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Chapter 3 Westruun

The group packed up and headed toward Westruun after getting a sorrowful farewell letter from their cleric Waldo Waldron Earthwanderer. On their journey, the group hunted down a large deer and then fought over said Deer. Quickly after that, they arrived in Westruun. They started stealing or attempting to steal in Garrick's case when they heard a loud explosion. They all ran to see what it was. What they saw was herionudous a large academy building engulfed in flames. The diamond curse turned to Garrick and said “Do some magic, magic man!” panicked. Garrick Clearspring sweating just ran straight into the burning building so the rest of the group decided to follow. The group was able to save many people before getting trapped themselves but was quickly saved by a group known as The League of Miracles. Unfortunately, they got most of the credit. At that moment as the group were leaving the scene a mysterious figure stepped out of the shadows and said that they deserved more notice for their actions. This shadow was a tabaxi named Dark Shadow who had seen the groups courage and wanted to aid them as they traveled to the Lord mayor of Westruun. The group did realize that they were missing Ted their rat companion. So dark shadow asked the Diamond curse in a language called thieves can't if she would like her to search for this rat it was then that Dark shadow threw down her ring and it instantly turned into a snake and slithered away. As a group approached the residents of the Lord mayor they noticed what appeared to be an increased presence of guard who all seem suspicious of the group as soon as they entered the premises. They were told to halt by what appeared to be one of the leaders maybe a captain of some sort and after Garrick Clearspring and some of the other members of the party argued with him they eventually allowed them to pass escorting them into the manner. They've been met Lysandra Kallos and were told about the recent assassination attempts on her life, she then ask them to help after explaining to them that she believed that the clasp underground crime organization was responsible and why she believes so. Garrick and Horen were quick to agree to help but the Diamond curse was less eager telling the group that they should discuss it further Hygar Steelhelm and Dark Shadow agreed although Garrick and Horen didn't see the use of this for further discussion. As the group left the office Garrick stayed behind explaining to Lysandra that he would still help her even if the rest of the group decided not to. As the group went out into the courtyard they learned that Dark Shadow and her snake found Ted and returned him to the group. The group then decide they were going to camp for the night but The Diamond Curse wanted to camp within the city while everybody else wanted to camp outside of it and although Garrick said he would meet that the Diamond curse at the butterfly garden within the city he,Hygar, and Horen all went to the bramblewood Forest leaving the Diamond curse to her own devices while Dark Shadow went to the suburbs outside of town to camp. Garrick's group unfortunately had a short fight with a giant owl that saw Garrick as a tree lingering snack and tried to take him away but with Horen and Garricks teamwork they were able to kill the owl all while Hygar slept like a baby. The Diamond curse arrived at the butterfly garden but no one else met her there so she decided to go drinking with Ted and was frustrated that she could not get drunk because her tolerance was too high. The next day she woke up early and got a newspaper and brought it back to her bunker at the butterfly garden. Dark Shadow arrived not seen the Diamond curse and decided to take a seat on a local bench. The rest of the party after eating some giant owl showed up to the butterfly garden seeing dark shadow on the bench but no sight of the Diamond curse.   Once the group did come together the group then had a discussion about trust. Both sides said their piece but unfortunately, although there was a temporary truce neither side was satisfied in the end. The diamond curse did give the group some insights on the clasp and after speaking to dark shadow in a language none of them heard before mentioned that they may have an inside guy who can help with their investigation. During this talk Hygar became fascinated with Dark Shadow who had never seen or atleast noticed a tabaxi before and referred to her as magic kitty and was attempting to pet her but she jump to a light post and then ran away during his attempts. Then almost everyone went shopping besides Horen who decided to head out of town with his dire wolf Bloodshed. Some people went to shop and blacksmith for everyone ended up going to one of the two magic shops in town. Dark Shadow and the Diamond curse went to Beyond the Veil the older of the two establishments. While Hygar and Garrick went to Gilmores Glorious Goods . While there Hygar trying to fit in with the shopkeep Unora decided to try to convince her that he was in fact a very powerful wizard even more powerful than her boss Shaun Gilmore. He tried to get Garrick in on the act but Garrick was against lying to this person so Hygar decided to demonstrate his magic by running into him with his magic helmet but just as he was about to hit him Garrick turn himself into a mouse convincing the shopkeep Unora that it was Hygar who turned him into a mouse making her believe even more that he was truly a powerful wizard. Eventually everyone besides Horen returned to The tavern. It was there that the Diamond curse tried to get Hygar to admit that he was not wizard but he decided to demonstrate yet again his magic by running into her with his helmet but dark Shadow decided to protect her new Ally by shrinking Hygar making him quite small and running into the diamond curses knee. She picked him up and started acting like he was a doll and let dark Shadow pet him but he was just stunned thinking he was the one that shrunk himself. Eventually the minute ran out and he returned to his normal height but it was just then that a magical darkness crept into the room causing everyone to go blind. When the darkness was gone so was dark shadow and the Diamond curse Hygar was alone in the room except for the patrons that were already there not knowing where any of his friends were. Hygar, alone in the sunkissed tavern, traced the fading darkness to a wand held by a Tiefling woman. Intrigued by her display of magic, he complimented her skills, teasing that she might be almost as powerful as him. However, the woman gave him an unconvinced look before swiftly disappearing, leaving Hygar puzzled by her presence and the symbol on her clothing that seemed vaguely familiar.   Meanwhile, Dark Shadow, Hygar's tabaxi ally, returned from behind the bar with two bottles of ale, claiming they were for her and The Diamond Curse. Hygar decided to get his own drink, and as the group reunited, Horen burst into the tavern, sharing his harrowing encounter with an attempted assassination and the suspicious alliance between the Shadewatch and the clasp. He expressed concern for his loyal dire wolf, Bloodshed, who had been captured. As Horen relayed the details, Garrick, in his mouse form, had been investigating the town for any clues regarding clasp activity. Sensing a tense atmosphere throughout the city, he reverted to his true form and returned to the tavern. The group reconvened, but The Diamond Curse was missing. They decided to search for her and were surprised when she suddenly ran up to them. However, she couldn't provide a clear explanation of where she had been or what had happened, raising suspicions among some of the group members, particularly Garrick. Dark Shadow suggested investigating the crime scene where Horen was attacked, and the group agreed. They followed the direction in which Bloodshed had been dragged but also considered using The Diamond Curse's connections with the clasp to gather information. The group followed her to a dark alley, where she performed a secret knock on a door, gaining them entry into an underground tavern filled with clasp members. The Diamond Curse was recognized by many, and all eyes turned toward her. As the group stepped into the hidden The Clasp base led by The Diamond Curse, they found themselves face to face with Spiraling Evelyn, one of the leaders of the organization. Without wasting any time, she urged them to follow her to her office, where they could discuss their business in private. Inside the office, the group recounted their encounter with Rock and the urgency of their need to speak with him. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Spiraling Evelyn agreed to arrange a meeting with Rock, promising to inform them once everything was set. Grateful for her assistance, the group expressed their appreciation and began to make their way out. However, Dark Shadow hesitated, sensing the need to have a private conversation with Spiraling Evelyn. Despite the Diamond Curse urging to leave, Dark Shadow insisted that her words were urgent. Curiosity piqued, they stepped aside to converse in private, their discussion holding significance for their future endeavors. After their conversation, the group reconvened outside, deliberating on their next course of action. In a surprising turn of events, The Diamond Curse revealed that unexpected matters had arisen, requiring her to separate from the group and leave town for other pressing business. The group bid her farewell, acknowledging the challenges ahead. During the farewell, Dark Shadow remained deep in slumber, oblivious to the exchange. Efforts to wake her proved futile until the mention of milk triggered Hygar's determination. With haste, he sprinted off in search of milk, leaving Garrick and Horen waiting for his return. As minutes turned into an extended absence, Garrick and Horen made the decision to leave the sleeping tabaxi undisturbed in the shadowy alley. Garrick expressed his intention to reinvestigate the scene of Horren's attack, a notion that Horen readily agreed to. However, as they delved into their investigation, a mysterious figure cloaked in red approached them, brandishing a sword and demanding their identities. Tensions rose, and heated discussions ensued. It was only when The Diamond Curse returned to her allies that they collectively redirected their attention, recognizing the true threat. With newfound unity, the group's focus shifted towards the Diamond Curse, who found herself outnumbered. Realizing the odds were against her, she made a quick decision to flee. The mysterious figure, now aligned with the group, provided aid in their assault, solidifying her newfound allegiance. Reeling from the encounter, the group decided it was best to retreat to the familiar comfort of the Sunkiss tavern. Within its walls, they sought solace, recovering from the tumultuous events that unfolded. It was during this time of respite that Hygar finally returned, carrying a bowl of milk. To their astonishment, Dark Shadow awoke from her deep slumber, surprised to find only Garrick and Horen present. Seeking guidance, Dark Shadow asked the Hygar for their next course of action. In an unexpected response, Hygar simply declared, "Get fucked up," which elicited laughter and camaraderie. Dark Shadow produced two bottles of ale, further cementing their resolve to celebrate amidst the challenges they faced. As the group reveled in their lightheartedness, Rock appeared, becoming the focus of their attention. With renewed determination, they endeavored to convince him to join their cause as the group interrogated Rock, a member of the clasp, about the assassination attempts on the Lord Mayor, tragedy struck unexpectedly. An arrow pierced Rock's jugular, leaving him critically wounded. Hygar tried to investigate the source of the attack but was hit by a poisoned arrow himself, unaware of the poison's effect at the moment. While Dark Shadow desperately tried to save Rock from bleeding out, she found a note attached to the arrow, warning her to back off and leave town. As the danger subsided, Hygar carried the unconscious Rock through an alley and encountered the rest of the group. Despite their best efforts, Rock passed away. In a moment of desperation and sorrow, Light Shadow cast a spell, turning Rock into an undead servant so he could accompany them to his final resting place near a serene pond. Arriving at the pond, Light Shadow explained that the only way for Rock's spirit to find peace was to be put to rest again. The group, disturbed by the circumstance, reluctantly agreed to the plan. Light Shadow had Rock perform a dance as they somberly said their goodbyes, and when the moment came, they fought their former somewhat ally one last time before finally laying him to rest. The burial left the group with a mix of emotions, some feeling uneasy about the undead servant, while others, like The Diamond Curse, appeared strangely unperturbed. Back at the tavern, the group tried to find solace in card games and drinking contests. Garrick bested Hygar in a card game before falling asleep, and The Diamond Curse engaged in a spirited drinking competition with Hygar. The contest ended abruptly as she passed out, requiring Light Shadow's intervention to ensure her safety. In the midst of these events, Horren questioned his place within the group, seeking guidance from the Stormlord, who offered some form of an answer to his uncertainty.   Garrick's slumber was abruptly disrupted by the persistent rapping on his door, the rhythmic knocks echoing through the Sunkissed Tavern. With a groggy start, he rolled out of his makeshift bed. The wooden planks creaked beneath him as he stood. The source of this unwelcome interruption was soon revealed to be none other than Kyro, the formidable captain of the Shields of the Plain, sent by the esteemed Lord Mayor Lysandra Kallos.   Lysandra's message was clear and concise: Garrick was summoned to accompany her to the theatre that very night. She graciously allowed him to bring his trusted allies along for the evening's festivities. Grateful for the companionship of Hygar and Horren, Garrick shared the news with them, but the remaining members of their group remained blissfully unaware.   As they gathered in the dimly lit corner of the tavern, their discussion initially revolved around the events of the previous night. However, their focus gradually shifted towards Bloodshed, the fierce dire wolf companion of Horren, who had mysteriously disappeared. The urgency to locate him was palpable.   Despite the pressing matter at hand, Garrick's stomach growled with hunger. He had no coin to spare on food, leaving him with only one viable option—hunting. Although initially determined to venture into the woods alone, he reluctantly agreed to let Light Shadow accompany him.   As the rest of their group set off on the trail of Bloodshed, Horren triggered a concealed trap, narrowly avoiding a swinging log that threatened to collide with him. His elven reflexes had proven invaluable once again, saving him from certain harm.   Meanwhile, Garrick and Light Shadow scoured the forest floor, tracing a series of hoof prints that led them to a wild boar in the midst of devouring a deer. The two wielders of magic made swift work of their quarry, with Garrick using his powers to transform the boar back into its humanoid form and Light Shadow deftly shrinking the creature. The spoils of their impromptu hunt included meat from both the assailant and the deer, which Garrick collected, while Light Shadow gathered the bones for future use.   Amidst the dense, foreboding forest, the trio of adventurers, Horren, Hygar, and The Diamond Curse, diligently pursued the elusive trail of their kidnapped dire wolf companion, Bloodshed. Horren, nimble as ever, scouted from the treetops, while the other two combed the forest floor for any clues that might lead them to their beloved companion.   The path they followed was treacherous, riddled with concealed traps that seemed determined to thwart their progress. With quick reflexes and keen instincts, they managed to elude these dangerous snares, each close call intensifying their determination to reach Bloodshed.   Eventually, their journey led them to a clearing bathed in dappled moonlight, with a solitary tent at its heart. Horren, concealed amidst the canopy, remained hidden from view, but Hygar and The Diamond Curse were not so fortunate. As they approached the tent, sharp-eyed clasp members patrolling the area detected their presence, their sinister intentions unmistakable.   In a stroke of agility and magic, Horren executed a Fey Step that caught the clasp members by surprise, disorienting them and turning the tide of the impending skirmish. Blades clashed, spells crackled, and the forest echoed with the sounds of a fierce confrontation.   In the heat of battle, Hygar, with unwavering determination, managed to reach the center tent, where their loyal dire wolf, Bloodshed, was tightly bound. With skilled hands, he swiftly freed their companion from captivity.   As the skirmish raged on, the leader of the clasp members, a formidable adversary, was eventually overpowered and defeated by the combined might of the trio. Amidst the chaos, the group stumbled upon a wanted-alive poster bearing Horren's likeness, hinting at deeper conspiracies afoot.   Their discovery did not end there; within the tent, a gleaming, enchanted longsword lay in wait, its magic radiating with potential. Horren and The Diamond Curse, both drawn to the allure of the weapon, decided to settle their claim through a duel. Blades clashed once more as they engaged in a tense battle for possession of the coveted prize. With each strike, the outcome remained uncertain, but in the end, Horren emerged as the victor.   However, their hard-fought victory came at a price. The Diamond Curse lay injured and in need of healing, but Hygar had expended his magical energies during the battle. In their best interest, they decided to allow her to rest and recover, leaving her unconscious for the time being.   In the wake of their recent adventures, the group gathered to regroup and share newfound revelations. Light Shadow, with a grave expression, informed Garrick that Dark Shadow had been bitten by a werewolf, hinting at a future where Garrick's spells might be their only salvation.   Simultaneously, in an intimate moment, Horren attuned to the ghostly blade he had won from Astrid. As he delved into the blade's history, Astrid herself experienced a vivid flashback, unveiling more about her enigmatic past. It revealed a mysterious character named Enitor, whom The Diamond Curse used to work for in the act of stealing artifacts for a yet unknown purpose. However, Enitor had eventually captured Astrid, exploiting her to harvest celestial energy from her blood. The ordeal continued until a group of powerful adventurers, hired by Astrid's mother, came to her rescue.   Astrid was abruptly awakened from her haunting reverie by Hygar, grounding her back to the present moment, where the reunited group stood together. Their purpose had not changed; they were still the Shadow Hunters, and a critical mission lay ahead.   The group made their preparations for the upcoming play, during which they would be responsible for escorting and guarding the esteemed Lord Mayor of Westruun. To fit the part, they indulged in the purchase of fancy attire that would allow them to seamlessly blend into the event's opulent atmosphere.   As the appointed hour neared, they assembled at the designated location to pick up Lysandra, the Lord Mayor. Tension hung thick in the air as they embarked on their journey to the theater. Every step was taken with caution, their senses on high alert. However, the initial part of their journey went uneventful, leaving them with a guarded sense of relief.   Upon reaching the theater, they took up their respective positions. Horren, agile and nimble, stationed himself on a nearby rooftop, keeping a vigilant watch. Astrid occupied one of the guard balconies, prepared for any unexpected developments. The rest of the group settled in the VIP balcony with the Lord Mayor herself.   The first signs of trouble were noted by Light Shadow and Astrid, their connection to magic allowing them to communicate discreetly. Astrid chose to investigate, and her inability to reach the location led her to urgently inform Horren. With uncanny speed and grace, Horren leaped from building to building in pursuit of the mysterious figure.   In a heart-pounding moment, as Horren prepared to take a shot, an arrow, swifter than any he had ever witnessed, struck him in the chest, narrowly missing his heart but leaving him paralyzed mid-air. He plummeted, crashing into a pile of crates in a nearby alley.   Astrid, witnessing Horren's dire situation, rushed to his side. His once-sharp elven eyes now stared blindly, poisoned by some malevolent force. She hurriedly transported him to one of the nearby guard towers, desperate to seek aid.   Meanwhile, the rest of the party remained with the Mayor, unaware of Horren's plight. Astrid informed them of the unfolding crisis and declared that it was time to evacuate the Mayor. Just as urgency hung heavy in the air, two arrows whizzed by, narrowly missing the Mayor. One struck the Tabaxi guard captain Kyro, rendering him blind.   With chaos erupting around them, the group braced for an impending battle.In the dimly lit theater, chaos erupted as an assassin, driven by sinister intent, unleashed a barrage of arrows aimed at the Lord Mayor of Westruun. With urgency in the air, Light Shadow swiftly placed a suitcase on the ground, while the rest of the group sprang into action to protect the mayor.   A daring escape plan unfolded. Most of the group, except Astrid and Dark Shadow, fled with the mayor, boarding a wagon to make their getaway. However, the relentless assassin pursued them with uncanny speed, aided by his mystical arrows. In a daring move, he materialized on top of the speeding wagon, orchestrating a deadly assault.   But the group was resourceful and resolute. Garrick, in his wild shape form, seamlessly replaced the horse that was targeted by the assassin. As the killer tried to cut through the wagon's roof, Hygar took a bold and decisive action. He grabbed the blade end of the assassin's weapon and, with a mighty yank, pulled it through the carriage, disarming the assailant.   Hygar's bravery didn't stop there. He burst through the wagon's roof, leaping in front of the assassin and grappling him with all his might. Garrick, perched atop the wagon, readied himself to incapacitate the assassin but narrowly missed, causing an arrow to fly through the air.   From a distance, Astrid, with unerring precision, sniped an arrow through the assassin's head, claiming one of his eyes as a gruesome trophy. The assailant's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, ending the immediate threat.   With the danger averted, the group reconvened. Hygar, the first to investigate the body, uncovered a trove of valuable items, including an enigmatic contract he couldn't decipher, a cache of magical arrows, and two vials of invisible potion. Suspicion began to creep in, causing him to be wary of the town guards.   Astrid, sharp as ever, observed that the assassin's attire bore a striking resemblance to what Dark Shadow typically wore. She and Garrick confronted Dark Shadow, leading to a revealing twist. Dark Shadow dropped her ring, which transformed back into her snake form. However, Horren swiftly dispatched the serpent and turned it back into a trapped ring affixed to his arrow.   The shocking revelation followed: Dark Shadow was never who she appeared to be. Instead, it was Spiraling Evelyn in disguise. It was disclosed that she and Horren had struck a clandestine deal, leaving the group with numerous questions.   Spiraling Evelyn departed, but not before indicating that Horren had some explaining to do. Dark Shadow then handed her a note, hinting at a future rendezvous.   While Astrid and Dark Shadow engaged in covert discussions using Thieves' Cant, Horren and the rest of the group deliberated on their plan. Garrick transformed into a dire wolf, and Horren rode Blood Shadow invisibly as they pursued their companions. They eventually regrouped and agreed to journey to their outpost, situated six hours away from town, in an effort to regroup, reassess, and uncover the mysteries that had recently unfolded.In the aftermath of your daring escape from the city with the Lord Mayor in tow, a sense of temporary safety washes over the group as you reach your outpost. As Hygar's prediction rings true, you find yourselves within the refuge of your sanctuary, away from the immediate threats that had been pursuing you. The outpost stands as a shield against the turmoil of the world outside, offering a momentary respite from the relentless pace of events.


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