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Avon Ilisalor

True Neutral Remnant (Haunted One)
Bard 4
28 / 28 HP

Undying Pallid Elf. Stuck between the worlds and souls. Existing as a future PHD Project

Campaign & Party

Other characters
Sun 2nd Oct 2022 09:40

The Deostok Games: Evil Edition

by Avon Ilisalor

I now know that I don't do well in a fast current. Turns out strength is a key component of wading through a turbulent river. When I finally surfaced I saw Antwon and Percival fighting for the final victory and to grab the spear. It was a difficult battle but Percy was finally able to wrench the spear free and named the winner of the event. Luckily it was top five got into the final and thus Antwan and a 5th place Aeldred snuck into the winning. Amos was also discovered to be a cheater. In the end while I couldn't swim like the meat bros I could still state I am a stronger competitor then Amos.
While they were thrilled with their victory and celebrating, I also had a victory having been gifted a large sum of gold from a fortuitous event that happens in gambling towns such as Deostok. That night we rested well at the Registrar House which if we win could be a hall of our own. As I drifted into a restless watch I did see Antwan win his own victory with what appeared to be a lady of the night smitten with him: Aldrine.
Following this event we entered the next competition of jokes. Vespi, Antwan and myself signed up. Antwan got offended by people laughing and tried to fight the crowd. My deadpan wit was surprisingly well received but it was Vespi and her pretty pixie personality that took the win in the end.
Following this we were engaged in a horizon back riding challenge. Amos was determined and put all of his ability in, tried his absolute best. He looked like the best version of himself. He then lost to a random guy named Specolis. Later that night I saw Amos hanging out with Antwan and Specolis. I thought it odd of Amos to be such a bigger man after his crushing defeat and decided to follow him. They all went for a stroll and ended up in an alley. I, watching from the end of the alley, saw Amos tear Specolis limb from limb and devour his flesh. I was relieved to know that Amos was a monster in life as in personality. Antwan was covered in the blood of Specolis but seemed oddly unperturbed by the whole situation. I decided at that point to step away from the situation and let sleeping dogs/Amos lie. When I returned to the inn I did see Vespi chatting in a very provocative manner to Taringer Darington. I swear everyone of my party are horn dogs, or horn bulls.
The next morning I put away the debauchery of the night before and we engaged in a riddle event. It went well with Amos being guided by the mistakes of Aeldred to get a medal finally. Also Aeldred now has gills. So he is officially our man-cow-fish party member or "krakenkow". This is what you get when you try to apply Krakow logic to human riddles.
That evening I decided that I knew enough of the unsavory parts of our whoring, flesh rending, gill breathing, fop seducing party and decided to strike into town on my own! While out and about I was struck by religious fervor and joined a church! I found some excellent individuals of the cult of Asmadeus. They were a bit desperate for attention from their god (The Lord of the 9 hells who rules over those who died), so I decided that as one closer to death then almost anyone I could help inspire them. With a little soul searching and then soul possessing, I let them know the demands of the dead. They are to help us find information of the Library.
There may have also been a small riot to burn down the church of Bahamut to help financially support their travels.
Having made new friends and a church community, I joined back with our party and we crushed the second last event the Medal of the Maze. By "we crushed it" I do mean the magical side of the party not the meat head side of the party who got lost easily *Aeldred* cough.
With the completion of all these events there was but one left: The Great Paddywack Activity. We were bad at it. Through and through. End of story.
Today we are now at the precipice of becoming lords of Deostok with the only thing in our way is a pesky challenge of finding a treasure in a nearby sunken hidden temple. We have brought our new fall guy Taring along to make us be a full team for the event, he was able to pass the riddle test following his seduction of Vesperra. In the end the winner of the event will be made the 7 seats of the council of Deostok. I believe that Tarington's goal of creating the old Deostok not to be in our best interests but that is something to review when we have him surrounded, isolated and next deep in water in a sunken temple.

Avon's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Meeting the Druid
    03 May 2022 03:09:01
  2. Back Story Run 1
    03 May 2022 03:09:19
  3. The Big Bang
    11 May 2022 03:44:13
  4. Meeting the Yuanti Faithful AKA Snakes are Serbian Dicks
    18 May 2022 03:34:59
  5. Learning the true nature of the KraCow
    31 May 2022 02:55:48
  6. The Gang Commits Genocide
    02 Jun 2022 02:43:02
  7. The Ship in a Bottle Episode
    23 Jun 2022 02:37:18
  8. Fear and Loathing: Nicodranas Edition
    05 Jul 2022 06:09:15
  9. Missionary of the Church of Myrkul
    12 Jul 2022 07:23:32
  10. Splitting the Party
    13 Jul 2022 02:44:11
  11. The Ringer
    30 Aug 2022 11:54:03
  12. The Deostok Games: Evil Edition
    02 Oct 2022 09:40:36

The major events and journals in Avon's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

03:57 am - 06.03.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

02:12 am - 06.03.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

04:20 am - 24.02.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

12:46 am - 24.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:17 am - 07.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:01 am - 07.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

03:48 am - 23.01.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

12:40 am - 23.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

10:33 pm - 22.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

06:22 pm - 22.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

04:28 am - 16.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

12:42 am - 16.01.2023

Session 20b - the Wedding

05:41 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20b - the Wedding

01:40 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

04:00 am - 12.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

12:53 am - 12.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

04:36 am - 28.11.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

12:04 am - 28.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

10:46 pm - 16.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

01:30 am - 07.11.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

03:50 am - 31.10.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

12:18 am - 31.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

03:11 am - 24.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

11:50 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

02:54 am - 03.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

11:21 pm - 02.10.2022

The Deostok Games: Evil Edition

I now know that I don't do well in a fast current. Turns out strength is a key component of wading through a turbulent river. When I finally surfaced I saw Antwon and Percival fighting for the final victory and to grab the spear. It was a difficult battle...

09:40 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

03:06 am - 12.09.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

02:05 am - 12.09.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

02:55 am - 31.08.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

12:34 am - 31.08.2022

The Ringer

Nicodranus holds nothing on the charming town that Deostock is. We have arrived in this pleasant, pilfering, pauper-filled property town and have decided it would look best as a jewel in the crown of the library (a small jewel, probably near the back but ...

11:54 pm - 30.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

02:46 am - 24.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

12:11 am - 24.08.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

02:29 am - 20.07.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

11:28 pm - 19.07.2022

Splitting the Party

They call me Indiana Bones. I awoke to a beautiful black energy being pumped into me by Antwan. Thank you Antwan. Above me a purple light shone down coating us in the violet beams. At this point I felt that it would be nice to move the old bones and se...

02:44 pm - 13.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

02:47 am - 13.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

11:23 pm - 12.07.2022

Missionary of the Church of Myrkul

I feel like I am travelling with a whole party of barbarians sometimes. When Antwon, Amos and Aeldred returned from the prison, we learned of their escapades to a brothel and the casual burning down of a pub near the prison. I assume that their plan to br...

07:23 pm - 12.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

04:24 pm - 10.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

11:49 pm - 05.07.2022

Fear and Loathing: Nicodranas Edition

Turns out that a city that is known for being fun and interesting is actually just a bunch of pompous fools thinking that think they are better then everyone. Color me shocked. We arrived on the dock and spoke with Amos and Ignatius. Amos was as insipid...

06:09 pm - 05.07.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

03:29 am - 29.06.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

12:02 am - 29.06.2022

The Ship in a Bottle Episode

Ever feel like you were all set to just get on a cruise to be shipped off to an island of debauchery and fun, then realize you are on the keel of a boat bobbing next to a destroyed island with possible sharks in the water? I do. Due to that eerily specifi...

02:37 am - 23.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

03:10 am - 22.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

11:09 pm - 21.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

01:22 am - 21.06.2022

The Gang Commits Genocide

So it turns out the Yuanti have us surrounded in the lowest level of the temple. They then warn us and give us five minutes to prepare. Interesting tactic Yuanti. We then spend most of that time arguing about inane things. Most of the fault goes to me on...

02:43 am - 02.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

11:21 pm - 31.05.2022

Learning the true nature of the KraCow

We have reached the third level of this temple in a matter of minutes. What the snakes couldn't achieve in weeks to months we achieved in minutes. It truly either speaks to our intellect or the lack of it in the Yuanti. There were 4 plinths in the new le...

01:18 am - 26.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

03:19 am - 25.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

11:16 pm - 24.05.2022

Meeting the Yuanti Faithful AKA Snakes are Serbian Dicks

Started off in the hut where Johnny was found. Amos and Ignatius decided to go to the beach when suddenly there was a large bang and they disappeared. Ignatius had left Percival a note stating they were safe but had gone investigating Group decided to ...

03:34 am - 18.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

02:27 am - 18.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

11:14 pm - 17.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

07:35 pm - 11.05.2022

The Big Bang

First day! Library was in Deastok, Was asked to watch the barrier set up as per usual Waiting for Maggie the Enchanter to give me a charm for disguise During usual ritual, cast red (colour it isn't meant to) Earth shattering boom then library was gone...

03:44 am - 11.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

11:17 pm - 10.05.2022

Meeting the Druid

We awake on a beach...

03:09 am - 03.05.2022

Back Story Run 1

A history hidden from those who he has met. They know him as the remnant elf. Not alive and not dead. Always surrounded by a feeling of death and a connection to the arcane....

03:06 am - 03.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Avon.

Played by
Ragenar Ransackson

Other Characters by Ragenar Ransackson