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Falcone lies north of Emon on the Ozmit Road. The town is named after one of Emon's early warlords, who is said to haunt the surrounding hills in spirit form, frightening away monsters. Horses are bred and trained here, rich Emonites maintain secluded estates in the hills, and farmland is plentiful. Stands of dark duskwood and spruce trees are everywhere.   In one corner of the town square stands the Great Shalarn, a black stone statue of a famous war stallion bred in Falcone long ago. Gelded by a prankster, the rearing stone horse is often painted in bright colors by high-spirited locals. Children are allowed to hurl stones at birds perched on the statue, to help keep it free of droppings. The children often climb it themselves and cling precariously to the high, tilted saddle, waving their arms and commanding imaginary armies into battle. Within spitting distance of the statue is the Stag-Horned Flagon, a cozy tavern run by an gray-haired, middle-aged woman with a wry sense of humor named Arleosa Starhenge (NG female Chondathan human commoner). Born in a wild magic zone, Arleosa has the innate magical ability to cast the alter self spell three times per day. In her youth, she was a member of a traveling carnival and used this power to entertain folks. She no longer cares about using the ability, and no one in Falcone knows she even has it.   The three Emonite families with the most influence in Falcone are Houses Amcathra, Ilzimmer, and Roaringhorn. These houses rule the town, with the controlling family changing each Winterscrest. The current Lord Warder of Falcone is Dauner Ilzimmer (LN male human noble), a bombastic family man who loves horses more than he does most people. Thanks largely to the influence of its nobles, Falcone is a member of the Lords’ Alliance and enjoys the protection of Emon's city guard. The lord warder also hires adventurers from time to time to take care of pesky bandits and monsters.


Humans 64% Shield dwarves 10% Elves 10% Lightfoot halflings 5% Half-elves 5% Gnomes 3% Half-orcs 2% Others 1%


Lord Marthane has 10 house guards, Falcone has 50 part-time town guards. For defense, the local garrison has 3 Wyvern Riders, 9 mounted veterans, and 25 scouts (with available riding horses)


Horses, tack, gryphons
Alternative Name(s)
Owning Organization


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