

Snarl Firestarter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Homeland: Xhorhas (Kryn Dynasty)
Background: Urchin
Home Settlement: Urzin
Siblings:   Powerful Family Relationships: This family member loves you, but you were never that close. They'll do anything to help you - as long as they won't be at risk of injury or death. You gain one ally. (Commoner)   Rival: This person thinks that you were replaced by a doppelganger or possessed by a spirit or monster. They are now trying to defeat you, so as to find or free the original you. (Snarl)   Fateful Moments: You were caught in a terrible storm but miraculously survived. Now your dreams contain visions sent by a mysterious god or demigod. You have proficiency in the Arcana or Religion skill (your choice).   Mysterious Secret: I once saw an enormous figure walking through the clouds on a stormy night. at one point, they looked at me and kept walking.   Prophecy: I will steal a holy relic of the Kryn Dynasty (and hide it in my Genie Vessel!), making me a target for anyone who desires its power.   Backstory: Lucky is from a family of goblins who survive by scavenging the Dynasty wastes. One day there was a huge storm. Despite the danger and discomfort, it’s an ideal time to scavenge as things get churned up, revealing fresh discoveries. During the storm, Lucky saw an enormous figure walking through the clouds, who seemed to look right at him, before walking on. Shortly after, Lucky uncovered an interesting-looking small stoppered bottle. Later, showing off to other scavengers about his discovery, Lucky was dared to drink the contents of the bottle. Of course he did so, and was blessed with visions and magical powers. One of the other scavengers, Snarl Firestarter, witnessed this and is convinced that Lucky is possessed and in need of saving.

Intellectual Characteristics

Trait: I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my pockets Genie's Vessel.
Ideal: Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things. (Chaotic)
Bond: I owe my survival to another urchin who taught me to live on the streets.
Flaw: It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else.


Family Ties

The Djinni, Zusfakan, is his Patron.

Hero of Urzin, Champion of Merit and Sharkbait

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hero of Urzin, Champion of Merit.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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