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A uniquely mobile settlement with its permanent dwellings built on the backs of dozens of horizonback tortoises, Urzin is home to swamp hunters, scouts, and trappers that know the Brokenveil Marsh like no one else. The most recent society to come under the wing of the Kryn Dynasty, Urzin acts as a powerful, mobile fortress for the Kryn military throughout the Brokenveil Marsh. The settlement rarely stays in one location for more than a month, and its people are skilled at the art of camouflage and ambush. Urzin has become a major boon to the dynasty as new conflict with the Dwendalian Empire escalates.


62% Goblinkin, 21% gnolls, 10% orcs, 7% other


The reigning champion of Urzin, Sunbreaker Olomon, guides the townsfolk, who follow with zeal and dedication.


A legion of Aurora Watch defends the town, while the hordes of Urzin hunters scout the marsh. The horizonback tortoises that bear the town on their backs are more than capable of defending themselves, and many of them carry massive seige engines tucked behind fortifications atop their thick carapaces.

Industry & Trade

Trade in Urzin is fairly basic and geared toward survival and warfare. Many common goods can be bought or traded for, but rarer items are coveted and appear infrequently. Inns are very rare.

Points of interest

Some small Luxon temples travel on tortoise-back alongside shrines to older Goblinkin patrons.
Owning Organization