Humans are the beings created by Cerelum to be the most common and most civil of races to inhabit Everus. Noble, regent souls and dedicated leaders, they were destined for greatness but when their creator died, humans were rejected. “Shards of a dead god” they were called. Cast out and exiled under the pretense that minions with no leader are worthless.
While still the most common race in Everus to date and most cultures containing at least a fraction of human civilians, humans mainly inhabit colonies on continents that are sparse or otherwise unpopulated. Most noteable, the Empire of Lowvire. A strictly human organization that once were called ‘Shattered Vase’ in reference to the “Shard” slang that was being thrown around at the time. Even the word 'human' derives itself from ancient elven terminology.
Basic Information
Bipedal, Humanoid
Ecology and Habitats
Humans can survive in most places with some degree of comfort, but most will perfer temperate regions with a viable, constant source of water.
Additional Information
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Grouped into kingdoms and domains of political significance.
Average Intelligence
Reasonably intelligent.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Humans are natural boen hunter/gatherers and their need for survival senses is refleced in their perceptive abilities. When focusing, a human can have very acute hearing and sight to assist them in knowing where potential predators are.
These senses have somewhat diminished over the centuries of organised civilisations, but is still prevelant.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
Humans are sentimental and will often name children after significant factors in their life.
Beauty Ideals
On Males: Prominent musculature structure and a clean face.
On Females: Smooth skin and a well proportioned body.
Gender Ideals
Commonly, a woman in human culture will adopt household roles like cleaning and child-raising but this is by no means an enforced rule. Men in human culture have no inherent advantage over women for certain roles, but the gender roles encouraged by this behaviour are widely accepted.
Courtship Ideals
Humans prefer a romantic experience when it comes to courting, dates, dancing and other entertainment is often consumed as a method of bonding with the partner.
Average Technological Level
The feudalist societies of humanity have not been encouraging on scientific growth. Humans have developed things that help greatly in their day-to-day life (in areas like agriculture, trading and building).
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Humans were the frontier of the common language during the explosion of merchantile capitalism, and it is widely considered the humans' native tongue.
Common Etiquette Rules
A degree of friendly respect is expected between humans. A smile and a well placed handshake are staples of human influence.
Common Dress Code
Humans tend to dress cleanly and simply, though the exact mode of dress often depends on the person's wealth or social standing.
Culture and Cultural Heritage
Humans became infamous when their patron diety; Cerelum died. They were outcast from the society that they helped forge and this is reflected to this day in common human culture. It is common for a human to tepidly indulge in a new situation, to curiously investigate before involving themselves fully.
Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals
Humans are quick to celebrate things and that is reflected in the number of things that constitute holidays and events. They celebrate everything from birthdates to anniversaries of their own relationships.
Common Taboos
Humans have strange views on decency and modesty that has come about as the result of their sheer cultural indipendance from other races.