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H1. Ironlot Streets

The cloaked figures are five Kobold Underlings and Sken Zabriss. They begin at the western edge of map 5.5. Having just escaped from prison, Sken has no interest in fighting to the death. Instead, she attempts to push past any interlopers to reach the northeast edge of the map and escape the city. The kobolds, however, attack anyone they perceive as interfering with their escape, shouting “No witnesses!” If two of the kobold underlings are killed or two of the characters drop to 0 hit points, the remaining kobolds and Sken focus on escaping. Sken drops a fog cloud spell behind her, and all the NPCs use the Dash action to make their exit.  

Auby Shudderstone

If the characters convinced Auby the gnome to guide them through the city, they’ve inadvertently led him into a dangerous fray. Enemies attempt to strike him if he gets in their way, and the characters might need to decide between protecting their guide and focusing on the attackers.  

Exploding Kobolds

If any kobold underlings are reduced to 0 hit points during the fight, the characters have only 2 rounds to investigate and loot the corpse before the body begins to emit a high-pitched whine. If a kobold was reduced to 0 hit points by a critical hit, it explodes immediately (see the Messy End trait in the kobold underling’s stat block).   A character with a bladed weapon or thieves’ tools can attempt a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check to remove the acorn-sized explosive from a dead kobold’s body before it explodes (see the “Alchemical Items” sidebar). On a success, the character removes the explosive and has 1 round to dispose of it or disarm it. Throwing the explosive away from creatures and structures allows it to detonate safely. A character can also use tinker’s tools to try to disarm the explosive, which requires an action and a successful DC 12 Dexterity check.   A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check made to search a kobold reveals a deep-crimson mud staining its feet, plus a lead key hanging on a cord around its neck.   If the characters manage to subdue or capture any kobolds, their loyalty to Stahlmast is hard to break. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check begins to turn a captured kobold, but before it can reveal any information, crossbow bolts shot from the distant shadows (where more of Stahlmast’s loyal forces are watching) silences the would-be confessor.  


When the fight is done, numerous citizens and members of the Crownsguard respond to the commotion, followed by the Watchmaster Bram Gulchswattle (a lawful good, male gnome veteran). Bram wants to know who the characters are and what they saw. If the characters are hesitant to answer openly, the Watchmaster might take it as a sign of guilt, threatening to arrest them unless they speak plainly.   Bram might recognize the characters as adventurers by their actions in trying to stop the escaping criminals (if they did so), by their attire and equipment, or if they introduce themselves as such. Either way, he offers to hire them. He describes the runaway goliath as Sken Zabriss, a prisoner of war, but has no idea who the kobolds were. He offers a bounty of 500 gp to anyone who will hunt down and bring Sken back, as well as investigate who was responsible for breaking her out. Bram offers 250 gp up front. If the contract is accepted, he presents the characters with a copper-and-gold badge that indicates they are working under his authority. While the emblem is visible, all the characters have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to pry information from stubborn citizens of Hupperdook.  

Where To Go From Here?

The characters can travel across Lower Hupperdook to hunt down their quarry. If they ask Bram for guidance on where to look first, he points them in the direction of the smoking hole in the side of the mountain, at the site of Gearhole Prison.
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