Wrecker's Atol

Written by Crafty_Dm

First sight after sailing in from the Western Depths as you approach Sylvan Bay is Wreckers Atol a Low lying Rocky Island dotted with Mangrove trees and stunted cypress and palm trees, and the more venerable banyan trees inland. Wreckers Atol aptly got its name from the string of coral reefs surrounding it and the great number of ships that have come face to a watery grave about its reefs and shoreline. Fresh water is scarce here and Brackish saltwater mixes with the hard-to-find fresh water in coral rock pools that litter the island ones that may be freshwater today may be Brackish with the changing of the tide. An island is a popular place for scavengers and, Wreckers to recover foundered goods and a great spot for pirates to maroon disloyal shipmates.
Coral Reef, Fringing

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