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Lucidian Coast

The stormy Lucidian Ocean crashes furiously against the rocky coasts of eastern Tal'Dorei, chewing inlets into the coastline and waving vast banks of impenetrable fog across the waters. Most ships rightly avoid the more volatile northern waters, instead docking at southern ports like Stilben , or brave the Mooren  River Run to Drynna . Yet even there, the Lucidian Coast is not without its dangers: vicious wildlife stalk the wilderness and flocks of harpies have harried the shores since time immemorial, drawing lost sailors to their doom upon the rocks.
Majority Faiths: Changebringer, Wildmother, Stormlord

Minority Faiths: Lawbearer, Strife Emperor, Scaled Tyrant

Imports: Livestock, lumber

Exports: Fish, ships, grain, iron, silver, gold, trade goods from Wildemount



Included Locations
K'Tawl Swamp
Mooren Lake
Rootgarden Marsh
Summit Peaks


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