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The settlement of Trostenwald lies at the southern outskirts of the Dwendalian Empire, on the banks of the Ustaloch. The seeds of civilization were planted here nearly two centuries ago when the fair weather and stretching grain fields gave rise to a booming brewing economy. Three major families of brewers and alewives earned fame throughout the empire by producing some of the best and most unique ales Dwendalians had ever tasted.


66% humans, 13% halflings, 8% half-elves, 13% other


Starosta Fryda Langer works alongside resident nobles and small local guilds to maintain the affairs of the city.


A respectable number of Crownsguard protect Trostenwald, occasionally bolstering their defenses with hired mercenaries.

Industry & Trade

Most basic supplies and services are available, with occasional rare goods from the Menagerie Coast. The city's brewing industry is prominent and celebrated.

Guilds and Factions

The brewing families compete for dominance while Myriad activity simmers in secret.

Points of interest

Small temples and shrines to empire-approved gods are present.
8 900
Owning Organization