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Session 8: Competitive Advantage

Unndilar 26 (Zenith)

General Summary

Continuing their participation in a rousing series of games that form part of Jigow's Festival of Merit, the Ventaur Centaurs were largely successful in navigating a challenging maze and mastering the animal husbandry required to maneuver juvenile horizonback tortoises around town. Along the way, they met a number of interesting new faces, including an ogre who proved to be even stronger than Ursa, a goblin who seemed unsure of himself, and a brash water genasi with a friendly but competitive spirit who effortlessly dominated a swimming competition.
  Presenting themselves at sunset at the now-cleared horizonback paddock for the Festival's final event, our heroes were selected by the village's elders (Urshru and Colbu Kaz) as one of two qualifying teams for the Grand Finale. Plundertooth recovered from his pie-eating woes in time to be re-united with his group for this selection process.   Without any further time to prepare, the two selected teams were led - by nearly the entire village it seemed - out to the Black Isles, a series of small volcanic islets in the middle of the Ifolon River. Here, they were directed to the smallest islet, occupied almost entirely by the mouth of a cave. Our two teams of competitors were instructed to imbibe provided potions of water breathing and were informed that when the signal was given, they were to charge en masse into the cave and begin a race. The first team to claim The Emerald Eye - a palm-sized gold and emerald amulet - from "the deepest cavern of the Emerald Grotto" will be declared Jigow's Champions of Merit!

Rewards Granted

Medal of the Maze
Medal of the Horizonback

Missions/Quests Completed

Qualified for the finale of Jigow's Festival of Merit.

Character(s) interacted with

Catha is in its third quarter.
Report Date
30 Jul 2024
Primary Location