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Session 2: The Ascent

Thunsheer 28

General Summary

After a quiet night spent at the Busty Centaur, our troupe was rudely awakened by the early morning steam whistle of the city of Hupperdook calling its people off to another joyous day of labour in service to their King and community. After enjoying a Clothilde-sized breakfast, two teams set about pursuing various leads and other goals.   Gorim and Ursa trucked down to the Lay of the Land Herbalist, where they met Zendasa, a maker of herbal concoctions, a clandestine follower of Melora, the Wildmother, and self-appointed guardian of local natural spaces. After inquiring into several rather specific aspects of their health and hygiene practices, Zendasa let her guests know that the locals prized the "valuable bats" who made their home in a cave at the top of the nearby Silver Falls.   Meanwhile, Plundertooth, Clothilde, and Ulfgar encountered Providence, a bespectacled and long-suffering functionary of the local government of Starosta Emma Zezbok. With her they posited a number queries, paying a commission to have them investigated by a local librarian.   Then, deciding that the allure of "valuable bats" was reason enough, our brave heroes made the treacherous climb up to the crest of the Silver Falls, surviving an ambush by more exploding kobolds along the way. There, they found a secret cave behind the falls, as well as an iron chimney protruding from the rock a little further up the mountainside.   Plugging the chimney with bedrolls and mud, they made their way behind the falls upon a rock shelf that led to the hidden cave, where they set up a complex ambush involving rope and ballbearings. Gorim made his presences known with fiery aplomb, thus alerting Sken Zabriss and more kobold minions and triggering a ridiculous combat in which many traps were sprung, one kobold flew off the rock shelf to his death in Hupperdook below, and Sken herself expired in a shower of exploding kobolds.   Just beginning to explore the space, the adventurers rescued the gnomish explosives expert Nima Cinnarid, who relayed that the cave had been a regular harvesting ground of hers for bat guano and other reagents until she was kidnapped a few weeks ago on one such excursion. She had been put to work by Huron Stahlmast and his kobolds, constructing explosives. She revealed that Huron was making big bombs and had sworn vengeance against the Empire, but she did not know his exact plans.   Lastly, two interesting features of the cavern were revealed: a heavy steel door set into the rockface, and an ancient cave painting.   The door seemed to be connected to the space with the now-blocked chimney above.   The painting depicted Gruumsh, the Ruiner thrusting his spear downwards towards a beautiful city in the jungle, whilst a lone, featureless figure stood atop a central temple, his own spear raised in challenge.

Rewards Granted

Sken Zabriss had a pretty cool ring.   Four explosive seeds. See Alchemical Items.

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

by Anna Molla
Report Date
29 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location