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Othendin Pass

This massive valley carved into the southwest section of the Cliffkeep Mountains was, in ancient times, the territory of stone giant clans that warred with the dwarves of Kraghammer. After the arrival of humanity on Tal’Dorei’s shores, the people of Kraghammer and the new settlers of O’Noa banded together and pushed deep into the mineral-rich valley.

The stone giants fought back, but they were over- whelmed by the might of their combined foe. They retreated to their caves higher into the mountains to the northeast, and have rarely been seen by humanoids in the centuries since. This allowed the forces of Emon to claim the resources and land of the Othendin Pass for its people, establishing Fort Daxio to defend it.

However, the population of deadly landsharks— creatures called bulettes—native to the region has been on the rise. Some say it’s because the giants who hunted them were driven away, but since the giants have been gone for a century, few can understand why the landsharks are only taking over now. The miners, gatherers, and passing travelers do their best to cull the bulette population both on their own and with the help of hired adventurers, but they can only ever hope to keep the deadly monsters at bay.
Mountain Pass

Cliffkeep Mountains 

Included Locations
Fort Daxio


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