Warp Plague

The Warp Plague or Warping as it is often referred to first came upon the lands of Evermyst during the Period of the Scorch wars In Particular after the Scorching in 2095. It is believed that the Supernatural Cataclysmic event of a meteor striking the continent of Elabor unleashed the disease, particularly in the Region affected by the Impact called the Scorched barrens.   The disease takes hold in various ways, and chirurgeons, healers, and scientists agree that it can only be supernatural in its origin. The disease can take on many forms and not always be in the same fashion or pattern. It first showed its effects on Soldiers and Adventurers who ventured into the Scorched Barrens and Came back with Constant Sweats Boils and legions developing on their skin and breaking into Random fits of anger or guttural gibberish speech. Many of these soldiers and adventurers succumbed to the Warp plague after spending days in the scorched barrens and had to be killed as they went Mad and started attacking their companions. For others, the Disease took them slowly as they made several forays into the Barrens to fight back the Twisted and demonic forces and find the portal from which they came.  
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  Over several years after the Scorching the Disease took many and twisted many more it seemed to seep out of the cracks and fissures of the Scorched barrens and began to twist and warp not only those fighting the Scorch war and heading into the Barrens but the people that survived the scorching and lived near the massive crater in the center of the barrens. Many did not develop the same symptoms as those who ventured deep into the fissures and crater but their minds became corrupt and filled with anger and illogical rage others developed deformities that started to become evident in Newborn Babies. Children born to parents that had been near or in the barens started growing extra limbs, some grew horns, tails, and discolored skin. Not all were affected by the rage and anger of the Warp Plague showed in earlier years.   The Ravaging of this disease in the region around the Scorched Barrens became a major cause of upheaval among the people as Mages and Clerical orders banded with scholars to prevent its spread they found that only Divine and Good Magics could save those afflicted by it and only if it was caught in the earliest of stages before the mind or diseased individuals soul was considered warped.    Children born in this Region of Elabor to parents affected by the disease started to become more resistant and even immune to the mind-warping effects, although they look different than typical Humans of the region. Many Have Horns, Tails, and skins of Reddish, blue-grey, and even Ebony Hues. They did not have the Crazed Bloodthirsty Urges and discussing pockmarks and boils. The People started calling these Children Half-Devils. These Half-Devil Children are looked upon with fear, apprehension, and discrimination if they survive to adulthood Many have either hidden away in isolated communities of their kind or live in fear under the protection of just a few friends or loved ones or in servitude of Wizard, Scholar or religious order that wishes to study them.   The Warp Plague has had Far Flung Myths, Legends, and Misconceptions spread about it all over Evermyst. What is known is The Warp Plague is primarily contained in the Scorched Barrens and if you stay away you aren't likely to be affected by it. If you Venture into the Fissures deep in the Barrens or to the Crater there is a good chance you will be affected by the Warping or Warp Plague.

Transmission & Vectors

  • Traveling within the Region of the Scorched Barrens increases one's chances of contracting the disease. 
  • Exposure or contact with an Individual and their Bodily fluids under the effects of the Warp Plague or Warping double the chances of getting the disease. 
  • Prolonged exposure to the Steam and Mists of the Fissures and Underground regions the Scorcehd barrens has a tendency to weaken ones constitution or resistance to the Warp Plague the more time exposed increases ones chance of succoming to the effects of the Warp Plague.


Stage 1

  • Dark Boils or Pockmarks start to appear on the skin.
  • The Individual will begin to sweat excessively.

Stage 2

  • The diseased individual will demonstrate nervous ticks or twitches.
  • Individuals will have random uncontrollable outbursts of rage or guttural speech

Stage 3

  • The Diseased Individuals' rage outbreaks will become violent harming others or themselves.
  • They develop Symbiotic talk or guttural speech with diseased individuals in their presence.

Stage 4

  • The Individual will not recognize any friends or family and Attack on-site or kill themselves due to madness.


Powerful Divine Spells such as Cure Disease, and Remove Curse, can remove the Disease if it has not progressed past stage 2.   Limited wish or Wish spells can cure it at any Stage.


Eventual Death or serving a Thrall for the Corruptive demonic powers that have a hold over the Scoched Barrens.

Hosts & Carriers

Almost all the wildlife in the Scorched Barrens is affected by the Warp Plague in some way or another and has mutated into a dangerous sub-species of their former kind.


Magical Amulets can ward of the effects of the Disease or More powerful ones can prevent its contact.

Cultural Reception

Most of the People of Evermyst Fear the Disease and look upon the people under its effects as lost causes that should be Exterminated.   Stigma and Discrimination are greatly experienced by Half-Devils born of Parents who had the Warp Plague. Although they have Immunity or Strong resistance to the disease there is great apprehension and misunderstanding of Half-Devils believing they can catch the disease from them although this is not true.
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Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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