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Sheltered within a cauldron-like valley, miles deep into the northern mountain range, lies the home of the Earth Ashari. The people of Terrah have long stood watch over the exposed rift to the Elemental Plane of Earth, protecting the ever-quaking ground of this crumbling valley. Those without druidic power dig long trenches around their village to protect their people against rockslides that roll off the mountains, while a handful of mighty druids use their magic to reshape the valley and rebuild damaged structures.

Living off hunted game and scavenged fungi, the Terrah people are stocky warriors of stubborn mind and immense pride and loyalty. Jewelry made of precious gemstones is regarded as a sign of station and respect. The Earth Ashari supply Emon with precious and semi-precious stones from the rift in exchange for essential goods and, occasionally, protection from the creatures of the mountains. The peaks that surround the rift frequently seem to shake with rage, and from their angry slopes rise creatures of living stone, imbued with life by elemental spirits from the rift. The people of Terrah sleep in shifts to keep watch for any sudden changes in seismic activity, lest the fury of the mountains undo all that the Ashari have created.


61% humans, 19% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 15% other races


Terrah is governed by an Ashari archdruid given the honored title of Heart of the Mountain. This archdruid has completed their Aramente (see page 49) and earned the respect of the four elemental enclaves of the Ashari. Pa’tice, the current Heart of the Mountain, is a human man well over one hundred years old. Though tenacious and ornery, he is a venerable warrior with boundless appreciation and support for those who prove themselves honorable and self-reliant. Rumor has it that Pa’tice is seeking a worthy druid who can undertake the Aramente and succeed him as Heart of the Mountain.



Cliffkeep Mountains 

Owning Organization


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