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Dwendalian Empire

The Dwendalian Empire has reigned over Western Wynandir for over twelve generations. Imperial rule is maintained through its powerful military, its policy of religious restriction, and the support of the secretive Cerberus Assembly. Though these institutions nominally exist to ensure the safety of the populace from foreign threats, terrible dangers that wander the wilds, and lingering evils that seep from the scars of The Calamity, they also allow the empire to maintain strict social order within its territories.   King Bertrand Dwendal is now two months past his seventy-eighth birthday, and his iron will has not wavered with age. A tall, powerful man, King Dwendal rewards loyalty and swiftly punishes insolence and failure. His family has developed a totalitarian rule that reaps heavy taxes and looms over society with a military presence that only grows stronger with proximity to the capital city of Rexxentrum. While civic unrest does rise beyond mere mutterings from time to time, reminders of the dangerous creatures that live beyond the guarded borders of each city and the protections offered within the empire generally keep the populace in line. Those that rebel often find themselves in chains or forgotten in a dungeon.   Dwendalian society has a rigid caste system, in which denizens who have mastery over the arcane are considered elite members of society. Many Dwendalian ladies and lords came from a sorcerous bloodline or studied the arcane arts within the walls of the Soltryce Academy. Those who especially excel in their magics or were born into prominent families can come to hold power as a member of the Cerberus Assembly, a council of extremely powerful mages that works directly with King Dwendal and his councilors to develop and enforce laws throughout Western Wynandir. However, distrust between the king and the Cerberus Assembly runs deep.   Ten years ago, the Empire violently clashed with their rivals to the east, the Kryn Dynasty, in the The War of Ash and Light, to an inconclusive end. An uneasy truce and tense relations have settled over the continent ever since, as the two juggernauts bide their time, seeking advantage where they may find it for the inevitable next war.


Most cities and townships throughout the empire are ruled by a local government under the leadership of a starosta, usually a native baron appointed by the Crown and the Cerberus Assembly. Reporting directly to the king's council, the starosta is given absolute control over local government, appointing and maintaining responsibility for the heads of the city guard (watchmaster), the regional military (warmaster), local commerce (coinmaster), infrastructure (pithmaster), religious practices (idolmaster), and the courts of law (lawmaster). Twice a year, tithe collectors (nicknamed "Reapers") visit each imperial city to inspect households for records and proof of income, collecting a percentage of their earnings in coin as determined by the tithe collector.  

Figues of Interest

A number of personages maintain the power and influence of the empire, some working to expand its power, while others seek to redeem their country.  
King Bertrand Dwendal
male human   King Bertrand was raised with the strict beliefs of the Dwendalian royal family, and his mounting responsibilities as the leader of one of Exandria's greatest nations weighs heavily on him. Bertrand is a dark, clever, and often paranoid king—and a lonely one since his wife Duvia passed away nearly ten years ago. Fiercely nationalistic and proud of his heritage, the king harbors a disdain for outsiders and their challenges to imperial rule; he often has emissaries thrown from the borders or imprisoned until a replacement is sent to barter for their release. Bertrand does genuinely wish to protect the lives of his people and be remembered as the best of his bloodline. However, civil unrest is brewing, and his frustrations with the Cerberus Assembly only intensify his forceful demeanor. His only living son, Eidys, has been unable to produce an heir, and King Bertrand fears that his family line will come to an end, an obsession which drives him to seek out a way to prolong his life.  
Chamberlain Queselia Vir
female elf   Chamberlain to the previous king and now to Bertrand, Queselia handles all affairs regarding the management of the house of Dwendal. Trusted deeply by the king, Queselia refuses to give into the brooding tendencies of her monarch and hopes to guide him toward a more just rule. Although she is unable to protect him from his own unreasonable impulses, she hopes to find a way to curb his self-destructive behavior.  
Prince Eidys Dwendal
male human   Heir to the throne of the empire, Eidys has shown great strength in physical combat and war games, but little cunning in social or political matters. Though he was once eager to please his father, the consistent lack of approval has left Eidys jaded. Happy to live an extravagant life free from crushing responsibility, he's been eager to produce a child to whom he could abdicate should his father pass. However, he and his wife, Princess Suria Dwendal, have been unable to conceive. The king has all but given up on his son, leaving the prince dejected and bitter.  
Princess Suria Dwendal
female human   Wed into the royal family from her own noble house of Saugiss, Suria was filled with pride to bring honor to her family. Unfortunately, the unexpected difficulty in producing an heir has put her and her husband out of favour with the king. Unwilling to give up, Suria is seeking to remedy the situation by any means necessary.  
Prime Arbiter Sydnock Truscan
male human   The Truscan family are longtime allies of the Dwendalian bloodline, and Sydnock managed to advance his family's influence within the empire above most other noble houses. Rising to become the Prime Arbiter of Rexxentrum, Sydnock has final say on all matters of law that do not require the king's attention. A brutal man with a grudge against religious empowerment, Sydnock is constantly attempting to sniff out corruption within the approved structure of worship within the empire. His estranged daughter Lydia disagrees with his ruthless methods and now lives in Zadash as an advocate for civilian rights.  
Crown Marshal Hayden Damurag
nonbinary human   As a decorated veteran of the imperial military who has served for nearly twenty years, Hayden is a highly respected soldier and clever tactician who was instrumental in the campaign against the Kryn Dynasty. Known to be stern but adaptable in the face of adversity, they've risen through the ranks and now directly advise the king on all major military actions. Hayden prefers to avoid court life, especially as their practicality often clashes with Sydnock Truscan's cold cynicism. Currently assigned to oversee the the construction of new defensive fortifications at Rockguard Garrison, the Crown Marshal is doing their best to keep their soldiers safe.  
Exchequer Aethia Drooze
female dwarf   Aethia is in charge of the tithes from the various cities within the empire and is the overseer of the biannual collections by her tithe collectors. She absolutely loves numbers and wealth, taking joy in squeezing every copper she can from those who are legally obliged to pay. Obsessed with efficiency and intolerant of sloppy work, Aethia will even comb through the ledgers of her subordinates late into the night in order to achieve numerical perfection.  
Guildmaster Kai Arness
male human   Kai came to prominence within Rexxentrum through the Arness family's illustrious connections within the merchant guilds of the empire. He earned the nickname "Goldfang" for his penchant for sneaking missing profit from the pockets of businesses unable to pay membership fees and taxes. Though respected and feared for ruthlessly governing the many guilds and organizations that drive the Dwendalian economy, some suspect what private affairs may drive his behaviour. The guildmaster often works with Exchequer Drooze to maintain the proper flow of gold into the coffers of the empire.  
Argonomist June Wiston
female half-elf   June is seen as a studious spitfire, and she has unexpectedly proven to also be a masterful bureaucrat with a talent for exploiting legal loopholes. Driven by a youth in poverty, she swore to help repair a broken system of agricultural distribution. By making the right moves and the right friends—and making a loud fuss when necessary—she eventually became a folk hero to the underprivileged. Hoping to watch her eat her words and collapse under the pressure of imperial politics, the Crown offered her chief management over all agriculture in the position of Argonomist. Much to their chagrin, she's proven both driven and capable, pushing for advanced change in the empire. Unable to discard someone so high profile during a time of general unrest, the Crown instead endures her work while attempting to bury her in red tape.  
Theolocrat Kon Bruda
male human   Once a monk of the Cobalt Soul, Kon Bruda's faith in the Knowing Mentor has waned since accepting the office of Theolocrat. Kon is a specialist in the historical and social workings of modern religion. When the previous Theolocrat passed away, he accepted the post out of a sense of duty, then became accustomed to the lavish lifestyle afforded by his position. He helps the Crown alter existing religious texts and write approved sermons and prayers for distribution throughout the empire.  
Emissary Lord Zeddan Graf
male human   A beloved noble and socialite from the House of Graf, Zeddan showed prowess in gathering rumours for his own entertainment. The cunning Sydnock Truscan saw promise in Zeddan's talents and recommended him to the king to become the empire's lead emissary. Now acting as the diplomatic contact to the world beyond the empire's boundaries, Zeddan is eager to do the Crown's bidding while rooting out gossip that may prove politically expedient. In his travels, Lord Zeddan often crosses paths with Lord Athesias Uludan of the Cerberus Assembly, and the pair loathe each other deeply. Zeddan is desperately trying to convince the king to install a Skyship Tower in Rexxentrum to make his travels easier.  
Oliver Schreiber, Retainer to the Crown
male gnome   Known as the immediate head servant to the king and the royal family for nearly three generations. As one of the most trusted members of King Bertrand Dwendal's circle, Oliver holds more power than his compatriots would believe.

Public Agenda

The empire uses the plentiful resources of the Marrow Valley and sizable tithes gathered from citizens to protect their people and maintain control over Western Wynandir, while keeping a keen eye out for opportunities to expand their influence across the continent.   The empire's religious proscriptions are proving more and more difficult to enforce in this time of conflict. Theolocrat Kon Bruda is helming a new directive to align religious texts with less oppressive terminology, in an attempt to redirect discontent away from the Crown and onto the heretics beyond the borders.   Now that tensions with Xhorhas are on the rise once more, the Crown is spreading propaganda through all aspects of daily life to unite the people of the empire against their common enemy. They hope to garner support for the coming war by reinforcing rumors about the kidnapping of Dwendalian children and the Kryn Dynasty's violent and cannibalistic nature.


All of Western Wynandir, that is to say the Zemni Fields and the Marrow Valley.


The empire's military force currently stands at around 35,300 Righteous Brand soldiers across all regiments, and 5,200 Crownsguard across all cities. The majority of the Righteous Brand forces are deployed to fortifications along the Xhorhasian border.


Only six of the Prime Deities are officially recognized in the Empire and thus permitted to have temples and be openly worshipped. Other gods, however, are rumoured to be worshipped in secret by segments of the population.   The only deities that are approved by the empire are Erathis, the Law Bearer, Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Moradin, the All-Hammer, Pelor, the Dawnfather, Ioun, the Knowing Mentor, and The Raven Queen, Matron of Death.  

The Admonition

Soon after the Dwendalian bloodline came into power, there was a short-lived rebellion helmed by religious civilians. It was swiftly quelled and the rebel leaders were executed in an event known as the Admonition. The ruling class has regarded religion with suspicion ever since, believing that faith inspires the unworthy to rise above their station and spark fruitless rebellion. Instead of abolishing all religious practices, the empire regulates worship within its boundaries. All temples are owned and run by the government, and must be dedicated to deities approved by the Crown. Priests and clerics are on the Crown's payroll to preach only approved religious texts. Keeping private shrines or worshiping outside official temples is punishable by fines or imprisonment.

Foreign Relations

Landlocked and reliant on the trade avenues of the Menagerie Coast, the Dwendalian Empire maintains a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with the Clovis Concord. Agents of both nations watch the borders, and an occasional political gesture of good faith satisfies those in power. Still, the empire doesn't trust the concord by any stretch of the imagination, and a secret world of subterfuge is alive and well.   Relations with the Kryn Dynasty have been hostile for over a century.   The King and his chamber ignore most foreign powers. Requests for alliances from the Council of Tal'Dorei and the distant city of Ank'Harel have been met with indifference, and efforts to install a skyport in Rexxentrum to enable easier foreign travel have been continuously shut down.


Though many citizens gripe about the empire's restrictive laws, the majority have grown accustomed to a comfortable lifestyle under imperial protection. Fear of the evils that stalk the edges of civilization generally outweighs any frustrations about civil liberties, and the relative peace provided within the confines of Western Wynandir is welcomed. However, dissidents have begun to speak loudly of their discontent, and the growing trend of uproar is making King Dwendal quite irritable.   As judged by the eyes of the local lawmaster, appointed hands of that lawmaster, or the Law Bearer herself, any criminals discovered and/or convicted of crimes within local halls of judgment throughout the empire are subject to punishments befitting the crime. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Crownsguard member, Righteous Brand soldier, or noble are doubled. All fines and punishments regarding crimes against an imperial official or associate of the Cerberus Assembly are tripled.   Theft: 5–10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods.   Worship of non-approved gods: 30 days incarceration and a fine of 250 gp.   Ownership of another intelligent humanoid creature: 12–20 months incarceration and a fine of 1,800 gp.   Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or a fine of 215 gp.   Failure to pay taxes to the Crown: 5–30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.   Damage to private property: 5–15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Damage to Crown property: 15–60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.   Assault with intent to injure: 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.   Assault with intent to kill: 250 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1,800 gp, or execution.   Murder: 8–15 years incarceration and/or a fine of 6,000 gp, or execution.   Treason: execution.


  • Zemni Fields
    Along the frost-dappled fields of the northern plains, the heart of the Dwendalian Empire is formed by a sprawl of dirt-packed roads, dense forests, and austere townships that fight back the dangerous creatures of the wilderness.
  • Marrow Valley
    The fertile lands of the southeastern Dwendalian Empire.