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Cliffkeep Mountains

Spanning the northern reaches of Tal’Dorei, the Cliffkeep Mountains are an impenetrable barrier between the Republic of Tal’Dorei and the frozen Neverfields . The southern foothills are dotted with forests and pockets of civilization, standing resolute against the unwelcoming topography. Deep within the earth itself, the dwarven stronghold of Kraghammer flourishes and expands, just a few scant leagues above ancient caverns that plunge into a domain of unknowable horrors.

The Cliffkeeps are the largest mountain range in all of Tal'Dorei , and innumerable types of beings make their homes upon the crags, in mountainside caves, and in the miles upon miles of tunnels that descend into the earth below them. Dwarves, half-giants, goblins, and kobolds are the best-known peoples of the Cliffkeeps, but the mountains are also home to the fire giants of Vulkanon, wandering ettins and hill giants, hungry cyclopes, frost giant marauders from the Neverfields, and cave-dwelling trolls.

Near the earth elemental rift and the Ashari village of Terrah , the mountains themselves seem to rise up in defense as earth elementals spring from the living stones. Northward, peaks reach higher and winds grow colder as snow and ice take the lands to become the frozen waste of the Neverfields. These challenges keep the common folk at bay, the secrets and spoils held within these crags calling to the brave, the clever, and the foolhardy.
Majority: Allhammer, Stormlord, Dawnfather

Minority: Platinum Dragon, Moonweaver, Lord of the Hells, Scaled Tyrant

Imports : Lumber, spices, fish, grain, livestock

Exports :Precious gems, industrial metals, quartz, granite, gold, silver, platinum, mithral, cobalt, jewelry, fungal produce, weapons, armor

Mountain Range


Included Locations
Fort Daxio 
Grey Valley 
Jorenn Village 
Othendin Pass 
Palace of Wonder
Pools of Wittebak
 Reaching Bluff 
Serpent's Head 
Umbra Hills 


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