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Avon Ilisalor

Undying Pallid Elf. Stuck between the worlds and souls. Existing as a future PHD Project

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The Deostok Games: Evil Edition

I now know that I don't do well in a fast current. Turns out strength is a key component of wading through a turbulent river. When I finally surfaced I saw Antwon and Percival fighting for the final victory and to grab the spear. It was a difficult battle but Percy was finally able to wrench the spear free and named the winner of the event. Luckily it was top five got into the final and thus Antwan and a 5th place Aeldred snuck into the winning. Amos was also discovered to be a cheater. In the end while I couldn't swim like the meat bros I could still state I am a stronger competitor then Amos.   While they were thrilled with their victory and celebrating, I also had a victory having been gifted a large sum of gold from a fortuitous event that happens in gambling towns such as Deostok. That night we rested well at the Registrar House which if we win could be a hall of our own. As I drifted into a restless watch I did see Antwan win his own victory with what appeared to be a lady of the night smitten with him: Aldrine.   Following this event we entered the next competition of jokes. Vespi, Antwan and myself signed up. Antwan got offended by people laughing and tried to fight the crowd. My deadpan wit was surprisingly well received but it was Vespi and her pretty pixie personality that took the win in the end.   Following this we were engaged in a horizon back riding challenge. Amos was determined and put all of his ability in, tried his absolute best. He looked like the best version of himself. He then lost to a random guy named Specolis. Later that night I saw Amos hanging out with Antwan and Specolis. I thought it odd of Amos to be such a bigger man after his crushing defeat and decided to follow him. They all went for a stroll and ended up in an alley. I, watching from the end of the alley, saw Amos tear Specolis limb from limb and devour his flesh. I was relieved to know that Amos was a monster in life as in personality. Antwan was covered in the blood of Specolis but seemed oddly unperturbed by the whole situation. I decided at that point to step away from the situation and let sleeping dogs/Amos lie. When I returned to the inn I did see Vespi chatting in a very provocative manner to Taringer Darington. I swear everyone of my party are horn dogs, or horn bulls.   The next morning I put away the debauchery of the night before and we engaged in a riddle event. It went well with Amos being guided by the mistakes of Aeldred to get a medal finally. Also Aeldred now has gills. So he is officially our man-cow-fish party member or "krakenkow". This is what you get when you try to apply Krakow logic to human riddles.   That evening I decided that I knew enough of the unsavory parts of our whoring, flesh rending, gill breathing, fop seducing party and decided to strike into town on my own! While out and about I was struck by religious fervor and joined a church! I found some excellent individuals of the cult of Asmadeus. They were a bit desperate for attention from their god (The Lord of the 9 hells who rules over those who died), so I decided that as one closer to death then almost anyone I could help inspire them. With a little soul searching and then soul possessing, I let them know the demands of the dead. They are to help us find information of the Library.   There may have also been a small riot to burn down the church of Bahamut to help financially support their travels.   Having made new friends and a church community, I joined back with our party and we crushed the second last event the Medal of the Maze. By "we crushed it" I do mean the magical side of the party not the meat head side of the party who got lost easily *Aeldred* cough.   With the completion of all these events there was but one left: The Great Paddywack Activity. We were bad at it. Through and through. End of story.   Today we are now at the precipice of becoming lords of Deostok with the only thing in our way is a pesky challenge of finding a treasure in a nearby sunken hidden temple. We have brought our new fall guy Taring along to make us be a full team for the event, he was able to pass the riddle test following his seduction of Vesperra. In the end the winner of the event will be made the 7 seats of the council of Deostok. I believe that Tarington's goal of creating the old Deostok not to be in our best interests but that is something to review when we have him surrounded, isolated and next deep in water in a sunken temple.

The Ringer

Nicodranus holds nothing on the charming town that Deostock is. We have arrived in this pleasant, pilfering, pauper-filled property town and have decided it would look best as a jewel in the crown of the library (a small jewel, probably near the back but a jewel none the less). A town of Dwarves, Gnomes, Durger, Drow and some humans it is a relative land of villains. At least they are true to their villainy unlike Nicodranus. We learned that this town was ruled by a cabal that was picked every 5 years at the Festival of Merit. To our luck, the festival was about to start! Using our new insider and Percy's bicep enthusiast Sadrock we have signed up for 2 of the 7 events with plans to complete the rest!   We met a fellow challenger Tering Darington (bit of a fop) and what appeared his statuesque servants. They threatened us but I feel we walked out on top. Maybe we could liberate his servants when we are rulers. Signed up together for harvesting: Antwan-Percy, Aeldred-Amos, and Vespi-myself Encountered the first challenge: Best pies in the Jumble What we saw at that event should never be speaken of but I will try. I may be dead and can swallow most things, Percy put my dead gullet to shame. I believe that by the second pie he had unhinged his jaw and just put his tongue to the side and let everything slide in. He is Percy the anaconda in my books now. I was able to keep a bit of a pace and both Percy and I won the medal of meat pie with 5 other challengers. Time to continue on and become kings.

Splitting the Party

They call me Indiana Bones.   I awoke to a beautiful black energy being pumped into me by Antwan. Thank you Antwan. Above me a purple light shone down coating us in the violet beams. At this point I felt that it would be nice to move the old bones and settle down for a second. Of course that was interrupted by a wild Ignatius and Percival showing up. How they escaped the prison, got past the guards at the front of the lighthouse and also knew to look here, Myrkul only knows. After they showed up and discussed the casual ending of a person's life started talking about how terrible it is to be dead and that making someone dead is a bad thing. Not that I totally disagree with him on the matter (don't really like being dead) but the way he said it I took exception to. Stating that death should only come to someone who deserved it.   Because I was tired of his stupid face I decided to share my truth. It was time tell a little of my people and the goddess Sehanine, a story of innocence and loss. As I started getting into this most deep part of my remaining soul, Amos decided that is was an interactive conversation. Luckily before I had to possess him and make him bite his own tongue, a large amount of the previous necrotic energy came back into the tower. We decided it may be best to store the story for later and started the climb to the top of the lighthouse. Climbing the stairs we were accosted by a large amount of the vines and falling to their imminent demise were Percy, Aeldred, Vespi and Antwan. I, with Amos, had no issue and got to the top of the tower. At this point though our old antagonist the undead vine puppets woke again and beat down Antwan and Vespi in their hurt state. Percy decided he liked being up high and ran to the top anyway while Aeldred absentmindedly played bull yoyo with Ignatius. Poor Antwan just wasn't having a day. Deciding that their deaths would be a worse fate then whatever Amos could do when left alone I decided to go and save my compatriots. Riding down the vines with my whip I feel that I have a new extension to myself in this ghastly weapon. There at the bottom I revived both of my friends, repaying a bit of the debt that I owe those close to me.   With the death of the vines people: take two, we went to go find Amos. Turns out that when left alone he finds a child, clears out the rest of the lighthouse and kills a massive monster. He honestly confounds me to no end. The child claimed he was Yusa and that he had done everything. I swear to all that is unholy at this point I was so tired of all the games these people play I was going to throw this welp off the top of the lighthouse. It turns out the rest of the party felt the same and we started the good old tradition of torturing people we recently rescued. Well it turns out torture makes people talk quite quickly and the boy revealed he was Yusa's apprentice and donning the guise of Yusa came to fix the tower to get in his good graces. This apprentice's name was Kendall "the weak".   He told us of how when he arrived here it was inhabited by a group of goblinoids who using a cursed dagger (currently in the hands of Amos) had corrupted the lighthouse of Mellora. They bore the broken crook symbol of a cult determined to stop any changes of nature and let the natural cycle run its course. Kendall also stated while he couldn't understand a lot of what they said there was talk of the Quaraska forest and money changing hands.   With this knowledge extracted we decided to use our new found friend/little brother to get a small favour. Get us an audience with Yusa. He was encouraged with the motivation of keeping his skin attached to his body (excellent motivation). He then led us back to the tower where appeared two more people I can't stand: Yusa and his little goblin lackey.

Missionary of the Church of Myrkul

I feel like I am travelling with a whole party of barbarians sometimes. When Antwon, Amos and Aeldred returned from the prison, we learned of their escapades to a brothel and the casual burning down of a pub near the prison. I assume that their plan to break Percy and Ignatius out of jail was to be thrown in with them and figure it out from there. While the boys went out and played, Vespi and I spent some time in frnt of Yusa's tower having a nice "girls and undying" night in, chatting about crushes, questions and gossip. Honestly a good night.   Then the boys showed up, drunk as skunks with Aeldred hollering on about his big old minotaur dick and the night was ruined. It almost got ruined more when some guards came strolling by and were convinced that Antwan was a famous fisherman. I was genuinely worried that he would take insult to being called a fisherman and start a fight right there. Realizing that staying around the tower all night led us closer and closer to ending up in prison as well for vagrancy, everyone went back to an inn to rest. Since rest is no matter for me, I decided to review the jail and see if we could find a way to get our friends out and leave this hell hole of a city. I learned that the shift change happens at 6 AM and the prisoner release at 6:30AM. Not much but something. I also chatted with a local vagabond who gave me details about the interior of the prison and explained that they had seen Ignatius there, proving he didn't need to stay in the prison but that he wanted to, making feasts and leaving at any point he felt like. Following this information, I gave the vagabond the best gift imaginable, the drive to leave Nicodranus forever and to go get lost in the woods. He was very thankful.   With the information of Ignatius and Percy's whereabouts, the party regathered and went to scope out the prison. Vespi used her art of seduction to be slightly distracting at the level of a door to door salesman. She did mention that Ignatius was her alzheimerish uncle and ignored the existence of Percy all together. I was able to chat with Ignatius who noted he didn't want to leave the prison and also that he can create magical earpieces that extend 30 feet with no difficulty. I truly despise and yet partially admire the man. (When I mention that the party did all this, I obviously didn't include Amos, not a part of the core, as he was shopping).   We also learned that the trial for the pirates would be coming up soon but didn't have a specific time. The decision was made to go free the Lighthouse statue of the Mother to maybe get some favour from the locals we could use to become barons or earls or extremely rich and maybe to get a pardon for Percy and Ignatius as well.   Upon reaching the lighthouse we originally weren't allowed inside as Yusa Errenous was already inside trying to fix the tower. He has been a thorn in our sides one too many times! We decided a public outcry/riot would be helpful and using the guise as the Librarians of Nature we entered the lighthouse. It was covered in vines and bodies and pulsed a foul energy. I accidently started it off and then got viciously beaten down with Antwan by a bunch of undead plants who benefitted from necrotic damage and also were mindless husks. Definitely not the type of enemy I wish to tangle with. After being beaten senseless I went even more into the limbo between life and death where I currently sit now.

Fear and Loathing: Nicodranas Edition

Turns out that a city that is known for being fun and interesting is actually just a bunch of pompous fools thinking that think they are better then everyone. Color me shocked. We arrived on the dock and spoke with Amos and Ignatius. Amos was as insipid as I remember him being. Ignatius, a touch more mad. After learning that they had been here for over a day and Amos had officially learned as much about the city as we did while riding in a stone snake, aka nothing, we decided to find out more about the city. Vespi and Antwon (aka Jeofffjyyyy) decided to ask a guard about where they could find a doctor to help with our internally bleeding friend. When the guards got suspicious as why we were on the docks with a man suffering a deep puncture wound, they got suspicious. Antwon decided to start getting cagey and refusing to answer their questions in the most obstinate way. Always a great call when facing a bunch of guards. Somehow they weren't dragged off to prison.   At this point Percy came over and stated that some guards came by and stated the boat was stolen. He was able to slow them down with the goal of getting paperwork. After informing us of this, him and Ignatius returned to the ship to be ready to talk their way out of the predicament. As we know, guards are very understanding when it comes to search and seizure discussions with unknown migrants who refuse to give them any backstory. This led to both Percy and Ignatius being thrown in prison. Aeldred avoided that and instead decided that he should have a drink and enjoy a patio. Honestly, not a bad call.   We then went to the great tower of Yusa Errenous. Turns out rich people don't like door to door beggars (us) and he has a bit of a sadist streak making a door that is a fake to fuck with the less fortunate (us again). We did meet some locals who were absolutely useless as locals that go to places where tourist suffer generally are. With some research we realized that the tower was protected by the spell fortress. I then thought my second level spell Knock could help with that (it did not and I lost all my spells). Vespi did leave a note for Yusa and we decided to go find a doctor. Amos did say he was a theoretical doctor and then fused the metal stuck in Antwan to Antwan's skin. Antwan then embodied a true icon and decided that while life threatening injuries were important, fashion comes first. To mainly impress the doctor. While I question the urgency of the matter, I did get an excellent vest, so good call again.   Antwan eventually met a physician a Dr. Diomin, who while looking like a loan shark did successfully heal Antwan. All it took was a bunch of money. The jacket Antwan bought earlier and his threats to the physician did not help but were still parts of the package. He does need to take daily medication for a while though. We then returned to the tower and learned that Yusa got a boat that was stolen back. We saw Yusa talking to some Zellezzo (imperial) guards. He also had a goblin servant.   Once the guards and Yusa left we harangued the goblin (Derek), we then let him go with no benefit butVespi did get to practice flirting. At this point we split the party again with Myself and Vespi waiting at the tower hopign that being annoying would be beneficial.   Amos and Antwan then went off to find out more about the ship and if it was ours. Got distracted by a brothel The Lavish Chateau featuring Marion Lavore.   They did eventually learn that the boat was being held at the constabulary at the Restless Wharf on Nicodranus st.   Aeldred then met up with Antwan and Amos at the cafe outside the prison.   We learned it is Wednesday January 7, 869.   Is it jail break time? Or should we let the boys binge for a couple more days before planning our next steps. Neighborhoods: Open Quay, The Skew, Restless Wharf, Opal Archway?

The Ship in a Bottle Episode

Ever feel like you were all set to just get on a cruise to be shipped off to an island of debauchery and fun, then realize you are on the keel of a boat bobbing next to a destroyed island with possible sharks in the water? I do. Due to that eerily specific analogy, we spent some time trying to flip a boat, Vespi almost drowned because she is a hoarder and the boys are now super bro-ey. Antwan did succeed with everyone's help to flip the boat. On the boat, we found a large number of corpses and dead livestock. 3 more dead to the Kracow's wishes. We also found a couple of barrels of water, gunpowder, a brined liquid (later discovered to be tar) and a box of grain. At this point the party decided to all try to figure out ways to help the ship with Percy doing the most by plugging the hole and then with the help of Vespi/Aeldred emptying the hold of water. At this point I was valiantly keeping watch and Antwan decided to install a modern art piece on the main deck. Hanging a sheep from the mast then covering it in tar (except a single hoof). My keeping watch immediately paid off as we saw 6 dwarves who were adrift at sea. We pulled them up to the boat where they were immediately thankful that we saved their lives. That changed dramatically after they saw the sheep covered in tar hanging from the beams. It turned quickly to hostility as Antwan turned the art piece into an interactive piece by tearing the sheep to pieces and tossing blood everywhere while intimidating the starved and emaciated dwarves to declare him the owner of the boat. This meant that I, the respectable bard, tried to smooth over the cracks in our fractious relationship. After finally getting it all smoothed over, Antwan immediately challenged the half starved/half dead dwarf to a duel. This soured the relationship again but was cut short. The dwarf did mention some interesting things though, stating the island had been erupting for 6 months instead of the 1 day we thought it had. At this point our exhaustion got the better of us and we attempted to sleep. Thus the fever dream began. The dwarves disappeared, the ship changed to a different ship and even the night sky shifted. We appear to be traveling through time and space. This at least gives us the benefit that all those that Antwan has pissed off are either already in the past/future or dead. Silver linings. Notes of what we learned: Any action we took on the previous ship happened to this ship, with the exception of the bodies and dwarves, the tarred sheep and the fed dwarves were gone but the food they ate returned. Also the boat is totally different but had the materials we previously had. Also there was a scroll with two initials on it Y.E.   We discussed this for a couple of hours then thought "what if the boat disappears when this happens again?" Because of this and the fear of missing any island we just aimed for the mainland. We learned we are bad at boating. We also shared some things about ourselves: My hope of finding a magical relic that could control the passage of souls/spirits to move to different planes, Aeldred that if he had to pick between his Order and us he would dread to think of what he would do *cough* murder us all *cough*.   After learning that, we actually got to land but not without some bruised ribs and a punctured lung.   We have arrived at Nicodranus aka the Lost City aka the Escape aka The Gathering of Colours aka the City of too many god damn names. We went to a quiet quay and decided to go ashore and try to sell the boat. We brought the classic rich kid combo with bodyguard: Vespi, Antwan and I. We left behind the naked man and the homicidal minotaur. Upon reaching shore we noticed that all the usual trappings of the dock appear to have been washed away leaving trash and jetsam. Talking about trash and jetsam, Ignatius and Amos were on the dock. The two decided to not help us or take us with them when they previously left but just appeared now, no worse for wear. They better have something good. P.S. The ship's name is the Parakeet P.S.S. Yusa Errenous is from this city. Proprietor of the Open Key she used to be an artifact/relic dealer that we had contact with. Maybe someone useful to connect to. Also Y.E. from the scroll means this boat might have a connection to them.

The Gang Commits Genocide

So it turns out the Yuanti have us surrounded in the lowest level of the temple. They then warn us and give us five minutes to prepare. Interesting tactic Yuanti. We then spend most of that time arguing about inane things. Most of the fault goes to me on this one. Just before they come down though I inform the final Guardian to protect us from harm. Suddenly.... not so suddenly.... 10 poison grenades fall upon us. I am able to save Vespi, Antwan though ate a face full of poison. Then we fight! Then we get our asses mostly kicked around. Antwan gets eaten, I then got to learn what it felt like to have an entire man inside me as I possessed the snake. Not saying I hated it or not, still needs some processing. After Antwan got knocked the fuck out, Vespi realized she has stage fright in fights, Aeldred spent alot of time as a pacifist medic and Percy got distracted killing little snakes, the big screw you guardian finally showed up and taught us that we don't need to be strong so long as we have a big construct of destruction at our bidding. They literally tore the head off of Thetzuatl showcasing that he was not in fact the biggest baddest snake. The rest ran away...slithered away? Both? At this point, the guardian decided it had enough of our shit and locked up down to properly protect us. We decided to explore the room and gather more details of our surroundings. At the bottom of a salty well, I found a sculpture of Uka-Toa encircling a globe and in the middle of the globe there was a hole. It reminded me of the time that Ignatius had me read ("for my education") the third book on every sixth shelf on every odd floor of the library. At the time: the worst experience. Now: extremely useful as I was able to recall the ancient story in Xanthar's guide to deadly sea serpent mythology (oddly specific) about the three globes that were held in different temples and used to control Uka-Toa. I would assume that this would hold one of those globes now gone. ALSO I FOUND A BALLIN WHIP. Its a bunch of teeth and looks edgelord as all, or serial killer or both. All I know is I will be the best edgelord serial killer I can be with it. Once returning to the surface, we realized that Aeldred's masterful plan of killing two races of beings was finally in action as a volcano literally erupted to destroy the island. Tragically with us still on it. We were able to escape due to the great ingenuity of myself and the guardian snake protecting us by eating us and swimming us away. Until it ran out of power and we got a great view to the end of an entire people as well as diverse/unique ecosystem that was the island of UrukAxyl. We have now found a boat with a bunch of dead sailors on it, due to the massive tsunami that hit after the volcano (more dead to the kracow's wishes).   Also Amos is back, as was Ignatius. Ignatius is now gone but we still have Amos.

Learning the true nature of the KraCow

We have reached the third level of this temple in a matter of minutes. What the snakes couldn't achieve in weeks to months we achieved in minutes. It truly either speaks to our intellect or the lack of it in the Yuanti. There were 4 plinths in the new level which seemed to depict the defeat of Zaheer and the jailing of the Warden. Percy and Vespi decided it best to start eating the fruit of this sealed away room immediately. Choices were made. Turns out that a psychodelic induced trip was indeed the answer to this puzzle and we learned of four key ideals: 1. Sacrifice feeds the garden 2. Sacrifices open the way 3. Garden feeds the Wardens 4. Garden protects "deity" So we have learned that whoever once built this temple was also really into blood At this point we were engaged in a terse standoff with Thetzosceal (head of the yuanti) who couldn't figure out that immediately eating the sketchy fruit was the way forward Eventually he force Thuitza (high priestess) to eat some and then she moved to a catatonic trip like Vespi before her. The Yuanti decided to leave the chamber for medical attention (reasonably) and tried to take Vespi as well, but Antwan had none of that. He is very protective. Turns out I can turn drugged euphoria on and off and learned the secrets that Percy and Vespi knew. Also learned temporary ability to speak and understand Ki-Nau langauage with the fruit. Decided that Vespi had enough fun and stuck a hand down her throat until she threw up. Turns out the Yuanti didn't think they needed the great puzzlemasters and tried to poison us. Again with the poor intelligence. Then the bodies started falling (FIRST COMBAT) 5 Yuanti down: Vespi melted a brain and shriveled a snake to death Antwan stabbed a snake in the back? dorsal side? Percy chopped the head of a snake and the hands of a snake I let the ennui take the last one. I got a new snake tail broom. Percy thought the best way to protect us was to seal us in the snake death temple but at the same time literally 5 minutes ago we saw that the Yuanti knew how to open the door. The help got around to properly defiling the bodies so that the next door opened. Again concerning about the blood magic. We learned that Vespi is an addict and found the 4th floor that included two statues that looked like a very very slow anti intruder system and then saw three mosaics: a bird, a snake and a worm After not understanding the interpretation we told the snake to protect Uka-Toa Finally the KraCow decided to take decisions into his own hands/hooves and told the worm of the ground to "get rid of the lizard and snakefolks on the island" After Aeldred tried to look like he didn't intend to kill off two civilizations. To do this he told a bird to speak to the worm. And then in the moments post genocidal order but pre-actual massacre we were told by the big boss boy that we had five minutes to live.

Meeting the Yuanti Faithful AKA Snakes are Serbian Dicks

Started off in the hut where Johnny was found. Amos and Ignatius decided to go to the beach when suddenly there was a large bang and they disappeared. Ignatius had left Percival a note stating they were safe but had gone investigating Group decided to go to lizard camp to meet the locals Got lost on a trail loop, not good with nature Eventually went to a waterfall as rest of group was very thirsty, (note: Albert cannot float in air, fell down a waterfall) Saw 4 lizard people fishing at the water Successfully gathered water for the living Ended up going west after finding a bench made for a tailed creature Following a well trodden path used Pass without Trace and Invisibility to scout the Temple Guarded by snake people (different then lizard people), learned there are also panther snake hybrids and that snakes have excellent smell, and orgies Went back and long rested Decided to initiate first contact in morning with Snakes. Antwan is not to be trusted with meeting people in a non-threatening/friendly way. More intimidating then friendly. Tried to threaten the snakes into helping him with his biceps (which have names) Avon and Vespi came out and defused situation. Snakes called Yuanti Three Snakes met: Thuitza (high priest) Susiku (Warrior) Thetzosceal (Chief of snakes) COVER STORY: We shipwrecked on the way to Rumblecusp. We are scholars and all the sailors died. Aeldred was a very opinionated cat Snakes note that Lizards are here to kill them due to Lizards believing snakes killed the go Uko-Toa Serpent god of the sea Snakes note that Uko-Toa died 30 years ago attacking Port Denali Snakes would have released us to the beach with no issue. If we wanted help we need to either wipe out lizards or release the great weapon from the temple Snakes worship Zaheer the cloaked serpent. Want to turn all people into snakes Met Thetzosceal at temple after convincing snakes we are scholars of high renown and may want to worship Zaheer as they may have saved us from shipwreck Aeldred no longer a cat Went to top of temple and have now unlocked third level of very human sacrificey temple Also snakes are giant dicks and I got hurt falling down a temple Turned a snake statue into a shot of the island, glow in the dark puzzle Ended on 3rd level the Orchard Currently have Tale of the Clever Animal Prepared

The Big Bang

First day! Library was in Deastok, Was asked to watch the barrier set up as per usual Waiting for Maggie the Enchanter to give me a charm for disguise During usual ritual, cast red (colour it isn't meant to) Earth shattering boom then library was gone Met up with Percival (human) and Ignatius Saw Antwon (human) down in the pits, was talking to Joey who was back in the library but also noted on an asteroid Vespera (human?) and Amos (Tiefling) (also has a raven named Echo) showed up, don't know who Amos is but Vespi says it is a friend Second explosion happened, saw tunnel/tube of the world Awoke on beach with Aldrin (minotaur), of the copia wildwood, he followed the stars as noted by his druidic circle of the beyond Advanced 100 years to 850 Ignatius brings up Zolarg and brew a map in the sand of two continents and two large mouths on either end Learned we were on the island of Urukaxyl and we have a map Temple in the middle of the island and lizard camps Vespi made a scythe named Johnny Ignatius has the great mystery of the tea cup End session with the plan to move on from the hut and go to the temple

Back Story Run 1

A history hidden from those who he has met.   They know him as the remnant elf. Not alive and not dead. Always surrounded by a feeling of death and a connection to the arcane.

Meeting the Druid

We awake on a beach


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