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Salted Bluffs

The tumultuous waters of the Lucidian Ocean that encompass the northeast edge of Tal'Dorei  end at the towering seaside cliffs called the Salted Bluffs . These cliffs mark the outside of the Alabaster Sierras , housing an endless series of cliffside caverns that drop off into the ocean, sometimes hundreds of feet up. The waters along the base are rocky and dangerous to traverse by boat, and only the most skilled of captains will even consider sailing through these treacherous waters. These factors make the Salted Bluffs an ideal hideaway for pirates, who have taken to these bluffs to hide away their riches or build a base of operations.

However, these outlaws must also deal with the colonies of harpies native to the region. They can never be too sure if a cave they're holing up in for the evening is abandoned—or if it's home to a beast of alluring song and shredding talons. Even empty caves house the remains of these harpies' brutal kills, for they sweep up unsuspecting creatures and dash them against the cliffs and rocks, recovering the broken corpses to feed upon safely.

Alabaster Sierras


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