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Turst Fields

To the northwest of Drynna , not far from the Dawnmist Pines, the farming community of Turst Fields toils over extremely fertile land fed by the Mooren River Run . Providing much of Tal'Dorei  and Whitestone's grown food and produce, the community must import most all other commodities outside of wood, making it a lucrative stop for trade caravans traveling along the Parchwood Way to Drynna—and an easy target for swindlers. As such, nearly two hundred Shields from Westruun  are permanently stationed here to keep the peace and prevent unlawful activity. Nearly as common as the arrival of a trader’s wagon is an armored carriage transporting brigands, grifters, and horse thieves back to Westruun for trial.


40% humans, 38% halflings, 15% gnolls, 8% other races

Gnoll Mercy

Turst Fields has a significant gnoll population. As mutant beings created by demonic rituals, gnolls are shunned as monsters in most humanoid settlements on the Dividing Plains . Nevertheless, without the Dustpaw gnolls, Turst would not have survived its first summer. When the village was founded, it was easy prey for the Ravagers. Their leader sought blood tribute from the people of Turst, but the villagers refused to offer a sacrifice. This cell of Ravagers had recently sought the favor of the Demon Lord of Slaughter, transforming a number of the plains-dwelling hyenas into gnolls in that pursuit.

When the villagers of Turst refused to give up their own, the Ravagers unleashed the gnolls upon them. But something unusual happened. After the gnolls first drew blood, one of them began to weep. Then another, until all of the gnolls were howling in sorrow and fury. These beings, though infused with demon ichor, turned against their creators to defend their helpless prey.

To this day, the Dustpaw gnolls have lingered in Turst, slowly becoming trusted members of their community. Their unsettling fangs and canine faces upset many who travel to this village, but any who deride the gnolls do so at their own risk. Not at the risk of mauling from a gnoll—though any humanoid being will fight back if pushed too far—but because hateful agitators will soon find themselves surrounded by the spears of the Turst militia.


Dividing Plains


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