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Yios, called the City of Flowing Light, is an orcish city in Aeshanadoor in Marquet . It is built on an island in the middle of Lake Koron. Known as a historically erudite society and considered by some to be the "Marquesian peak of collegiate study", it competes against Ank'Harel to be considered the center of scholarship on the continent.


The city's predominant species are orcs, either full or partial, who make up approximately a third to a half of the population.



Yios is built in the middle of the faintly turquoise-blue bioluminescently glowing waters of Lake Koron, fed by the Hablon River, with long bridges connecting to the shores on the north, east, and west. The lake is three-tiered, held back by dams connected by massive sluices down which boats can ride, and the city is built in rings, one on each of the tiers. The blue light in the waters of the lake swirls and eddies in the sluices connecting the rings of the city, lighting the city from beneath and giving it its soubriquet, "The City of Flowing Light." Canals cut through the tiers of the city, lit with the blue glow of the lake, traversed by boats that are free to ride.

Rather than being built on a grid pattern, the city was constructed to match the shape of the land it lies upon. The neighborhood streets therefore curve and twist, giving them a quaint and individual character. Boats ply the canals, some of which traverse individual rings and others of which are designed for quick transport from one to the other. Arcane elevators raise boat upward from level to level.

Much of the city was damaged in the Apex War against the Stratos Throne of the Taloned Highlands , and its rebuilding and beautification was called the Phoenix Project. Yios had previously had a skyport, but it was dismantled during the war. Although it was said that it had not been officially rebuilt by 843 PD, and traveling to Yios was difficult without a guide, there was a skyport present on the city's highest point on the middle tier called the Lakecap Skyport and Lounge.


Dominion Ring

The Dominion Ring is the district of governance and learning, and the most beautified district. It is the northernmost and at the highest elevation.

  • Aydinlan Seminary, a prestigious college containing the Omen Archive and one of the largest arcane telescopes on Exandria
  • Library of the Cobalt Soul, the Yios branch of the Cobalt Soul
  • Rose Marble Amphitheater, an events center
  • Seat of Valor, home of the Court of the Lambent Path
  • Vigil Quarter, where Ebenold Kai's house is. It is a two-tiered neighborhood built on and beneath a hill and bounded by a guarded metallic gate.

Endeavor Ring

The Endeavor Ring is the merchant district. It is the central district.

  • The Eastward Dock District
  • Lakecap Skyport and Lounge, a skyport, inn, and casino
  • Tatrielle Conservatory, the first college of Yios, less prestigious than the Aydinlan Seminary and associated with engineering and historical philosophy
  • Traverse Rarities, a specialist collector of foreign goods and rare curios
  • Tri-Bridge Plaza, holding a central statue of an orcish warrior, Exemplar Mani Drogidon. There is a park near Tri-Bridge Plaza. Also the Eastward Bridge is located there.
  • Trudge the Glimmer, antiques, imports, and pawn shop

Venture Ring

The Venture Ring is the district of neighborhoods and fishing docks. It is the southernmost and at the lowest elevation.

  • Radiant Harbor, the central harbor for ocean-going ships that reach the Beryl Sea via the Lapis Channel.
over 10,000
Owning Organization
Court of the Lambent Path


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