Clovis Concord Organization in Exandria | World Anvil
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Clovis Concord

The Clovis Concord is a confederation of the city-states along the Menagerie Coast and settlements in the Swavain Islands.   Each Menagerie Coast city is ruled individually by a marquis who runs the merchant guilds of the city. The marquis of the cities work together to maintain consistent rule of law between all the cities.   Military   The Concord maintains 7,800 Shore Warden soldiers, a navy of 370 ships, and a police force of 5,200 Zhelezo.     Shore Wardens are the soldiers making up the bulk of the The Clovis Concord military. Shore Wardens are stationed across the coast while some can be found in forts throughout the Cyrios Mountains, stationed on the border between Western Wynandir and the Dwendalian Empire.   The Zhelezo employed by the Clovis Concord function as the town guard in the city of Nicodranas. Each of the other cities of the Concord also employ Zhelezo to keep the peace. Crownsguard from the Dwendalian Empire are allowed by the Concord to patrol Nicodranas. They technically have the authority to enforce Imperial law, but they have a very small presence.   Laws   Permits must be approved and purchased from a Compass Lodge installation to do business for more than 15 days in the cities of the Menagerie Coast. All religions are legal to practice in private, but public worship of Betrayer Gods is considered dangerous to public discourse and is strictly forbidden.   All who the Zhelezo deem to have broken the laws of the Clovis Concord are judged and sentenced by a local magistrate and are subject to punishments befitting their crimes. All fines and punishments for crimes aganst a Zhelezo official or a noble are doubled. All fines and punishments against a Clovis Concord official are tripled.   Theft: 3-10 days incarceration and/or fine of twice the worth stolen.   Public Worship of Betrayer Gods: 10 days incarceration and/or a fine of 300 gp.   Slavery: 6-12 months incarceration and/or a fine of 1000 gp.   Trespassing: 7 days incarceration and/or fine of 100 gp.   Tax Evasion: 3-15 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.   Damage to Private Property: 5-15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Damage to Concord Property: 30-60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.   Kidnapping: 30 days incarceration and/or fine of 500 gp.   Assault with Intent to Injure: 15 days incarceration and/or fine of 250 gp.   Assault with Intent to Kill: 170 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1000 gp.   Murder: 5-10 years incarceration and/or a fine of 5000 gp.
Geopolitical, City-state
Controlled Territories


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