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Human Languages

All the typical languages found in the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual are fair game in Wildemount. While Common is used across the continent and typically associated with human empires, it is not the language that most humans spoke in Wildemount before the rise of Dwendalian Empire three centuries ago.   This setting has three languages unique to the human cultures of Wildemount: Zemnian, Marquesian, and Naush. A human character can learn one of these languages instead of a skill or tool proficiency granted by their background, class, or variant racial traits. Each of these languages is described below   Zemnian This ancient language was spoken by the people of Zemniaz in the Age of Arcanum. That ancient culture has long since crumbled, but its language and its people live on in the Dwendalian Empire. Many ancient scrolls were written in Zemnian, but it is a language now largely spoken by farmers, as Common is the default language of the empire.   Marquesian The Menagerie Coast was settled by colonists from the arid land of Marquet, and their language now holds an unusual position in the Clovis Concord. It is the language of high society, as many Clovis elite are descended from Marquesians, but it is also the language of piracy, since countless lower-class Marquesians defected from the Concord and formed the Revelry pirates.   Naush Originally spoken by the Ki'Nau islanders native to the Menagerie Coast, Naush is a thriving language within the multicultural cities of the Clovis Concord. Even sailors who only speak Common incorporate dozens of Naush words into their nautical jargon.

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