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6. Concluding the Adventure

This adventure ends with a final scene, based on whether the characters were victorious in their battle with Selachai or were defeated.  


If the characters were defeated by Selachai and her Sahuagin, all is not lost. The warlock is no stranger to killing, but she recognizes an opportunity when it appears before her. She commands her minions to bind the characters, stabilize them, and carry their unconscious forms to the surface.   Any characters who survived the fight awaken a few hours later on the shore alongside the ruins of the mainland part of Palma Flora, their wrists and ankles bound by kelp. Four Sahuagin watch over them, while a fifth alerts Selachai where she lurks in the water nearby. Breaking the kelp bonds requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.   When the characters face Selachai, read:  
The Sahuagin priestess emerges from the water to face you, her mouth spreading into a huge grin that reveals her needle-like teeth. In fractured Common, she says, “I could use the help of land walkers like you. The surface dwellers and boat riders hunt us with their hooks and harpoons, but they trust you. Take my hand. We don’t need to fight. I can tell you so many tales of the land walkers’ evil.”
This ending sets up future adventures along the Menagerie Coast. As a DM, you can have fun with the elusive morality of Selachai and the Sahuagin, and of the Clovis Concord. Who are the real villains. Are either of these factions truly good or evil? What of Three Earrings and The Revelry pirates? All these dangling plot threads offer hints of new stories that you can guide your players toward, or which they can seek out of their own volition.  


If the characters prevailed in the battle against Selachai, the Rod of Retribution falls from her lifeless hand and settles in the sand as any remaining foes flee into the murky depths. When the characters return to the surface with the rod, Three Earrings and her crew throw down rope ladders and bring them aboard. The captain of Wavechaser is conflicted. She asks for the Rod of Retribution straight away no matter what. However, depending on the characters’ actions, she might have formed a bond with them over their brief time together.   Three Earrings’s Resolve. - If any of the characters convinced Three Earrings not to think of them as pawns earlier in the adventure, she resolves to treat all the characters as friends now. She welcomes them back onto Wavechaser with a huge smile, then asks the adventurers to come with her to the pirate haven of Darktow. “There’s no use in being subtle about it,” she says with a shrug. “I need to fence this thing in order to get you your gold. No place to do that but in Darktow.”   If the characters refuse the offer, the tabaxi sadly accepts their decision—but she draws her cutlass and half-jokingly threatens to gut them if they ever betray her in future.   If the characters go with Three Earrings, she is true to her word. She even invites the party to join her as pirates on Wavechaser—and hints that they could earn the command of their own ship if they stick with her. From this point, your campaign can continue with the characters as pirates along the Menagerie Coast, or they could mutiny and try to take Wavechaser for themselves.   Three Earrings’s Treachery - If Three Earrings wasn’t convinced to value the adventurers as her friends, she demands that they give her the rod. If they don’t hand it over, she threatens to take it by force. If the characters continue to resist, Three Earrings and Wavechaser's Crew all fight them. If the characters are defeated, Three Earrings orders the crew to throw any survivors in the brig.   “They know too much now,” she growls bitterly. “The Plank King will know what to do with them.”   If the adventure ends this way, the characters are in a rough spot. Their next destination is a prison—and possibly an execution—in Darktow. They might have to join The Revelry, or try to escape their prison and stow away on a pirate ship. Or perhaps Moonbeam will return and intercept Wavechaser as it returns to Darktow. The choice is yours!  

Character Advancement

At the end of this adventure, the characters reach 3rd level. With this experience under their belts, they can set off on any number of possible adventures across the Menagerie Coast—or even leave this realm behind and travel to another part of Wildemount.   As the characters level up, you can ask the players where they want to adventure next, or ask what excites them most about adventuring on the Menagerie Coast. Use their responses and suggestions to plan your next adventure.
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