
Perhaps the most prolific hunters wolves are all too common a danger in the lands of Evermyst they wander the Highlands, Forests, and even the Open plains as well as the badlands and dry areas. Hearing Howls while traveling in the wilderness of Evermyst during Twilight or night hours is almost as common as chirping birds and the whistle of the wind during the day if you find yourself a half days travel away from major civilized areas and folks in more remote areas think of it as part with the territory. With these howls, if you hear a response it usually indicates a pack of wolves and for all, you know you could be stalked by a pack of wolves far more dangerous than being stalked by a lone wolf. Wolves of Evermyst are cunning they like to look for and seize opportunities to single out their prey this trait alone makes them a challenging opponent packs of wolves have been known to get considerably large and stalk targets for days picking off stragglers to weaken a group for a more planned attack. Packs of wolves are particularly dangerous if under the guidance and control of a Warg who exerts dominance over the pack and their actions.

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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