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Huron Stahlmast

Huron Stahlmast is a human inventor who was exiled from Hupperdook .


Stahlmast is an middle-aged human man with pallid skin and wild gray hair that is balding on the top and a horseshoe mustache with sideburns. He wears a pair of Goggles of Night.


Stahlmast is self-assured of his own genius and prideful to a fault, unwilling to admit to any mistakes. His tendancy for hazardous and inhumane testing of his imperfect designs pushed others away and ruined his reputation. After his exile, he was driven by vengeance against those who ousted him.


Several years before 835 PD, Huron Stahlmast was a brilliant engineer assigned to Hupperdook to develop weapons for the Dwendalian Empire . However, his eccentric designs and inhumane methods of experimentation led him to be ousted from the city. During the War of Ash and Light, he made contact with Den Hythenos of the Kryn Dynasty , who hired him to create weapons for their effort in the war. With the den's funds, Stahlmast created a subterranean lair within the Silberquel Ridge, with an entrance in a hidden cave at the top of Silver Falls. There he amassed a following of kobold underlings and devised a plan to take over Hupperdook using his latest creation, a large mecha-suit he named the Stahlmaster, as well as using large explosives to create a landslide that would bury much of the city.

Dangerous Designs

Three weeks after Nima's capture, Stahlmast broke Sken Zabriss , a Kryn operative and prisoner of war, out of Gearhole Prison as part of his plan to take over the city. An unknown adventuring party hired by Watchmaster Bram Gulchswattle tracked her to the Silver Falls cave, where they captured her and discovered the entrance to his lair.

If the party's presence in the lair ever became known to Stahlmast, he would taunt them over the series of speaking tubes placed throughout his lair. Once the party confronted him in the Clockwork Forge, Stahlmast fought the party while piloting the Stahlmaster, where he was killed.
Middle-aged (in 835 PD)
Lawful evil
Den Hythenos


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