aug 8, 2024 00:33 by Absinthe

Thieves are my kind of people, thought, these thieves would not like me keeping pretty shiny things in my pockets.

Aug 8, 2024 12:08 by Chris Burson

The Thieves of Promise don't mind you keeping a few shiny things. They are Thieves by nature many of the thieves of promise were abandoned, abused, and former slaves who had to steal to survive. If you want to keep some shiny stuff by all means do. Just remember to steal some extra to help our cause and don't hurt or steal from children.