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Kryn Dynasty

The Kryn Dynasty rules the northern wastes of Xhorhas, and has only revealed itself to the wider world within the last three hundred years. Centered around—and under—the ruins of Ghor Dranas (a.k.a. Rosohna) in Eastern Wynandir, the dynasty governs many townships and small villages where the Kryn have helped establish a modicum of civilized living among the nomadic wastefolk. They believe that beings not yet beyond redemption can be turned to the light of the Luxon, and often struggle with the unruly denizens of the wastes, hoping to gain converts to their cause and faith. Those that do accept the dynasty often do so because they seek protection from the dregs of the Calamity that wander the wastes, as well as the scouts of the Dwendalian Empire.   Dark elves are the most populous folk within the Kryn Dynasty. The drow were the first people to uncover the first buried Luxon beacon many ages ago, in a time before they turned from Lolth and escaped enslavement from the Betrayer Gods. The dark elves claimed the dread citadel of Ghor Dranas as their own, as well as the massive network of underground caverns that make up the Underdark of Wildemount. The Kryn are stealthily becoming a force to be reckoned with.   The Kryn drow who emerged from the shadowed depths of the caverns beneath Xhorhas now endure periods of sunlight as part of their worship, though their cities are shaded by umbral magic during daylight hours. When hunting, or in times of conflict, the warriors of the Kryn don their signature chitinous armor. A series of small airways woven through this armor can be opened to emit a loud, clicking buzz to intimidate their foes as they charge. This noise has inspired outsiders to call the Kryn "cricks," referring to this cricket-like din.   The Kryn Dynasty is a society restructured from the Lolthite history they rejected. The people of the dynasty stand under the first Umavi, known as Bright Queen Leylas Kryn. Beneath the first Umavi, there are twelve noble Dens that mark families of souls who have lived together through generations: Dens Kryn, Mirimm, Thelyss, Hythenos, Icozrin, Biylan, Tasithar, Duendalos, Daev'yana, Omrifar, Beltune, and Zolaed. When someone is believed to be experiencing anamnesis, they submit to a deep meditation with a guide trained in the ways of consecution. This process helps restore memories of the past life, which then mingle with current memories.   The awakened soul is then reunited with their Den. Dens do grow as new souls enter the consecution and join their ranks, and new Dens are established with each generation. The oldest Dens, especially those helmed by an Umavi, are held in the highest esteem, and generally answer directly to the Bright Queen. The older the soul, the more prestige it holds in the dynasty. Beneath the Dens of Rosohna, guilds and Den representatives govern the other cities of the dynasty that stretch across Xhorhas, spreading the faith of the Luxon and watching over all Xhorhasians who seek the safety of civilization.


There are many powerful figures that guide the faith of The Luxon and the expansion of the Kryn Dynasty's power and influence.  

Bright Queen Leylas Kryn

female drow   Leylas was present when the first beacon was found a millennium ago, and has lived many lifetimes of intense struggle and self-discovery since. She built the dynasty around her journey, spearheaded the recovery of the four beacons known to the Kryn, and died numerous times in the defense of her people. Leylas Kryn is deeply revered and respected as a mighty warrior, an empathic leader, and the elder Umavi who guides her people in the light of the Luxon. Her behavior has grown erratic at times, worrying her trusted inner circle, but she is far too driven to acknowledge such weakness.  

Dusk Captain Quana Kryn

female drow   An extremely powerful echo knight and general of the forces of Rosohna, Quana has been Leylas's partner for three of her lifetimes, and five of Leylas's. She is wholly devoted to her people—and her queen. Quana holds a private hope that the Kryn might one day leave the inhospitable wastes of Xhorhas and find a proper place in the world among the other peoples of Exandria. The Bright Queen was once receptive to her ideas, but Leylas Kryn no longer has time for this idealism. Quana is disappointed, but she is more worried by the strange shifts in her partner's usually wise and controlled demeanor.  

Shadowhand Essek Thelyss

male drow   Just over a hundred and twenty years old and still within his first life, Essek is a prodigy who displays an unprecedented talent for the manipulation of dunamis energy. Essek is both respected and feared for his intelligence and cunning, and he carefully plots each step he takes to further his and his Den's climb up the hierarchy of the dynasty. Essek is more interested in dunamancy magic than worshiping the Luxon, and he has led several successful expeditions to the inhospitable lands of Eiselcross.  

Sunbreaker Olomon

male minotaur   Having lived a number of lifetimes as an early follower of Leylas, Olomon has settled into this recent life as a massive minotaur, embracing the abilities granted to him on the battlefield and taking his place as a champion on the front lines. His presence inspires his fellow warriors, and his cunning has led the armies of the Kryn to many victories against the empire.  

Taskhand Verin Thelyss

male drow   An acclaimed soldier and talented leader, Verin Thelyss is the younger brother of Essek and the youngest soul of Den Thelyss. Verin lacks his older brother's ambition but possesses a keen sense of justice and honour. Recently given command of Kryn forces in Bazzoxan, Verin hopes to bring about a victory for the dynasty that will grant him respect and acceptance from his accomplished family.  

Skysybil Abrianna Mirimm

female goblin   Seen by many within the dynasty as a talented diviner and voice of reason, Abrianna is an Umavi nearly as old as the Bright Queen herself. The beloved Skysybil has spent her current lifetime as a goblin, a fact that has drawn both ire and jests from the Bright Queen's court for decades. This experience has given Abrianna a new perspective on the wastefolk under the dynasty's banner; she is now one of the few councilors in the Lucid Bastion who bother to vouch for the goblinkin.  

Professor Tuss Waccoh

female half-orc   A scatterbrained scholar whose subtle brilliance has increased the effectiveness of the dynasty warmachines, Professor Waccoh usually oversees a number of academic programs and private research projects at the Marble Tomes Conservatory within the Firmaments of Rosohna. Recently obsessed with the desolate, cursed lands of Blightshore and the mysteries that lie hidden within, Tuss is actively seeking allies and mercenaries to send into the dangerous lands to recover information, relics, and specimens for further study.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Kryn Dynasty is to seek out and recover The Luxon beacons presumed to be scattered across Exandria. Not only does each beacon bring them closer to the eventual rebirth of the Luxon, they also help broaden the boundaries of the Kryn society as a new center of the consecution, allowing expansion into new lands and the continued conversion of others. With two of their four beacons now missing, the Bright Queen and her people are desperate to discover more of these sacred artifacts.   The Bright Queen and her fellow Umavi see the strength dormant in the roving beastfolk and goblinoids of Xhorhas, and have taken to teaching these nomadic peoples their ways, helping them build villages under the banner of the dynasty, and converting them to their faith. Even so, not all ruling Dens like the idea of introducing what they consider lesser creatures into the consecution, leading to tensions between the people of Rosohna and the scattered villages in the Xhorhasian wilds.   The Kryn Dynasty has spent a generation training and preparing a select group of volunteers to gather information on their enemies and find routes through both political and physical borders. These agents are collectively known as The Lenses, a network of spies and infiltrators who can bypass boundaries and assimilate into foreign nations to gather intelligence, help the Bright Queen protect their people, and seek out beacons across Exandria.


Most of Xhorhas.


The Aurora Watch legionnaires of the Kryn currently number around 21,600 in total. Around 13,200 Aurora Watch are divided among the cities under the dynasty's protection, with another 3,300 Aurora Watch stationed in and around the capital of Rosohna—formerly known as Ghor Dranas—to keep the peace and defend the region. Approximately 5,100 soldiers are scattered throughout the Underdark beneath Wildemount at different locations of interest, many employing magically controlled purple worms to allow elite units to navigate the caverns quickly. The remainder of the watch is stationed along the border of Western Wynandir to prevent the empire's incursions—and to seize land from the empire as opportunities arise.


Artifacts left behind by the Luxon that hold its essence are known as Luxon beacons and are coveted by the Kryn Dynasty as central to their civilization. If a proven soul is ritualistically bound to a Luxon beacon, they can enter a process called the consecution: when a mortal bound to the Luxon dies within a hundred miles of a beacon, the beacon ensnares their soul from its intended afterlife and prepares it to be reborn in a new child within that same vicinity. When that child then matures into adolescence, they begin to recall subtle knowledge from their past life's experiences, a process called anamnesis. Through meditation with a guide, they can unlock the memories of their past lives and become a more complete being. When a soul has cycled enough to believe they are ready to greet the Luxon, they are called an Umavi, or "perfect soul," and are revered within the Kryn society. Some beings that naturally reincarnate, such as the phoenix, are considered holy creatures that carry a shard of the Luxon within themselves.   If a life continues long enough to achieve a state of clarity called achess, where they believe that they've learned all they can learn from their current life, they can choose to partake in a ritualistic termination of their current life, assisted by an Umavi in proximity to a beacon, thereby setting them on the path to a new birth. While considered an honor within the Kryn Dynasty, this practice is misunderstood and seen as barbaric outside their culture.   It is believed that the Luxon cherishes unity in community, but also values free choice and the power of the individual mind. For each soul to carve a unique path is the best way for a soul to learn about the world. Casting off the teachings of Fate and Destiny taught by some of the current pantheon, the followers of the Luxon are taught that the real power of the universe comes from the power of choice. Many possible futures all await your path, and the universe trembles with anticipatory power as you approach every decision. This power is called dunamis, the energy of potentiality, and the coalescing architecture of the multiple futures leading into each moment is released when an outcome is brought to reality. It is the energy that suffuses every Luxon beacon to prepare the lives to come, and it is the basis of the Kryn's unique divine crafts and arcane abilities.   The Kryn Dynasty has uncovered four beacons and is certain that more remain to be discovered. It is believed that once all the beacons are brought together, the Luxon will be summoned from their slumber to ask their children the great question and impart the truth. It is said that at this time, the Luxon will take those who entered the consecution and abandon this lesser world to start a new world elsewhere.

Foreign Relations

A frosty cold war dominates the Kryn's relationship with their western neighours, the Dwendalian Empire. Tresspassers bearing the colours of the enemy are subdued and questioned before being punished and sometimes executed. Judgment is swift against the perceived imperial oppressors.   Though the Kryn have remained fairly isolated throughout their history, they are now reaching out to other factions in the hopes of making alliances against the Dwendalian Empire. The Kryn Dynasty has begun hiring mercenaries through the Tribes of Shadycreek Run and purchasing dangerous weapons of war from the Myriad. Rumors of strange magics and powerful relics in northern Eiselcross have reached the dynasty's ears, and they are willing to seek out any potential advantage over their Dwendalian foes.   There are many humanoid tribes that roam the southern reaches of Xhorhas that have declined to ally themselves with the Kryn—or to be assimilated by them. While the Bright Queen has allowed them to continue their neutrality for the time being, she watches them closely, lest they be courted by the empire's coin and empty promises.


Within the sight of The Luxon, the Umavi, and the Dens who protect the lands of Xhorhas and its people, any who are presented for judgement before the presiding officials entrusted with the wisdom of the Bright Queen are to have their sentence carried our accordingly. All fines and punishments for crimes against an Aurora Watch soldier or noble are doubled. All fines and punishments regarding crimes against a Den official or member of the Bright Queen's council are tripled.   Theft: 2–5 days incarceration and a fine equal to the worth stolen.   Ownership of another intelligent humanoid creature: 10–20 months incarceration and a fine of 1,500 gp.   Trespassing: 5 days incarceration and a fine of 120 gp.   Damage to private property: 5–20 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Damage to dynasty property: 12–50 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.   Worship of Betrayer Gods: 150 days incarceration, or execution.   Assault with intent to injure: 12 days incarceration and a fine of 200 gp.   Assault with intent to kill: 200 days incarceration and a fine of 1,200 gp, or execution.   Murder: 5–10 years incarceration and/or a fine of 4,000 gp, or execution.   Treason: execution.
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