Cerberus Assembly


The Cerberus Assembly is a group of extremely powerful mages in the Dwendalian Empire centered in Rexxentrum with others scattered through the continent. As part of their creation, this group of mages falls under the rule of the Dwendal crown. The operate as government officials and advisors to the throne, while pursuing individual responsibilities as well. From its founding, the Assembly has only grown more intertwined with the government and rule of the Empire, in a complex and impossible to unravel web of power and alliances. As each individual has their own responsibilities, there is no official leader to the Assembly. However, due to his experience and power, Martinet Ludinus Daleth is often seen as the de facto leader of the Assembly. When a member of the assembly is removed or passes away, the council and crown decide on the next individual to take over the responsibility.    Archmage of Domestic Protections: Martinet Ludinus Da'leth Archmage of Civil Influence: Archmage of Industry: Archmage of Dysology: Archmage of Diplomatic Union: Lord Athesias Uludan Archmage of Conscription: Headmaster Zivan Margolin Archmage of Cultivation: Archmage of Antiquity: Lady Vess DeRogna

Public Agenda

Those not allied with the Assembly are wary of their growing power.Those allied with the Assembly claim that they keep the Crown in check and prevent abuses of power. Outside the Empire, the Assembly is regarded as a necessary evil and treated with distant respect.


The name "Cerberus Assembly" is a reference to a group of powerful mages that existed during the Age of Arcanum. However, the current faction took the name as inspiration and is unaffiliated with the group. Around 570 PD, there was a war of Mage Houses within the Dwendalian Empire that nearly destroyed part of Rexxentrum, in an event subsequently known as "The Eve of Crimson Midnight". As part of the ceasefire, as opposed to being imprisoned, the Mage Houses agreed to bind themselves to the Empire. The Cerberus Assembly was established as a power under rule of the king. It has since flourished, helping the Empire rise to power.
Founding Date
579 PD
Governmental, Department
Parent Organization


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