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The Eve of Crimson Midnight

Political event


A magical battle in the streets of Rexxentrum ends in a parlay and the foundation of the Cerberus Assembly, a circle of archmagi dedicated to seving the Dwendalian crown.

Following the end of the Marrow War, King Manfried Dwendal confirmed that the citizens of the now defeated Julous Dominion would retain their privileges and would not be punished for their previous loyalties. Because of this, the magic-practicing Julous nobility maintained their influence, and soon began to compete with their counterparts in the north. Both factions conspired and spied on each other until, in 570 PD, the conflict broke out openly in Rexxentrum, the imperial capital.   An intense magical battle razed two neighborhoods of the city, causing hundreds of deaths among civilians, as well as numerous injuries. However, the leaders of the noble houses involved realized that their confrontation could cause their mutual destruction, and in a parlay they decided to ally themselves, later appearing before the king and offering to serve the crown in exchange for acquittal. The monarch, after some deliberation, accepted this offer, using the mages as a way to secure his control over the former Julous territories.   The new conclave of mages decided to call themselves the "Cerberus Assembly," and they have formed a bulwark of imperial power ever since.

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