Important Equipment


Axe that can damage immaterial ghosts

Weapon:2, Scale:0

Found in a cave in the Middle Lands (now being used as the new lair of a band of friendly bandits), party led there by Old Man Fig

Orichalcum Trident

Weapon:2, Scale:2, 1 Hearthstone socket.

Stolen from the Monastery of Tides along with the books for Hallow

Paired Red Jade Short Daiklaives

The pair: Weapon:2, Scale:2. Count as one item for attunement
Single weapon: Weapon:1, Scale:1

Taken from the body of an Immaculate Monk in the Monastery of Tides at the same time as the trident

Hearthstone:Life Draining Stone, Abyssal 1

This polished, deep-purple teardrop becomes blood red in direct sunlight. Once per scene as an action can try to affect some or all of the characters present with unnatural weariness. Roll Occult vs 0 to create the aspect "listless and tired", relative scale as per the highest of those affected. All those affected roll Resistance, if they roll equal or higher then aspect does not apply to them. The aspect vanishes the next time they sleep.

Hearthstone of the Manse at the PCs estate, Crested Wave Estate

Jade Hearthstone Amulet

Amulet with a hearthstone socket but no other powers, stolen from Half House Wren, the city prefect of No More.