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The Kabian are a desert people. Their homeland is the desert of Kabia, and their capital city is Vulcanacre. They are a tall hardy people standing nearly 7ft tall. They have coarse sandpaper like skin and their skin tones match that of the desert making them quite stealthy in their homelands. They lack any hair other than eyelashes that are more dense than other races to allow them to live in the desert without risk of being blinded by sandstorms. Their feet are wider and more symmetrical that the other races allowing them to want through the deserts without issue.     • Reroll on Saving Throws Against the effects of natural heat.   • +2 Dexterity / Charisma, -2 Wisdom / Strength.   • Bonus Skill Perform.   • Once per scene as a Move Action you perform a dance of the desert causing sand to swirl around you obscuring you and making yourself harder to hit. Until the start of your next turn your AC is increase by +2 and you gain +2 to Perform skill checks within reason.